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Static resources for the Euphorie project

This repository contains static resources for the Euphorie project.

Updating the package

In order to properly update the package, you will need some development tools to be installed, i.e:

  • git
  • make
  • rsync
  • Ruby

Optionally, you can install gitman to manage the checkouts.

Updating the site is a three-step process.

  1. you need to fetch a fresh clone of the Euphorie prototype.
  2. you need to compile the resources.
  3. you need to install the resources in the Euphorie package.

This can be done by running the following command:

make all


make help

to see all available commands and fine tune the build experience.

Fetching a fresh clone of the Euphorie prototype

To update the repository, run the command:

make update-proto

The clone will be placed in the var/prototype directory.

Running make all will take care of running this command for you.

Compiling the resources

The resources are compiled using the static site generator Jekyll. The compiled site can be found in the var/prototype/_site directory.

To compile the resources, run the command:

make jekyll

This command will also clone (but not update) the Euphorie prototype if it is not already present.

Running make all will take care of running this command for you.

Installing the resources in the Euphorie package

The compiled prototype in var/prototype/_site needs to be copied in this package. Only selected resources will be copied and they will end up in the src/plonestatic/euphorie/resources directory.

The resources directory will be served by Plone as a static resource folder under the path ++resource++euphorie.resource.

While doing the copy, some references to the other resources in CSS and HTML files have to be rewritten to adjust to the new location, e.g. /assets/... will be rewritten to /++resource++euphorie.resource/assets/....

The command to install the resources is:

make resources-install

Running make all will take care of running this command for you.


Static resources for the Euphorie project






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