ezplatform-admin-ui changes between v1.1.0-beta1 and v1.1.0-rc1
- EZP-28171: Behat Covering of Languages
- EZP-28170: Behat Covering of Roles (#349)
- EZP-28922: Design consistency for modals across the whole application (#390)
- EZP-28965: Modals Close button harmonization in AdminUI (#394)
- EZP-28931: Large values in Longitude of Map location (#387)
- EZP-28929: User is unable to add translation to Content item (#393)
- EZP-28874: Main Menu is not responsive under 992 pixels (#386)
- EZP-28859: Bad request after filling one coordinate from ezmaplocation (#396)
- EZP-28334: Problems with restoring from trash after removing structure of items (#391)
- EZP-28947: Filtered search inconsistencies (#397)
- EZP-28957: Cannot open draft conflict modal when two jQuery are loaded (#398)
- EZP-28941: OpenStreetMaps does not load over a secure HTTPS connection (#399)
- EZP-28932: Broken empty option design after selecting it from ezselection fieldtype (#395)
- EZP-28416: [MapLocation] Problem with Address field (#404)
- EZP-28954: Label is one line below checkbox/radiobutton (#400)