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Azure Functions Flex Consumption - Migration Guide

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 GitHub commit activity

A guide to migrate to Azure Functions Flex Consumption plan hosting. Contains specific steps for secure, identity based, C# Functions with VNet integration. With continuous deployment via Azure DevOps.

A fully working Bicep sample is available at Azure Functions Flex Consumption Samples.

Generic settings

Many app settings and properties are moved to a different place in an Flex Consumption plan or simply depreciated entirely, for a complete overview, see Flex Consumption plan deprecations.

A big change is the introduction of the properties.functionAppConfig element in Microsoft.Web/sites, available from versions @2023-12-01 and up.

Of course, the most obvious change is the SKU, on Microsoft.Web/serverfarms@2023-12-01, the kind and sku will look like this:

kind: 'functionapp'
sku: {
    tier: 'FlexConsumption'
    name: 'FC1'

If coming from a premium plan, make sure to remove most properties from the serverfarms resource, you will end up with just this simple configuration:

properties: { 
    reserved: true

Scaling settings

Scaling now is set on the sites resource, instead of the serverfarms resource, it might look like this inside the properties element:

param maximumInstanceCount int = 100
@allowed([2048, 4096])
param instanceMemoryMB int = 2048


functionAppConfig: {
    scaleAndConcurrency: {
        maximumInstanceCount: maximumInstanceCount
        instanceMemoryMB: instanceMemoryMB

C# app properties

To specify C# properties;

  • change app setting FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME_VERSION=8.0 to resource setting properties.functionAppConfig.runtime.version=8.0.
  • change app setting FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME=dotnet-isolated to resource setting
  • delete properties.siteConfig.netFrameworkVersion=v8.0
  • if on an old linux plan; delete properties.siteConfig.LinuxFxVersion=DOTNET-ISOLATED|8.0.
  • if on an old windows plan; delete properties.siteConfig.windowsFxVersion=DOTNET-ISOLATED|8.0.

Identity-based backend connections

If coming from an identity-based connection for AzureWebJobsStorage (host), this still works with identities, but requires a different setup:

  • delete app setting AzureWebJobsStorage__blobServiceUri
  • delete app setting AzureWebJobsStorage__queueServiceUri
  • delete app setting AzureWebJobsStorage__tableServiceUri
  • add app setting AzureWebJobsStorage__accountName and point to the storage account name of the backend storage.
  • add authentication.type property on the deployment element, as specified under Deployment, this will make sure the connection to the backend uses a managed identity.

Network behavior

If using VNet integration:

  • remove the WEBSITE_VNET_ROUTE_ALL app setting
  • remove properties.vnetImagePullEnabled
  • remove properties.vnetRouteAllEnabled
  • remove properties.vnetContentShareEnabled
  • remove properties.vnetBackupRestoreEnabled
  • remove the Microsoft.Web/sites/networkConfig resource entirely, it might have looked like this:
resource networkConfig 'Microsoft.Web/sites/networkConfig@2023-01-01' = {
  parent: functionApp
  name: 'virtualNetwork'
  properties: {
    subnetResourceId: appServicePlanSubnetId
    swiftSupported: true
  • add properties.virtualNetworkSubnetId=appServicePlanSubnetId to Microsoft.Web/sites
  • change delegation of the subnet, so for the resource Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets; used to be Microsoft.Web/serverFarms, now it is Microsoft.App/environments.
  • register the Microsoft.App resource provider on subscription level.

VNet-based backend connections

If coming from a secure VNet integrated connection for AzureWebJobsStorage (host), this still works with VNet integration, but requires a different setup:

  • delete app setting WEBSITE_CONTENTOVERVNET

That's all there is to it! You can isolate your storage account completely with private endpoints, and block all public access.


To deploy a C# app, or any other language app, it's completely different to what you are used to, zip deploy isn't what it used to be anymore. You will still zip, but the internal logic will unzip itself. The app will manage all deployments in a storage account using a container. In a Premium plan, managing deployments used to be within a file share:

  • delete app setting WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE.
  • if coming from a premium plan: delete app setting WEBSITE_CONTENTSHARE.
  • add a deployment element to your properties.functionAppConfig element, it might look like this:
deployment: {
    storage: {
        type: 'blobContainer'
        value: '${}${deploymentStorageContainerName}'
        authentication: {
            type: 'SystemAssignedIdentity'

This setup, with authentication.type=SystemAssignedIdentity, assumes the Function App has data permissions on the deploymentStorageContainerName.

  • add a deployment container to your backend storage account, and use as specified in the deploymentStorageContainerName variable, it might look like this on a Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices@2023-04-01 resource:
resource container 'containers' = [
    for container in containers: {
        properties: {
            publicAccess: 'None'

C# Deployment

To deploy your actual code inside an Azure DevOps environment, deploy steps will be very similar.

Deploy steps

Deployment makes use of the Azure Functions Deploy task, with some small changes:

  • add the isFlexConsumption input and set to true.
  • leave the deploymentMethod input at default value auto (or omit this setting), instead of zipDeploy or runFromPackage.
  • leave the deployToSlotOrASE input at default value false (or omit this setting), instead of true.
  • set the appType to functionAppLinux.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.



This guide outlines how to migrate to Azure Functions Flex Consumption plan hosting





