Google Cloud Dataflow provides a simple, powerful programming model for building both batch and streaming parallel data processing pipelines.
The Dataflow SDK for Python provides access to Dataflow capabilities from the Python programming language.
- Status of this Release
- Signing up for Alpha Batch Cloud Execution
- Overview of Dataflow Programming
- Getting Started
- Local execution of a pipeline
- A Quick Tour of the Source Code
- Some Simple Examples
- Organizing Your Code
- Contact Us
This is a version of Google Cloud Dataflow SDK for Python that is still early in its development, and significant changes should be expected before the first stable version.
Google recently announced its intention to donate the Google Cloud Dataflow SDKs and Programming Model to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), after which they will be called the Apache Beam SDKs.
The SDK for Java is actively transitioning to Apache Beam, an ASF incubator project. The SDK for Python will be added to Apache Beam soon after. Expect many renames.
Google Cloud Dataflow now provides Alpha support for Batch pipelines written with the SDK for Python. This Alpha program is designed to give customers access to the service for early testing. Customers are advised not to use this feature in production systems. If you are interested in being considered to participate in the Alpha program, please submit this form. Note that filling the form does not guarantee entry to the Alpha program.
For an introduction to the programming model, please read Dataflow Programming Model but note that some examples on that site use only Java. The key concepts of the programming model are
: represents a collection of data, which could be bounded or unbounded in size.PTransform
: represents a computation that transforms input PCollections into output PCollections.Pipeline
: manages a directed acyclic graph of PTransforms and PCollections that is ready for execution.Runner
: specifies where and how the Pipeline should execute.
This release has some significant limitations:
- We provide only one PipelineRunner, the
. - The Google Cloud Dataflow service does not yet accept jobs from this SDK.
- Triggers are not supported.
- The SDK works only on Python 2.7.
If this is the first time you are installing the Dataflow SDK, you may need to set up your machine's Python development environment.
is Python's package manager. If you already have pip
(type pip -V
to check), skip this step.
There are several ways to install pip
; use whichever works for you.
Preferred option: install using your system's package manager, which may be one of the following commands, depending on your Linux distribution:
sudo yum install python-pip
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo zypper install python-pip
Otherwise, if you have easy_install
(likely if you are on MacOS):
sudo easy_install pip
Or you may have to install the bootstrapper. Download the following script to your system: You can fetch it with your browser or use a command-line program, such as one of the following:
curl -O
After downloading
, run it to install pip
python ./
We recommend installing in a
Python virtual environment
for initial experiments. If you do not have virtualenv
version 13.1.0
or later (type virtualenv --version
to check), it will install a too-old
version of setuptools
in the virtual environment. To install (or upgrade)
your virtualenv
pip install --upgrade virtualenv
If you are not going to use a Python virtual environment (but we recommend you
do; see the previous section), ensure setuptools
version 17.1 or newer is
installed (type easy_install --version
to check). If you do not have that
pip install --upgrade setuptools
A virtual environment is a directory tree containing its own Python distribution. To create a virtual environment:
virtualenv /path/to/directory
A virtual environment needs to be activated for each shell that is to use it; activating sets some environment variables that point to the virtual environment's directories. To activate a virtual environment in Bash:
. /path/to/directory/bin/activate
That is, source the script bin/activate
under the virtual environment
directory you created.
Install the latest tarball from GitHub by browsing to
and copying one of the "Source code" links. The .tar.gz
file is smaller;
we'll assume you use that one. With a virtual environment active, paste the
URL into a pip install
shell command, executing something like this:
pip install
We recommend installing using pip install
, as described above.
However, you also may install from an unpacked source code tree.
You can get such a tree by un-tarring the .tar.gz
file or
by using git clone
. From a source tree, you can install by running
cd DataflowPythonSDK*
python install --root /
python test
The --root /
prevents Dataflow from being installed as an egg
This workaround prevents failures if Dataflow is installed in the same virtual
environment as another package under the google
top-level package.
If you get import errors during or after installing with
uninstall the package:
pip uninstall python-dataflow
and use the pip install
method described above to re-install it.
The $VIRTUAL_ENV/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/cloud/dataflow/examples
subdirectory (the google/cloud/dataflow/examples
subdirectory in the
source distribution) has many examples large and small.
All examples can be run locally by passing the arguments required by the
example script. For instance, to run
, try:
python -m --output OUTPUT_FILE
You can follow along this tour by, with your virtual environment
active, running a pydoc
server on a local port of your choosing
(this example uses port 8888).
pydoc -p 8888
Now open your browser and go to http://localhost:8888/
Some interesting classes to navigate to:
, in filegoogle/cloud/dataflow/
, in filegoogle/cloud/dataflow/transforms/
, andMap
, in filegoogle/cloud/dataflow/transforms/
- combiners, in file
Create a transform from an iterable and use the pipe operator to chain transforms:
# Standard imports
import as df
# Create a pipeline executing on a direct runner (local, non-cloud).
p = df.Pipeline('DirectPipelineRunner')
# Create a PCollection with names and write it to a file.
| df.Create('add names', ['Ann', 'Joe'])
| df.Write('save','./names')))
# Execute the pipeline.
The Map
transform takes a callable, which will be applied to each
element of the input PCollection
and must return an element to go
into the output PCollection
import as df
p = df.Pipeline('DirectPipelineRunner')
# Read file with names, add a greeting for each, and write results.
| df.Read('load messages','./names'))
| df.Map('add greeting',
lambda name, msg: '%s %s!' % (msg, name),
| df.Write('save','./greetings')))
A FlatMap
is like a Map
except its callable returns a (possibly
empty) iterable of elements for the output PCollection
import as df
p = df.Pipeline('DirectPipelineRunner')
# Read previous file, add a name to each greeting and write results.
| df.Read('load messages','./names'))
| df.FlatMap('add greetings',
lambda name, msgs: ['%s %s!' % (m, name) for m in msgs],
['Hello', 'Hola'])
| df.Write('save','./greetings')))
The callable of a FlatMap
can be a generator, that is,
a function using yield
import as df
p = df.Pipeline('DirectPipelineRunner')
# Add greetings using a FlatMap function using yield.
def add_greetings(name, messages):
for m in messages:
yield '%s %s!' % (m, name)
| df.Read('load names','./names'))
| df.FlatMap('greet', add_greetings, ['Hello', 'Hola'])
| df.Write('save','./greetings')))
This example counts the words in a text and also shows how to read a text file from Google Cloud Storage.
import re
import as df
p = df.Pipeline('DirectPipelineRunner')
| df.Read('read',
| df.FlatMap('split', lambda x: re.findall(r'\w+', x))
| df.combiners.Count.PerElement('count words')
| df.Write('write','./results')))
Here we use GroupByKey
to count the words.
This is a somewhat forced example of GroupByKey
; normally one would use
the transform df.combiners.Count.PerElement
, as in the previous example.
The example also shows the use of a wild-card in specifying the text file
import re
import as df
p = df.Pipeline('DirectPipelineRunner')
class MyCountTransform(df.PTransform):
def apply(self, pcoll):
return (pcoll
| df.Map('one word', lambda w: (w, 1))
# GroupByKey accepts a PCollection of (w, 1) and
# outputs a PCollection of (w, (1, 1, ...))
| df.GroupByKey('group words')
| df.Map('count words', lambda (word, counts): (word, len(counts))))
| df.Read('read','./names*'))
| df.FlatMap('split', lambda x: re.findall(r'\w+', x))
| MyCountTransform()
| df.Write('write','./results')))
In some cases, you can improve the efficiency of the data encoding by providing type hints. For example:
import as df
from import typehints
p = df.Pipeline('DirectPipelineRunner')
| df.Read('A','./names'))
| df.Map('B1', lambda x: (x, 1)).with_output_types(typehints.KV[str, int])
| df.GroupByKey('GBK')
| df.Write('C','./results')))
Here is a pipeline that reads input from a BigQuery table and writes the result to a different table. This example calculates the number of tornadoes per month from weather data. To run it you will need to provide an output table that you can write to.
import as df
input_table = 'clouddataflow-readonly:samples.weather_stations'
project = 'YOUR-PROJECT'
output_table = 'DATASET.TABLENAME'
p = df.Pipeline(argv=['--project', project])
| df.Read('read',
| df.FlatMap(
'months with tornadoes',
lambda row: [(int(row['month']), 1)] if row['tornado'] else [])
| df.CombinePerKey('monthly count', sum)
| df.Map('format', lambda (k, v): {'month': k, 'tornado_count': v})
| df.Write('write',
schema='month:INTEGER, tornado_count:INTEGER',,
Here is a pipeline that achieves the same functionality, i.e., calculates the number of tornadoes per month, but uses a query to filter out input instead of using the whole table.
import as df
project = 'YOUR-PROJECT'
output_table = 'DATASET.TABLENAME'
input_query = 'SELECT month, COUNT(month) AS tornado_count ' \
'FROM [clouddataflow-readonly:samples.weather_stations] ' \
'WHERE tornado=true GROUP BY month'
p = df.Pipeline(argv=['--project', project])
| df.Read('read',
| df.Write('write',
schema='month:INTEGER, tornado_count:INTEGER',,
A common case for Dataflow combiners is to sum (or max or min) over the values of each key. Such standard Python functions can be used directly as combiner functions. In fact, any function "reducing" an iterable to a single value can be used.
import as df
p = df.Pipeline('DirectPipelineRunner')
SAMPLE_DATA = [('a', 1), ('b', 10), ('a', 2), ('a', 3), ('b', 20)]
| df.Create(SAMPLE_DATA)
| df.CombinePerKey(sum)
| df.Write('./results')))
The google/cloud/dataflow/examples/cookbook/
file in the
source distribution contains more combiner examples.
The google/cloud/dataflow/examples
subdirectory in the
source distribution has some larger examples.
Many projects will grow to multiple source code files. It is beneficial to organize the project so that all the code involved in running a workflow can be built as a Python package so that it can be installed in the VM workers executing a job.
Please follow the example in google/cloud/dataflow/examples/complete/juliaset
If the code is organized in this fashion then you can use the --setup_file
command line option to create a source distribution out of the project files,
stage the resulting tarball and later install it in the workers executing the
We welcome all usage-related questions on
Stack Overflow
tagged with google-cloud-dataflow
Please use the issue tracker on GitHub to report any bugs, comments or questions regarding SDK development.