- Python
- Redis
- Docker
- Flask
- redis
- pytest
- gunicorn
- Swagger-UI
Everything is containerized from the client, backend to the database. So all you need is Docker installed, and then you can run :
docker-compose up --build
And your app will be up on the port 8000 !
Visit Swagger for all endpoints
The following
command set a new key value pair
$ curl -X PUT -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"key":"test_key","value":"test_value"}'
"key": "test_key",
"value": "test_value"
The following
command show value of given key
$ curl -X GET -H 'content-type: application/json'
"key": "test_key",
"value": "test_value"
There are 8 test cases, however it is possible to increase the number of test cases. You can run the following command to test endpoints for written test cases
docker-compose run web python -m pytest