A Minimal Helm Chart to visualize current energy generation in Germany and the corresponding carbon footprint if you use engery NOW.
A Python Flask app origin described in CaaS Carbon Footprint which fetch data from https://transparency.entsoe.eu/. No ServiceMonitor installed here.
A plain prometheus-server without any CRD requirements, scrape only data from the Entsoe Collector.
Grafana installed from the origin Helm Chart. Includes the Carbon Footprint Dashboard. Beware of the non static datasource address. This must be the prometheus service endpoint. Look for SETME: service address prometheus server
Additionally an Ingress can configured to expose Grafana.
cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: letsencrypt
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: traefik
traefik.backend.loadbalancer.sticky: "true"
traefik.frontend.passHostHeader: "true"
traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/frontend-entry-points: http,https
traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/redirect-entry-point: https
enabled: true
- carbon.example.com
- secretName: carbon-example-com
- carbon.example.com
Note: Anonymous access will be allowed per default
For Android install Grafana View, add a new profile by a given name and the Ingress address to check the carbon emmission quickly.
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
entsoe.enabled |
bool | true |
entsoe.end |
int | 0 |
entsoe.image.pullPolicy |
string | "Always" |
entsoe.image.repository |
string | "mtr.devops.telekom.de/caas/entsoe" |
entsoe.image.tag |
string | "0.0.5" |
entsoe.podSecurityContext.fsGroup |
int | 1000 |
entsoe.podSecurityContext.supplementalGroups[0] |
int | 1000 |
entsoe.proxy.enabled |
bool | false |
entsoe.resources.limits.cpu |
string | "200m" |
entsoe.resources.limits.memory |
string | "256Mi" |
entsoe.resources.requests.cpu |
string | "100m" |
entsoe.resources.requests.memory |
string | "128Mi" |
entsoe.securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation |
bool | false |
entsoe.securityContext.capabilities.drop[0] |
string | "ALL" |
entsoe.securityContext.privileged |
bool | false |
entsoe.securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem |
bool | true |
entsoe.securityContext.runAsGroup |
int | 1000 |
entsoe.securityContext.runAsUser |
int | 1000 |
entsoe.start |
int | 1 |
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
prometheus.alertmanager.enabled |
bool | false |
prometheus.configmapReload.prometheus.image.repository |
string | "mtr.devops.telekom.de/kubeprometheusstack/prometheus-config-reloader" |
prometheus.configmapReload.prometheus.image.tag |
string | "v0.67.0" |
prometheus.image.repository |
string | "mtr.devops.telekom.de/kubeprometheusstack/prometheus" |
prometheus.kube-state-metrics.enabled |
bool | false |
prometheus.prometheus-node-exporter.enabled |
bool | false |
prometheus.prometheus-pushgateway.enabled |
bool | false |
prometheus.releaseNamespace |
bool | true |
prometheus.serverFiles."prometheus.yml".scrape_configs[0].job_name |
string | "entsoe-carbon-footprint" |
prometheus.serverFiles."prometheus.yml".scrape_configs[0].metrics_path |
string | "/metrics" |
prometheus.serverFiles."prometheus.yml".scrape_configs[0].scrape_interval |
string | "2m" |
prometheus.serverFiles."prometheus.yml".scrape_configs[0].scrape_timeout |
string | "30s" |
prometheus.serverFiles."prometheus.yml".scrape_configs[0].static_configs[0].targets[0] |
string | "entsoe-carbon-footprint:80" |
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
grafana."grafana.ini"."auth.anonymous".enabled |
bool | true |
grafana."grafana.ini"."auth.anonymous".org_role |
string | "Viewer" |
grafana."grafana.ini".analytics.check_for_updates |
bool | false |
grafana."grafana.ini".auth.disable_login_form |
bool | false |
grafana."grafana.ini".users.auto_assign_org_role |
string | "Viewer" |
grafana.adminPassword |
string | "prom-operator" |
grafana.dashboardProviders."dashboardproviders.yaml".apiVersion |
int | 1 |
grafana.dashboardProviders."dashboardproviders.yaml".providers[0].disableDeletion |
bool | false |
grafana.dashboardProviders."dashboardproviders.yaml".providers[0].editable |
bool | true |
grafana.dashboardProviders."dashboardproviders.yaml".providers[0].folder |
string | "" |
grafana.dashboardProviders."dashboardproviders.yaml".providers[0].name |
string | "default" |
grafana.dashboardProviders."dashboardproviders.yaml".providers[0].options.path |
string | "/var/lib/grafana/dashboards/default" |
grafana.dashboardProviders."dashboardproviders.yaml".providers[0].orgId |
int | 1 |
grafana.dashboardProviders."dashboardproviders.yaml".providers[0].type |
string | "file" |
grafana.dashboardsConfigMaps.default |
string | "carbon-dashboards" |
grafana.datasources."datasources.yaml".apiVersion |
int | 1 |
grafana.datasources."datasources.yaml".datasources[0].access |
string | "proxy" |
grafana.datasources."datasources.yaml".datasources[0].isDefault |
bool | true |
grafana.datasources."datasources.yaml".datasources[0].name |
string | "Prometheus" |
grafana.datasources."datasources.yaml".datasources[0].type |
string | "prometheus" |
grafana.datasources."datasources.yaml".datasources[0].url |
string | "http://carbon-prometheus-server" |
grafana.image.registry |
string | "mtr.devops.telekom.de" |
grafana.image.repository |
string | "kubeprometheusstack/grafana" |
grafana.initChownData.enabled |
bool | false |
grafana.persistence.inMemory.enabled |
bool | true |
grafana.rbac.namespaced |
bool | true |
grafana.testFramework.enabled |
bool | false |
Frank Kloeker [email protected]
Life is for sharing. If you have an issue with the code or want to improve it, feel free to open an issue or an pull request.