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Pull in dependencies with gobble.


First, you need to have gobble installed - see the gobble readme for details. It also expects to be used with es6 modules, so esperanto, which also has gobble plugins, comes in handy.

Once you have gobble installed, it will take care of installing any referenced plugins, including the giblets plugin, for you.


giblets expects to be run against a directory with a giblets.json file at the root. For now, it's recommended that you have a giblets directory in the root of your project. Then, you can add something like this to your gobblefile:

var libs = gobble('giblets').transform('giblets');


  • environment - alias env - defaults to 'development' - which environment key to use in the configuration
  • adapt - defaults to true - automatically turn typed dependencies into es6-style modules
  • cacheDir - defaults to process.cwd() + '/.giblets' - the cache directory for downloaded files


The giblets.json file expects to have top-level keys for the environment (development, production, etc). Each environment object is expected to have keys for different providers. The only provider currently supported is giblethub, which is a sort of special form of GitHub reference. Within the provider, provider specific dependencies are specified.


The giblethub provider makes use of the .giblets cache in the root of your project, where files are cached under their dependency name, version, and relative path. Once the files for a dependency version are cached, the cached versions will be used until they are manually deleted. If a file is requested that is not currently cached, it will be downloaded from the target repo using a url and cached. giblet.json files are also stored in the cache.

giblethub should be an array of objects and/or strings.


  • target repo - e.g. "ractivejs/ractive") The repo may also specify a path for a specific part of the repo e.g. "some-magical/bootstrapthing/pieces/autocomplete" refers to the some-magical/bootstrapthing repo under the pieces/autocomplete directory.
  • version - the tag to pull from e.g. "edge" or "0.6.1"
  • name - the name of the dependency, which defaults to the repo name
  • type - what sort of module system the scripts use e.g. "cjs" for CommonJS or "umd" for UMD This is optional, and if left unspecified, the files will not be modified to use es6 modules.
  • scripts - an array of filenames or objects with file and target keys, where file is the name of the file in the repo and target is the name of the file locally. Using target to rename a file is handy for things like Ractive where the deployed script name is ractive.js, but you may want to rename it to index.js to reference it using
    import Ractive from 'ractive';
    // rather than
    import Ractive from 'ractive/ractive';
    scripts will also be adjusted to use es6 modules if the dependency has a type specified.
  • styles - an array of filenames to retrieve
  • files - an array of filenames to retrieve
  • fonts - an array of fonts to retrieve
  • adapt - overrides the transform option

If there are no files, scripts, or styles specified, then giblets will look for a giblet.json in the repo for the details. If that's available already though, you may want to just go string-style.


If the repo you're targeting already supports giblets (not likely), then you can simply reference it with "user/repo/path@version" and giblets will pull the giblet.json and handle everything else from there. path is optional, as with object-style descriptors, but can be handy for libraries that have lots of independant related components.


giblets has very basic support for components. The component key for an environment should be provided in roughly the same way as the dependencies key in a component.json file. Semver versions are not supported at this time, so you have to specify an explicit version. Component dependencies are also not supported at this time, so you will have to add all of your dependencies dependencies to your giblet.json manually.

Components will automatically be processed to convert their requires into ES6 import statements. The main module will also be moved to index.js if it is something else, so that the component can be imported as import component from 'component'.

Sample Configuration

  "development": {
    "giblethub": [
      { "repo": "ractivejs/ractive", "version": "edge", "scripts": [ { "file": "ractive.js", "target": "index.js" } ], "type": "umd" },
      { "repo": "yahoo/pure/src", "version": "v0.5.0", "styles": [ "base/css/base.css", "grids/css/grids-core.css" ] },
      "some-magical/bootstrapthing/pieces/[email protected]"
    "component": {
      "": ""


If this project is useful/successful, here some things that it will probably be adjusted to handle:

  • better module adapting and switch to preferring es6 modules by default
  • better component support
  • dependency dependents
  • resolution of version numbers using semver
  • perhaps some sort of npm provider, to behave like a browserify that doesn't hate non-script files
  • other providers
  • style/asset processing of some sort? gobble may already have this covered see gobble-concat-css


Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Chris Reeves. Released under an MIT license.


Dependency fetching for gobble







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