Solr Search Engine Bundle for use with:
- eZ Platform (bundled out of the box as of 15.07 release)
- eZ Publish Platform 5.4.5 and higher (optional, but recommended for scaling search queries)
Scope for 1.0 version of this bundle is to be able to power close to any kind of queries eZ Publish Platform 5.x users are currently running agains the LegacySearch engine (aka SQL Search/Storage engine), both Content and Location Search. This search engine is also taking advantage of Solr's Full text capabilities for language analysis, and it's scalability.
1.1 and higher has dendencies on changes in eZ Platform, and thus 1.0.x is kept supported for eZ Publish 5.4 users.
Version 1.0-1.2 is tested and supported with Solr 4.10.4, 1.3 adds support for Solr 6 (tested with 6.4.2).
Other search features such as Faceting, Highlighting, .., not supported by the SQL search engine is planned for future versions. Some will be available by a simple composer patch update (0.0.z). For major (x.0.0) or minor (0.y.0) updates there will sometimes be a need to also re index your repository.
For how to install and configure see:
- eZ Platform:
- eZ Publish Platform 5.4.x:
For Contributing to this Bundle, you should make sure to run both unit and integration tests (from ezpublish-kernel repo).
Setup this repository locally
git clone [email protected]:ezsystems/ezplatform-solr-search-engine.git solr cd solr composer install
At this point you should be able to run unit tests:
php vendor/bin/phpunit --bootstrap tests/bootstrap.php
Get & extract Solr
One of the following:
Configure Solr (single core)
Note: See .travis.yml and bin/.travis/ for multi core setups
# Solr 4.10 cd solr-4.10.4/example mkdir -p multicore/collection1/conf cp -R <ezplatform-solr-search-engine>/lib/Resources/config/solr/* multicore/collection1/conf cp solr/collection1/conf/{currency.xml,stopwords.txt,synonyms.txt} multicore/collection1/conf ## Remove default cores configuration and add core configuration sed -i.bak 's/<core name=".*" instanceDir=".*" \/>//g' multicore/solr.xml sed -i.bak "s/<shardHandlerFactory/<core name=\"collection1\" instanceDir=\"collection1\" \/><shardHandlerFactory/g" multicore/solr.xml cp multicore/core0/conf/solrconfig.xml multicore/collection1/conf sed -i.bak s/core0/collection1/g multicore/collection1/conf/solrconfig.xml # Solr 6 cd solr-6 mkdir -p server/ez/template cp -R <ezplatform-solr-search-engine>/lib/Resources/config/solr/* server/ez/template cp server/solr/configsets/basic_configs/conf/{currency.xml,solrconfig.xml,stopwords.txt,synonyms.txt,elevate.xml} server/ez/template cp server/solr/solr.xml server/ez ## Modify solrconfig.xml to remove section that doesn't agree with our schema sed -i.bak '/<updateRequestProcessorChain name="add-unknown-fields-to-the-schema">/,/<\/updateRequestProcessorChain>/d' server/ez/template/solrconfig.xml
Note that Solr Bundle does not commit changes directly on repository updates, which can lead to issues of content not showing up in the index. You can control this by adjusting
(visibility of change to search index) andautoCommit
(hard commit, for durability and replication) values insolrconfig.xml
.Example of working
settings that you can use to tune for your needs, change from defaults is onautoSoftCommit
(disabled) to100
ms:<autoCommit> <maxTime>${solr.autoCommit.maxTime:15000}</maxTime> <openSearcher>false</openSearcher> </autoCommit> <autoSoftCommit> <maxTime>${solr.autoSoftCommit.maxTime:100}</maxTime> </autoSoftCommit>
Start Solr
# Solr 4.10 cd solr-4.10.4/example java -Djetty.port=8983 -Dsolr.solr.home=multicore -jar start.jar # Solr 6 cd solr-6 bin/solr -s ez ## You'll also need to add cores on Solr 6, this adds single core setup: bin/solr create_core -c collection1 -d server/ez/template
Run integration tests
export CORES_SETUP="single" php -d memory_limit=-1 vendor/bin/phpunit --bootstrap tests/bootstrap.php -vc vendor/ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel/phpunit-integration-legacy-solr.xml
Copyright eZ Systems AS, for copyright and license details see provided LICENSE file.