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zoep committed Nov 22, 2023
1 parent eb89f82 commit f4a4b6e
Showing 1 changed file with 186 additions and 0 deletions.
186 changes: 186 additions & 0 deletions src/Act/HEVM_utils.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

module Act.HEVM_utils where

import Prelude hiding (GT, LT)

import Data.Containers.ListUtils (nubOrd)
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST (stToIO, ST)
import Control.Monad.Reader

import Act.Syntax.Annotated
import Act.Syntax.Untyped (makeIface)

import qualified EVM.Types as EVM
import EVM.Expr hiding (op2, inRange)
import EVM.SymExec hiding (EquivResult, isPartial, abstractVM, loadSymVM)
import EVM.Solvers
import qualified EVM.Format as Format
import qualified EVM.Fetch as Fetch
import qualified EVM as EVM
import EVM.FeeSchedule (feeSchedule)
import EVM.Effects

-- TODO move this to HEVM
type Calldata = (EVM.Expr EVM.Buf, [EVM.Prop])
-- Create a calldata that matches the interface of a certain behaviour
-- or constructor. Use an abstract txdata buffer as the base.

showMsg :: App m => String -> m ()
showMsg s = liftIO $ putStrLn s

defaultActConfig :: Config
defaultActConfig = Config
{ dumpQueries = False
, dumpExprs = False
, dumpEndStates = False
, debug = False
, abstRefineArith = True
, abstRefineMem = False
, dumpTrace = False

debugActConfig :: Config
debugActConfig = defaultActConfig { dumpQueries = True, dumpExprs = True, dumpEndStates = True, debug = True }

makeCalldata :: Interface -> Calldata
makeCalldata iface@(Interface _ decls) =
mkArg :: Decl -> CalldataFragment
mkArg (Decl typ x) = symAbiArg (T.pack x) typ
makeSig = T.pack $ makeIface iface
calldatas = fmap mkArg decls
(cdBuf, _) = combineFragments calldatas (EVM.ConcreteBuf "")
withSelector = writeSelector cdBuf makeSig
= (bufLength withSelector EVM..>= cdLen calldatas)
EVM..&& (bufLength withSelector EVM..< (EVM.Lit (2 ^ (64 :: Integer))))
in (withSelector, [sizeConstraints])

makeCtrCalldata :: Interface -> Calldata
makeCtrCalldata (Interface _ decls) =
mkArg :: Decl -> CalldataFragment
mkArg (Decl typ x) = symAbiArg (T.pack x) typ
calldatas = fmap mkArg decls
-- We need to use a concrete buf as a base here because hevm bails when trying to execute with an abstract buf
-- This is because hevm ends up trying to execute a codecopy with a symbolic size, which is unsupported atm
-- This is probably unsound, but theres not a lot we can do about it at the moment...
(cdBuf, props) = combineFragments' calldatas 0 (EVM.ConcreteBuf "")
in (cdBuf, props)

-- TODO move to HEVM
combineFragments' :: [CalldataFragment] -> EVM.W256 -> EVM.Expr EVM.Buf -> (EVM.Expr EVM.Buf, [EVM.Prop])
combineFragments' fragments start base = go (EVM.Lit start) fragments (base, [])
go :: EVM.Expr EVM.EWord -> [CalldataFragment] -> (EVM.Expr EVM.Buf, [EVM.Prop]) -> (EVM.Expr EVM.Buf, [EVM.Prop])
go _ [] acc = acc
go idx (f:rest) (buf, ps) =
case f of
St p w -> go (add idx (EVM.Lit 32)) rest (writeWord idx w buf, p <> ps)
s -> error $ "unsupported cd fragment: " <> show s

checkPartial :: App m => [EVM.Expr EVM.End] -> m ()
checkPartial nodes =
if (any isPartial nodes) then do
showMsg ""
showMsg "WARNING: hevm was only able to partially explore the given contract due to the following issues:"
showMsg ""
showMsg . T.unpack . T.unlines . fmap (Format.indent 2 . ("- " <>)) . fmap Format.formatPartial . nubOrd $ (getPartials nodes)
else pure ()

-- | decompiles the given EVM bytecode into a list of Expr branches
getRuntimeBranches :: App m => SolverGroup -> [(EVM.Expr EVM.EAddr, EVM.Contract)] -> Calldata -> m [EVM.Expr EVM.End]
getRuntimeBranches solvers contracts calldata = do
prestate <- liftIO $ stToIO $ abstractVM contracts calldata
expr <- interpret ( solvers Nothing) Nothing 1 StackBased prestate runExpr
let simpl = if True then (simplify expr) else expr
let nodes = flattenExpr simpl
checkPartial nodes
pure nodes

-- | decompiles the given EVM initcode into a list of Expr branches
getInitcodeBranches :: App m => SolverGroup -> BS.ByteString -> Calldata -> m [EVM.Expr EVM.End]
getInitcodeBranches solvers initcode calldata = do
initVM <- liftIO $ stToIO $ abstractInitVM initcode calldata
expr <- interpret ( solvers Nothing) Nothing 1 StackBased initVM runExpr
let simpl = if True then (simplify expr) else expr
let nodes = flattenExpr simpl
checkPartial nodes
pure nodes

abstractInitVM :: BS.ByteString -> (EVM.Expr EVM.Buf, [EVM.Prop]) -> ST s (EVM.VM s)
abstractInitVM contractCode cd = do
let value = EVM.TxValue
let code = EVM.InitCode contractCode (fst cd)
loadSymVM (EVM.SymAddr "entrypoint", EVM.initialContract code) [] value cd True

abstractVM :: [(EVM.Expr EVM.EAddr, EVM.Contract)] -> (EVM.Expr EVM.Buf, [EVM.Prop]) -> ST s (EVM.VM s)
abstractVM contracts cd = do
let value = EVM.TxValue
let (c, cs) = findInitContract
loadSymVM c cs value cd False

findInitContract :: ((EVM.Expr 'EVM.EAddr, EVM.Contract), [(EVM.Expr 'EVM.EAddr, EVM.Contract)])
findInitContract =
case partition (\(a, _) -> a == EVM.SymAddr "entrypoint") contracts of
([c], cs) -> (c, cs)
_ -> error $ "Internal error: address entrypoint expected exactly once " <> show contracts

:: (EVM.Expr EVM.EAddr, EVM.Contract)
-> [(EVM.Expr EVM.EAddr, EVM.Contract)]
-> EVM.Expr EVM.EWord
-> (EVM.Expr EVM.Buf, [EVM.Prop])
-> Bool
-> ST s (EVM.VM s)
loadSymVM (entryaddr, entrycontract) othercontracts callvalue cd create =
(EVM.makeVm $ EVM.VMOpts
{ contract = entrycontract
, otherContracts = othercontracts
, calldata = cd
, value = callvalue
, baseState = EVM.AbstractBase
, address = entryaddr
, caller = EVM.SymAddr "caller"
, origin = EVM.SymAddr "origin"
, coinbase = EVM.SymAddr "coinbase"
, number = 0
, timestamp = EVM.Lit 0
, blockGaslimit = 0
, gasprice = 0
, prevRandao = 42069
, gas = 0xffffffffffffffff
, gaslimit = 0xffffffffffffffff
, baseFee = 0
, priorityFee = 0
, maxCodeSize = 0xffffffff
, schedule = feeSchedule
, chainId = 1
, create = create
, txAccessList = mempty
, allowFFI = False

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