The mathematical ALGLIB library for C++ with CMake support.
The integration of ALGLIB into a code base using this repository can be done like this:
cd project-root
git submodule add libraries/Alglib
Now add this subdirectory in the CMakeLists.txt
file in the project root directory:
Link it in the CMakeLists.txt
file where ALGLIB is used:
target_link_libraries(project PUBLIC Alglib)
Now ALGLIB can be included in this module, e.g.:
#include "libalglib/fasttransforms.h"
Optionally compiler optimizations can be enabled:
# enable SSE-optimizations for the Alglib-library on the supported platforms
if (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} MATCHES "(x86)|(X86)|(amd64)|(AMD64)")
target_compile_definitions(project PUBLIC AE_CPU=AE_INTEL)
The original library is provided under