Oh neat, that was easy.
This is an HTTP Bittorrent tracker with automatic port-forwarding to I2P, based on vvampirius/retracker. It is very minimal, memory safe, and doesn't really do much other than let people announce torrents, which is all it's supposed to do.
If you have a go environment set up, you can easily install it from source using
go get -u github.com/eyedeekay/samtracker/samtracker
Or, if you want to use a binary, you can download the tar.gz file:
wget https://github.com/eyedeekay/samtracker/releases/download/0.0.01/samtracker.tar.gz
mkdir tmp && cd tmp
tar xvf ../samtracker.tar.gz
sudo make install