This package exposes cron/cron package for use in eZ Platform (or just plain Symfony) via a simle command
This is not a replacement for cron/cron-bundle but rather a simpler alternative to it which can more esaily grow into focusing more on eZ Platform needs in the future including e.g. support for handling cron jobs across a cluster install (separating jobs that should run on all nodes vs jobs that should only be run on one at a time and a lock system to go with it for instance).
Pick your systems cron / scheduling and setup ezplatform:cron:run
command to run every minute and optionally specifying category (default: default
Example for Linux crontab (crontab -e
* * * * * /path/to/php app/console ezplatform:cron:run [ --category=default] >/dev/null 2>&1
Setting up own cron jobs is as simple as tagging services for your existing Symfony Commands.
The tag takes the following arguments:
: Takes any kind of format supported by cron/cron, which mimics linux crontab format. E.g.* * * * *
: (Optional, by default:default
) Lets you separate cronjobs that should be run under different logic then default, e.g. infrequent jobs (NOTE: Means end user will need to setup several entries in his crontab to run all categories!)options
: (Optional, by default:''
) Takes custom option/s in string format which are added to the command. (E.g. '--keep=0 --status=draft' for running the cleanup versions command)
class: EzSystems\DateBasedPublisherBundle\Command\PublishScheduledCommand
- { name: console.command }
- { name: ezplatform.cron.job, schedule: '* * * * *' }
If you want to log outputs of commands processed by run command you have to add the monolog channel cronjob
to your configuration.
channels: [...,'cronjob']
bubble: false
level: info
type: stream
path: '%kernel.logs_dir%/cronjob.log'
channels: [cronjob]