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Weather network for presenting and collecting data from remote weather stations. The corresponding infrastructure project is located here:


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Full-stack web application for realizing a weather network on the internet

This is providing a website for a weather network with many remote weather stations. The software is running on a server - in the cloud or even on small devices such as a Raspberry Pi. The clients can be any weather station that is capable to connect to the internet via HTTP. Usually this will be an IoT-device such as a Raspberry Pi connected to a weather station via USB.

The frontend is currently only localized to German.

Frontend Screenshot

Technology stack

  • frontend: written in Python using the frameworks django and dash
  • backend: written in Python using the framework flask
  • database: PostgresSQL
  • client: written in Python



The server application is deployed with Google Cloud Run. It can in principle also be deployed using docker-compose. The server is written in Python using the flask-framework using a PostgreSQL-database. It can therefore be deployed to a wide variety of cloud services and even a Raspberry Pi.


There is a client available for weather stations of type TE923. It is designed to run on minicomputers with ARM-processors such as a Raspberry Pi 2+. It can also run on other types of computers with small adaptions. This fully configurable client is reading the latest data from the weather station and is sending it to the server via the REST-API. It is deployed using Docker.

Running the server application

Running the whole application stack with docker-compose

It is easy to run the whole server application stack with docker-compose. This also includes a database. The database will be deleted when destroying the postgres-container! This configuration is only intended for development and documentation purposes. A production environment should run behind HTTPS, and the database volume needs to be persistent.

  1. Change to the root directory of the project:

      cd weatherstation
  2. Build the containers:

      docker-compose build
  3. Run the stack:

      docker-compose up
  4. The application is now accessible on http://server. You need to create at least one weather station, and a push user for each station in order to run the server meaningfully. Check the documentation below to perform the initial configuration and get started.

  5. Stop the stack:

      docker-compose down

Running components separately


This starts a simple database, the data lifetime is identical to that of the container:

  docker run -d -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=passwd -p postgres


  python3 backend/

The backend is now accessible via http://server:8000.


  cd frontend/django_frontend
  export BRAND_NAME=Das Wetternetzwerk
  export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=django_frontend.settings
  export ENV_PATH=../environments/.frontend.ide.env
  export TEST_MODE=true
  export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/root/of/the/repository
  python3 runserver

The frontend is now accessible via http://server:8050.

Deployment to Google Cloud Platform

This project supports continuous delivery of the server components to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) through GitLab CI/CD. It is expecting that the infrastructure is up and running, the most important expected components are:

  • Google Cloud Run API activated
  • Google Cloud-SQL (Postgres)
  • Google Secrets (for storing the database credentials)
  • Google Cloud Storage (for storing the static files of django)

The required infrastructure can be deployed through the separate subproject infrastructure using Terraform. In that subproject it is exactly documented which infrastructure is required.

Seed project

The server components will be deployed into a separate GCP-project, they need however a service account that has all required permissions. It should be provided in a separate seed project in GCP.

Create a service account such as [email protected] in this project and assign it the following roles:

  • Cloud SQL Admin
  • Editor
  • Cloud Run Admin
  • Storage Admin
  • Artifact Registry Reader
  • Viewer

This service account requires the same permissions also for the GCP-project containing the server.

The seed project requires the same APIs being activated as the project running the server components. These are:


GitLab variables

The following variables need to be defined in the GitLab project:

  • GCP_PROJECT_ID_PRODUCTION (for example weather-production-123456)
  • GCP_PROJECT_ID_TESTING (for example weather-testing-123456)
  • GCP_REGION_ID (for example europe-west3)
  • GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS (a file variable, the key for the service project used by the CI/CD pipeline to deploy to GCP)
  • BRAND_NAME (the name of the website shown in the main header of the site, for example Das Wetternetzwerk)
  • DATA_PROTECTION_POLICY_HTML_FILE (a file variable, the content of the data protection policy)
  • IMPRESS_HTML_FILE (a file variable, the content of the impress)
  • FRONTEND_ADDRESS(the permanent public URL of the frontend, format

The production and testing projects are used by the main branch, and the merge request branches respectively.

Use the CI/CD pipeline

Every commit to the code base trigger the unit tests and deploys the server components to either the production, or the testing project. The only requirement is to set up the GitLab variables as described above.

Get started in a production environment

The server software will prepare the database automatically in a production environment (if this is setting the environment variable RUNNING_ON_SERVER, which is the default) or in case of a docker-compose deployment.

The Python-script allows however also to bootstrap the application in a production environment manually if required. It needs to be executed on a machine that can access the database.

The bootstrapping - automatic or manual - will set up the database tables but also create a first default_admin user. This user should only be used to create an own admin user and should be deleted afterward!

The further steps are in any case:

  1. Log in as admin user via the REST-API

  2. Create the weather stations using the REST-API

  3. Create a user for each weather station (expecting that the stations have already been created) using the REST-API

Now it is possible to send weather data to the server. The frontend will automatically update with 5 minutes delay due to caching.

Running the client application

The client software gets deployed using Docker. Docker needs to be installed on the machine, one way is to use the available convenience script:

Configure the USB-device

In order to make the USB connection from the container to the weather station working without root permissions, the weather station USB device needs some configuration. Execute the following commands on the host machine that will run the Docker container later:

  sudo sh -c 'echo SUBSYSTEM==\"usb\", ATTRS{idVendor}==\"1130\", ATTRS{idProduct}==\"6801\", GROUP=\"plugdev\", MODE=\"0660\" > /etc/udev/rules.d/51-usb-te923-weatherstation.rules'
  sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger

This configuration is targeting weather stations of type TE923. Other ways to achieve that are also possible if desired.

Create the internal configuration directory

Now create a directory where the container can permanently store its internal configuration:

  sudo mkdir -p /opt/weatherstation-client/data/
  sudo chown -R <username>:<groupname> /opt/weatherstation-client/data/

Replace <username> and <groupname> by your actual user and group name.

Configure the client

Clone the Git repository if not yet done and create and change the configuration file as required:

  cd weatherstation
  sudo mkdir /opt/weatherstation-client/config/
  sudo cp client/default_client_config.yaml /opt/weatherstation-client/config/client_config.yaml
  sudo nano /opt/weatherstation-client/config/client_config.yaml

You could use any other editor to edit the configuration file.

Create and run the Docker container

The client software gets finally installed as described here. Note that the Dockerfile is using a base image suitable for Raspberry Pi 2+ computers, this base image needs to be replaced by a regular Python image (such as FROM python:3.11.6-slim-bookworm) for other computer architectures.

NOTE: Docker Compose must be available on the machine.

  1. Change to the root directory of the project:

      cd weatherstation/client
  2. Prepare the file containing the backend API password (corresponding to the user defined in the config yaml-file):

      echo BACKEND_PASSWORD=<password> > te923-client-env.list

    Replace <password> by the actual password. This file should not be readable to other users. It should be deleted after starting the container as it contains sensitive data.

  3. Start the container, it will be built automatically:

       export GIT_COMMIT=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
       docker-compose up -d

    You can check the logs of the client Docker container like this:

      docker logs client-te923-weather-client-1 -t -f
  4. Add a cron job to automatically restart the container if the client is not working properly:

       sudo cp client/deployment/weather-client-healthcheck-cron /etc/cron.d

    You can check the syslog to verify that the cron job runs every minute:

       tail -f /var/log/syslog



There are three access levels for the backend depending on the privacy and sensitivity of the data:

  • anonymous user (can get weather data for example)
  • push user (can send weather data from a station to the server)
  • admin user (can perform all operations, including creating and deleting resources such as users and stations)

Weather stations

Each weather station is defined by a name (such as MUC) and is created via the REST-API. It is linked to a push user that can send data from this station to the server.


The weather sensors are currently hard-coded and represent the usually available sensors.


The REST-API allows to perform all required user operations following the CRUD-pattern:

  • handling users (create, get, change, delete)
  • handling weather data (create, get, change, delete)
  • handling stations (create, get, change, delete)
  • handling sensors (they are hard-coded right now, therefore only get)

There are examples for all REST-API operations in the directory backend/tests/requests.

Once the server is configured with users and stations, weather data can be sent to the server from the client by a PUT HTTP-request. Before that, the weather station user has to login in to obtain a JWT access-token. Multiple time points can be sent at once by using an array instead.

POST https://{{url}}/api/v1/login
Content-Type: application/json

  "name": "user1",
  "password": "passwd"
PUT https://{{url}}/api/v1/data
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer jwt-access-token

  "timepoint": "2019-07-06T12:34:20+02:00",
  "station_id": "TES",
  "pressure": 1015.5,
  "uv": 9.3,
  "rain_counter": 1230.5,
  "temperature_humidity": [
      "sensor_id": "OUT1",
      "temperature": 18.3,
      "humidity": 90.5
      "sensor_id": "IN",
      "temperature": 23.5,
      "humidity": 63.5
  "speed": 89.5,
  "gusts": 103.5,
  "direction": 190.5,
  "wind_temperature": 16.5


The codebase has a high coverage of unit tests. All unit tests run automatically on commits by the CI/CD-pipeline.

If running the tests manually, they are expecting a running postgres database on the localhost. The most easy way to provide an empty database is to start a postgres container:

  docker run -d -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=passwd -p 5432:5432 postgres


Remote Weather Access - Client/server solution for distributed weather networks Copyright (C) 2013-2023 Ralf Rettig ( [email protected])

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see


Weather network for presenting and collecting data from remote weather stations. The corresponding infrastructure project is located here:






