A simple client library to remotely access the exfm REST API
as per http://ex.fm/api.
$ pip install -e git+https://github.com/exfm/exfm-python-client.git#egg=exfm-python-client
>>> from exfm import ExfmClient
>>> exfm = ExfmClient()
All interactions with the exfm API are through methods of an instance of ExfmClient.
>>> jm = exfm.get_user('jm')
>>> from pprint import pprint # For pretty printing of returned data, just for this tutorial.
>>> pprint(jm)
{'status_code': 200,
'status_text': 'OK',
'user': {'background': {'color': '#FFFFFF',
'image': 'http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lp2mpfODpc1qazdhko1_500.gif',
'is_default': False,
'position': 'left top',
'repeat': 'repeat',
'use_image': True},
'bio': 'Software developer at exfm, composer, tabla player.',
'image': {'medium': 'http://images.extension.fm/avatar_medium_jm',
'original': 'http://images.extension.fm/avatar_orig_jm',
'small': 'http://images.extension.fm/avatar_small_jm'},
'import_feeds': [{'name': "jm's tumblr",
'type': 'tumblr',
'url': 'http://nikhilbanerjee.tumblr.com/api/read/json?type=audio&debug=1'},
{'name': "jm's tumblr",
'type': 'tumblr',
'url': 'http://nikhilbanerjee.tumblr.com/api/read/json?type=audio&debug=1'}],
'is_beta_tester': True,
'location': 'New York, NY',
'name': 'Jonathan Marmor',
'total_followers': 54,
'total_following': 97,
'total_loved': 682,
'username': 'jm',
'viewer_following': False,
'website': 'http://ex.fm'}}
All methods return a dictionary with the following top-level keys:
- status_code: The HTTP status code of the response. Anything other than 200 raises ExfmError.
- status_text: Always 'OK' for successful responses.
- user, users, song, songs, etc: The payload of the response, containing a dictionary representation of the object requested or a list of such objects.
The user profile object has some basic information about the user's profile page:
- background: Images, colors, and positioning of profile page background.
- bio: User-created biography.
- image: User-uploaded avatar.
- import_feeds: Automatically love songs that get posted on these sites. Currently restricted to connected Tumblr accounts.
- is_beta_tester: Flag if the user has permission to log in to exfm's next-generation awesomeness.
- name: The user's real name, as entered by the user.
- total_followers: The number of exfm users who are following this user.
- total_following: The number of exfm users this user is following.
- username: The user's exfm username.
- viewer_following: Flag the current viewer following this user. Not relevant for this client because there is no concept of a viewer.
- website: The user's website, as entered by the user.
>>> jm_loved = exfm.get_user_loved('jm')
{'results': 20,
'songs': [{'album': 'Good As I Been To You',
'aliases': [],
'artist': 'Bob Dylan',
'buy_link': None,
'id': '20szn',
'image': {'large': 'http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/252/6690423.jpg',
'medium': 'http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/126/6690423.jpg',
'small': 'http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/64/6690423.jpg'},
'last_loved': 'Fri Nov 04 23:10:42 +0000 2011',
'listened': None,
'loved_count': 1,
'metadata_state': 'complete',
'recent_loves': [],
'similar_artists': ['bob dylan and the band',
'neil young',
'woody guthrie',
'the band',
'van morrison & bob dylan'],
'sources': ['http://lolitainslacks.tumblr.com/post/3570403182',
'tags': ['folk rock',
'classic rock'],
'title': 'Jim Jones',
'trending_rank_today': 1782,
'url': 'http://www.tumblr.com/audio_file/3570403182/tumblr_lhcmiouLWH1qzyrxg?plead=please-dont-download-this-or-our-lawyers-wont-let-us-host-audio',
'user_love': {'client_id': 'exfm_api',
'comment': '',
'context': 'None',
'created_on': 'Fri Nov 04 23:10:42 +0000 2011',
'source': 'None',
'username': 'jm'},
'viewer_love': None},
'start': 0,
'status_code': 200,
'status_text': 'OK',
'total': 682}
Paginated responses have these additional keys:
- start: The index of the first record returned.
- results: The number of records returned in this response.
- total: The total number of records available to this method.
Song objects in exfm are really Song-URL objects -- each is a record for a specific URL of an mp3 on the web. For example, the first one returned by the call above is the song found at the URL:
which is an mp3 that was uploaded as part of this Tumblr blog post:
Exfm song objects have the following keys:
- title: The title of this song.
- artist: Artist name.
- album: Album name.
- buy_link: URL where you can and should buy the song.
- id: Exfm's ID for this song object. Use this to retrieve this exact record later.
- image: URLs of small, medium, and large images for the album this song is on.
- last_loved: Timestamp of the last time an exfm user loved this song.
- listened: Timestamp of the last time an exfm user listened to this song.
- loved_count: Number of exfm users who have loved this song.
- recent_loves: Details of recent love events. Steamy.
- similar_artists: List of artists that might be similar to the artist associated with this song.
- sources: URLs of the context in which this song was found.
- tags: List of keyword tags that might be descriptive of this song.
- trending_rank_today: Exfm's rank of how popular this song is on exfm today.
- url: The URL of the file.
- user_love: Details of the event when this user loved this song.
>>> jm_followers = exfm.get_user_followers('jm')
>>> jm_following = exfm.get_user_following('jm', start=12, results=3)
>>> jm_following_ids = get_user_following_ids('jm')
Methods with paginated responses accept start and results arguments to specify which records are returned. In the example above, jm_followers got the default records 0 through 19, jm_following got records 12, 13, and 14, and jm_following_ids got all the ids becuase that method is not paginated. See http://ex.fm/api for a list of paginated and not paginated methods.
See http://ex.fm/api for details of what each of these returns.
>>> exfm.get_user_feed_love('jm')
>>> exfm.get_user_activity('jm')
>>> exfm.get_user_activity_with_verb('jm' 'love')
>>> exfm.get_user_notifications('jm')
>>> exfm.get_song_search_results('machaut')
Search for multiple tags with a string containing asterisk-separated terms.
>>> exfm.get_explore(tag='rock*pop')
>>> exfm.get_song('20szn')
>>> exfm.get_song_graph('20szn')
>>> password = 'JMsReallySecretPassw0rd'
>>> song_id = '20szn'
>>> exfm.love_song('jm', password, song_id)
>>> exfm.unlove_song('jm', password, song_id)
All POSTs require that you provide an exfm username and the password for that user. Passwords are hashed by the client before being sent.
>>> url = 'http://www.awesometapes.com'
>>> exfm.get_loved_on_url(url)
>>> exfm.get_trending()
>>> exfm.get_sotd()
>>> exfm.get_motm()
>>> exfm.get_aotw()