Bash script converting AdBlock Plus rules and Adguard filters into privoxy format.
Forked from original script written by Andrwe Lord Weber. Updated by vvn to include Adguard filters and some other functions.
Copy privoxy-blocklist.sh and blocklist.conf into your privoxy config directory.
Default location for config on Linux is /etc/privoxy and on OSX is /usr/local/etc/privoxy.
Edit blocklist.conf and the top few lines of privoxy-blocklist.sh to your own setup. Make sure that all paths exist and are accessible, and user/group settings are correct.
Execute commands in terminal from within privoxy config directory:
chmod +x privoxy-blocklist.sh
sudo ./privoxy-blocklist.sh
You can keep the adblock filters updated automatically by creating a crontab to run the script as often as you prefer.