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--These are my dotfiles as of now, they will be updated and fixed but here is what ive got right now. This is my first time using a tiling window manager so I am no expert.


As of now, the programs I customize in my dotfiles are:

alacritty - terminal  
dunst - notifications  
i3 - tiling window manager  
lf - terminal based file browser  
picom - compositor  (picom-ibhagwan-git) from the aur for blur
polybar - status bar  
zsh - shell (with ohmyzsh, and powerlevel10k)  
.Xresources - customize rofi (place in home directory)  

Installation - Easy Way

The easiest way to use my dotfiles is using stow.
git clone - to your home folder
cd .dotfiles
Per each config you would like to copy:
stow --adopt -nvSt ~ *programfolder*
If the directory exists, delete your current config folder (or move/rename)
stow --adopt -vSt ~ *programfolder*

stow --adopt -nvSt ~ *alacritty*
rm -rf ~/.config/alacritty
stow --adopt -vSt ~ *alacritty*

I would HIGHLY recommend going one program at a time to ensure nothing goes wrong.

Installation - Hard Way

The hard way, is to manually move each config folder into your desired directory, all but ".zshrc" and ".Xresources" go into the .config folder.


Unzip the "" and place them in your home directory.
You should edit each script to ensure they are compatible with you (not me).
Make sure they are executable

What do they do?

hide polybar when fullscreen
tile in a spiral pattern
autoscript $NAME creates an executable .sh script in the scrips directory
updates pacman and removes orphaned packages from polybar
connects to ssh server from polybar
open timeshift from polybar


Within the ~/.config/i3/config, you should change the feh path, to match your wallpaper.
Within the ~/.config/polybar/config, add and remove modules if you would like. the font "font-awesome" is required to use the icons at the top of the screen.
Picom blur has been switched from Gaussian, to kawase for performance.

By default, the i3 mod key is alt.
The power menu is an internal module of polybar, however, I have not gotten it to work for myself (good luck).
If you have any questions, DM me on twitter @ethannij.

Rofi window menu now functions with alt+tab
Rofi drun menu is alt+space


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