Build(deps-dev): Bump ergebnis/composer-normalize
from 2.3.0
to 2.3.2
(#204 ), by @dependabot-preview [bot]
Build(deps-dev): Bump vimeo/psalm
from 3.9.5
to 3.10.1
(#207 ), by @dependabot-preview [bot]
Build(deps-dev): Bump psalm/plugin-phpunit
from 0.9.0
to 0.9.1
(#208 ), by @dependabot-preview [bot]
Build(deps-dev): Bump psalm/plugin-phpunit
from 0.9.1
to 0.9.2
(#209 ), by @dependabot-preview [bot]
Build(deps-dev): Bump psalm/plugin-phpunit
from 0.9.2
to 0.10.0
(#210 ), by @dependabot-preview [bot]
Build(deps-dev): Bump ergebnis/php-cs-fixer-config
from 2.1.0
to 2.1.1
(#211 ), by @dependabot-preview [bot]
Enhancement: Synchronize with ergebnis/php-library-template
(#212 ), by @localheinz
Build(deps-dev): Bump vimeo/psalm
from 3.10.1
to 3.11.0
(#213 ), by @dependabot-preview [bot]
Build(deps-dev): Bump vimeo/psalm
from 3.11.0
to 3.11.1
(#214 ), by @dependabot-preview [bot]
Fix: Synchronize with ergebnis/php-library-template
(#216 ), by @localheinz
Build(deps-dev): Bump vimeo/psalm
from 3.11.1
to 3.11.2
(#215 ), by @dependabot-preview [bot]
Build(deps-dev): Bump ergebnis/composer-normalize
from 2.3.2
to 2.4.0
(#219 ), by @dependabot-preview [bot]
Build(deps-dev): Bump ergebnis/php-cs-fixer-config
from 2.1.1
to 2.1.2
(#217 ), by @dependabot-preview [bot]
Build(deps-dev): Bump ergebnis/composer-normalize
from 2.4.0
to 2.5.0
(#220 ), by @dependabot-preview [bot]
Build(deps-dev): Bump ergebnis/composer-normalize
from 2.5.0
to 2.5.1
(#221 ), by @dependabot-preview [bot]
Build(deps-dev): Bump ergebnis/license
from 0.1.0
to 1.0.0
(#222 ), by @dependabot-preview [bot]
Enhancement: Synchronize with ergebnis/php-library-template
(#223 ), by @localheinz
Fix: Rename data providers (#224 ), by @localheinz
Enhancement: Implement Classes\PHPUnit\Framework\TestCaseWithSuffixRule
(#225 ), by @localheinz
You can’t perform that action at this time.