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lint: add kebab-case checks (#274)
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This commit implements some stricter checks for the track-level
`config.json` file.

`configlet lint` now checks that every value of every below key is a
"kebab-case string":
- `slug`
- `exercises.concept[].slug`
- `exercises.concept[].concepts`
- `exercises.concept[].prerequisites`
- `exercises.practice[].slug`
- `exercises.practice[].practices`
- `exercises.practice[].prerequisites`
- `exercises.foregone`
- `concepts[].slug`

We define a "kebab-case string" as a string that matches the regular

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ee7 authored Apr 10, 2021
1 parent 909989b commit 615754b
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Showing 4 changed files with 141 additions and 17 deletions.
19 changes: 10 additions & 9 deletions src/lint/track_config.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,14 +74,14 @@ const
proc isValidConceptExercise(data: JsonNode; context: string; path: Path): bool =
if isObject(data, context, path):
let checks = [
hasString(data, "slug", path, context),
hasString(data, "slug", path, context, checkIsKebab = true),
hasString(data, "name", path, context),
hasString(data, "uuid", path, context),
hasBoolean(data, "deprecated", path, context, isRequired = false),
hasArrayOfStrings(data, "concepts", path, context,
allowedArrayLen =,
allowedArrayLen =, checkIsKebab = true),
hasArrayOfStrings(data, "prerequisites", path, context,
allowedArrayLen =,
allowedArrayLen =, checkIsKebab = true),
hasString(data, "status", path, context, isRequired = false,
allowed = statuses),
Expand All @@ -91,15 +91,15 @@ proc isValidPracticeExercise(data: JsonNode; context: string;
path: Path): bool =
if isObject(data, context, path):
let checks = [
hasString(data, "slug", path, context),
hasString(data, "slug", path, context, checkIsKebab = true),
hasString(data, "name", path, context),
hasString(data, "uuid", path, context),
hasBoolean(data, "deprecated", path, context, isRequired = false),
hasInteger(data, "difficulty", path, context, allowed = 0..10),
hasArrayOfStrings(data, "practices", path, context,
allowedArrayLen =,
allowedArrayLen =, checkIsKebab = true),
hasArrayOfStrings(data, "prerequisites", path, context,
allowedArrayLen =,
allowedArrayLen =, checkIsKebab = true),
hasString(data, "status", path, context, isRequired = false,
allowed = statuses),
Expand All @@ -114,15 +114,16 @@ proc hasValidExercises(data: JsonNode; path: Path): bool =
allowedLength =,
hasArrayOf(exercises, "practice", path, isValidPracticeExercise, k,
allowedLength =,
hasArrayOfStrings(exercises, "foregone", path, k, isRequired = false),
hasArrayOfStrings(exercises, "foregone", path, k, isRequired = false,
checkIsKebab = true),
result = allTrue(checks)

proc isValidConcept(data: JsonNode; context: string; path: Path): bool =
if isObject(data, context, path):
let checks = [
hasString(data, "uuid", path, context),
hasString(data, "slug", path, context),
hasString(data, "slug", path, context, checkIsKebab = true),
hasString(data, "name", path, context),
result = allTrue(checks)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ proc isValidTrackConfig(data: JsonNode; path: Path): bool =
if isObject(data, "", path):
let checks = [
hasString(data, "language", path),
hasString(data, "slug", path),
hasString(data, "slug", path, checkIsKebab = true),
hasBoolean(data, "active", path),
hasString(data, "blurb", path, maxLen = 400),
hasInteger(data, "version", path, allowed = 3..3),
Expand Down
68 changes: 60 additions & 8 deletions src/lint/validators.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import std/[json, os, sets, streams, strformat, strutils, unicode]
import std/[json, os, parseutils, sets, streams, strformat, strutils, unicode]
import ".."/helpers

func allTrue*(bools: openArray[bool]): bool =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,9 +75,47 @@ proc isUrlLike(s: string): bool =
emptySetOfStrings = initHashSet[string](0)

func isKebabCase*(s: string): bool =
## Returns true if `s` is a kebab-case string. By our definition, `s` must:
## - Have a non-zero length
## - Start and end with a character in `[a-z0-9]`
## - Consist only of characters in `[a-z0-9-]`
## - Not contain consecutive `-` characters
## This is equivalent to matching the below regular expression:
## `^[a-z0-9]+(?:-[a-z0-9]+)*$`.
## However, this func's implementation is faster than one that uses
## `re.match`, and doesn't add a PCRE dependency.
assert isKebabCase("hello")
assert isKebabCase("hello-world")
assert isKebabCase("123") # Can contain only digits.
assert not isKebabCase("") # Cannot be the empty string.
assert not isKebabCase("hello world") # Cannot contain a space.
assert not isKebabCase("hello_world") # Cannot contain an underscore.
assert not isKebabCase("helloWorld") # Cannot contain an uppercase letter.
assert not isKebabCase("hello--world") # Cannot contain consecutive dashes.
assert not isKebabCase("hello!") # Cannot contain a special character.

const lowerAndDigits = {'a'..'z', '0'..'9'}
let sLen = s.len
var i = 0
while i < sLen:
if s[i] == '-':
return false
i += s.skipWhile(lowerAndDigits, start = i)
if i == sLen:
return true
elif s[i] == '-':
inc i
return false

proc isString*(data: JsonNode; key: string; path: Path; context: string;
isRequired = true; allowed = emptySetOfStrings;
checkIsUrlLike = false; maxLen = int.high;
checkIsUrlLike = false; maxLen = int.high; checkIsKebab = false;
isInArray = false): bool =
result = true
case data.kind
Expand All @@ -101,6 +139,16 @@ proc isString*(data: JsonNode; key: string; path: Path; context: string;
result.setFalseAndPrint(&"Not a valid URL: {q s}", path)
elif s.len > 0:
if not isEmptyOrWhitespace(s):
if checkIsKebab:
if not isKebabCase(s):
let msg =
if isInArray:
&"The {format(context, key)} array contains {q s}, but every " &
"value must be lowercase and kebab-case"
&"The {format(context, key)} value is {q s}, but it must be " &
"a lowercase and kebab-case string"
result.setFalseAndPrint(msg, path)
if not hasValidRuneLength(s, key, path, context, maxLen):
result = false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,10 +179,11 @@ proc isString*(data: JsonNode; key: string; path: Path; context: string;

proc hasString*(data: JsonNode; key: string; path: Path; context = "";
isRequired = true; allowed = emptySetOfStrings;
checkIsUrlLike = false; maxLen = int.high): bool =
checkIsUrlLike = false; maxLen = int.high;
checkIsKebab = false): bool =
if data.hasKey(key, path, context, isRequired):
result = isString(data[key], key, path, context, isRequired, allowed,
checkIsUrlLike, maxLen)
checkIsUrlLike, maxLen, checkIsKebab = checkIsKebab)
elif not isRequired:
result = true

Expand All @@ -143,7 +192,8 @@ proc isArrayOfStrings*(data: JsonNode;
path: Path;
isRequired = true;
allowed: HashSet[string];
allowedArrayLen: Slice): bool =
allowedArrayLen: Slice;
checkIsKebab: bool): bool =
## Returns true in any of these cases:
## - `data` is a `JArray` with length in `allowedArrayLen` that contains only
## non-empty, non-blank strings.
Expand All @@ -157,7 +207,7 @@ proc isArrayOfStrings*(data: JsonNode;
if arrayLen in allowedArrayLen:
for item in data:
if not isString(item, context, path, "", isRequired, allowed,
isInArray = true):
checkIsKebab = checkIsKebab, isInArray = true):
result = false
let msgStart = &"The {q context} array has length {arrayLen}, " &
Expand All @@ -184,14 +234,16 @@ proc hasArrayOfStrings*(data: JsonNode;
context = "";
isRequired = true;
allowed = emptySetOfStrings;
allowedArrayLen = bool =
allowedArrayLen =;
checkIsKebab = false): bool =
## Returns true in any of these cases:
## - `isArrayOfStrings` returns true for `data[key]`.
## - `data` lacks the key `key` and `isRequired` is false.
if data.hasKey(key, path, context, isRequired):
let contextAndKey = joinWithDot(context, key)
result = isArrayOfStrings(data[key], contextAndKey, path, isRequired,
allowed, allowedArrayLen)
allowed, allowedArrayLen,
checkIsKebab = checkIsKebab)
elif not isRequired:
result = true

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions tests/all_tests.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import "."/[
70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions tests/test_lint.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
import std/unittest
import "."/[lint/validators]

proc main =
suite "isKebabCase":
test "invalid kebab-case strings":
# Some short, invalid strings
not isKebabCase("")
not isKebabCase(" ")
not isKebabCase("-")
not isKebabCase("_")
not isKebabCase("--")
not isKebabCase("---")
not isKebabCase("a ")
not isKebabCase(" a")
not isKebabCase("a-")
not isKebabCase("-a")
not isKebabCase("--a")
not isKebabCase("a--")
not isKebabCase("-a-")
not isKebabCase("a--b")
# Containing character not in [a-z0-9]
not isKebabCase("&")
not isKebabCase("&str")
not isKebabCase("hello!")
# Invalid dash usage
not isKebabCase("hello-world-")
not isKebabCase("-hello-world")
not isKebabCase("-hello-world-")
not isKebabCase("hello--world")
not isKebabCase("hello---world")
# Invalid separator: space
not isKebabCase("hello world")
not isKebabCase("hello World")
not isKebabCase("Hello world")
not isKebabCase("Hello World")
not isKebabCase("HELLO WORLD")
# Invalid separator: underscore
not isKebabCase("hello_world")
not isKebabCase("hello_World")
not isKebabCase("Hello_world")
not isKebabCase("Hello_World")
not isKebabCase("HELLO_WORLD")
# Containing uppercase, with dash
not isKebabCase("hello-World")
not isKebabCase("Hello-world")
not isKebabCase("Hello-World")
not isKebabCase("HELLO-WORLD")
# Containing uppercase, with no separator
not isKebabCase("helloWorld")
not isKebabCase("Helloworld")
not isKebabCase("HelloWorld")
not isKebabCase("HELLOWORLD")

test "valid kebab-case strings":


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