This addon is a Spring MVC Portlet Sample. It is a demo application that manages contacts.
The following features are used in this sample :
- Spring MVC Portlet action and render mapping
- Dependency Injection (using @Inject)
- Form binding
- Form Validation (Hibernate Validator)
Prerequisite : install eXo Platform 4.0 Tomcat bundle (EXO_TOMCAT_ROOT_FOLDER will be used to designate the eXo Tomcat root folder).
You can install this sample by either :
- using the extension manager
- or building them with Maven and installing them manually
Prerequisite : install Maven 3
Clone the project with
git clone
cd sample-springmvc-portlet
Build it with
mvn clean package
Copy the extension binary with
cp portlet/target/sample-springmvc-portlet.war EXO_TOMCAT_ROOT_FOLDER/webapps
Start eXo with
- login in your eXo instance with an administrator (root for example)
- go to the application registry
- add the portlet sample in the application list
- add a new page or edit an existing page and add the portlet sample in that page
- save the page
Here are some screenshots :
- contacts list
- contact creation
- contact update with validation errors
Enjoy !