A rich client side application for interacting with the Adobe Analytics REST API, version 1.4.
- http://drjones.eyelock.net/ - minified version
- http://drjones-staging.eyelock.net/ - unminified version
- Node (Package Management) - https://nodejs.org/
- Bower (Package Management) - http://bower.io/
- jHipster (Skeleton of the app copied from jHipster, not the server side) - https://jhipster.github.io/
Which uses:
- Bootstrap - http://getbootstrap.com/
- Angular - https://angularjs.org/
- Angular Bootstrap - https://angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap/
See the "About" page of the application for the other techs used
- Install Git Client
- Install Node & Bower as per jHipster documentation for quickness http://jhipster.github.io/installation.html
- (Optional) Install Yeoman, then Angular Generators
- Clone this repository
- In the project directory, run
npm update
- In the project directory, run
bower update
(NB If you are asked about dependancies, choose the latest version of the library, this generally works :) ) - Execute
cp config/aws_s3.sample config/aws_s3.json
, add your S3 details if needed (not needed if running locally) - Execute
cp config/slack.sample config/slack.json
, add your Slack details if needed (not needed if running locally) - Import into your favourite IDE (I like Brackets: http://brackets.io/)
- Follow instructions at http://gruntjs.com/creating-plugins if you are creating one.
- If you want to install the existing grunt plugins, use
npm install ./grunt/grunt-taskregistry
to make it available.
- Run
grunt serve
in the project directory. - This will give you live reload in your browser (via a proxy server) that allows quicker client side development.
- Choose 'Operations > Login' and enter some credentials to log into the app.
- Run
grunt build
- A minified version of the application will be created in the
Some grunt plugins have been made to simplify some tasks within the project. Generally these need done before building the project.
Simple Grunt plugin to create the task-registry.json file from the predefined Tasks in the app/data/tasks
This means that the task-registry.json does not need to be manually managed.
It is not called on build, as there are times where you might not want to re-generate the task-registry.json
file during development.
This project deploys to Amazon S3 buckets. 2 buckets are required, one for staging, and one for production:
- Staging - gets unminified version of code for debug
- Production - gets minified version of application
Setting up requires creating a aws_s3.json file in the config/ directory. See aws_s3.sample for how it should be structured.
You can then deploy your local code via the following:
- downloads existing code to backup/staging;
- cleans the bucket (apart from bower_components);
- uploads the code in differential format
- builds the project using
grunt build
- downloads existing code to backup/production;
- cleans the bucket of all files
- uploads the code as new
- Runs
grunt deployStaging
- Runs
grunt deployProduction
See http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/WebsiteHosting.html
Sample Public Bucket Policy for read on everything:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "PublicReadGetObject", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": "*", "Action": "s3:GetObject", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::dmysuperduperbucketname/*" } ] }