Node js service for equilibrium decentralized exchange
$ yarn
$ echo SEED_PHRASE=\"lock idea vague ordinary pool stuff summer whale fame laptop assist lock\" > .env
$ cat .env
SEED_PHRASE="lock idea vague ordinary pool stuff summer whale fame laptop assist lock"
Possible env variables
Variable | Description |
SEED_PHRASE | Mandatory variable. 12 words seed phrase to generate keyring for tx subscription. |
PORT | Service port. Default value is 9000 |
CHAIN_NODE | Chain node used by service. Default value is wss:// |
API_ENDPOINT | Rest api for chain history data. Default value is |
PREV_BLOCKS_COUNT | Previous blocks count is used in history api request. Encrease this if api handles new blocks too slow. Default value is 5 |
In dev mode using ts-node
$ yarn dev
Or build and start node
$ yarn build
$ yarn start
Send subscribe message with token as data
"action": "subscribe",
"data": "WBTC"
Service will immediately return message with internal id. You can use this id to identify your subscription
After successfull subscription service will send you message
"message":"Subscribed to WBTC"
While subscription is active service will send best bid and ask when they updates
Subscription sends order book updates
"id": "16444115124872",
"message": {
"type": "orderBook",
"data": [
"id": 5,
"account": "cZfaH42YKgSQrZzDzZDdMDRXUryww5Ey7MiGco6W7kxjb48cp",
"side": "buy",
"price": "34970.0",
"amount": "1.0",
"createdAt": "1643370702",
"expirationTime": "0"
"id": 26,
"account": "cZexYhjJa3nh9wWiEVSczvVhneHWXcLBnm3SRP6gY6QGSdNRA",
"side": "sell",
"price": "35010.0",
"amount": "6.470000000000000000",
"createdAt": "1644240018",
"expirationTime": "0"
"id": 33,
"account": "cZexYhjJa3nh9wWiEVSczvVhneHWXcLBnm3SRP6gY6QGSdNRA",
"side": "sell",
"price": "35051.0",
"amount": "1.0",
"createdAt": "1644409386",
"expirationTime": "0"
"id": 27,
"account": "cZhTPXeT5o3DVgEnRQ95Vi8BNiyPsDoFDovXZLCeWmDKB89WW",
"side": "sell",
"price": "35060.0",
"amount": "1.0",
"createdAt": "1644314064",
"expirationTime": "0"
Subscription sends trades updates from history api. Checks every block and sends new trades.
"id": "16444115124872",
"message": {
"type": "trades",
"data": [
"id": 285,
"chainId": 1008,
"eventCounter": 47,
"currency": "WBTC",
"price": 35010,
"amount": 1.3,
"takerRest": 0,
"makerAccountId": "cZexYhjJa3nh9wWiEVSczvVhneHWXcLBnm3SRP6gY6QGSdNRA",
"takerAccountId": "cZhTPXeT5o3DVgEnRQ95Vi8BNiyPsDoFDovXZLCeWmDKB89WW",
"makerSide": "Sell",
"makerOrderId": 26,
"blockNumber": 203509,
"exchangeDate": "2022-02-09T13:05:48",
"takerFee": 45.513,
"makerFee": 22.7565
Send unsubscribe message with subscription id
"action": "unsubscribe",
"data": "16444115124872"
"id": "16444122947064",
"message": "Unsubscribing subscription 16444115124872"
Service will sent successfull notification
"id": "16444115124872",
"message": "Unsubscribed"
Deposit funds to trading account using message
"action": "deposit",
"data": { "token": "WBTC", "amount": 1 }
"id": "16444124076415",
"message": { "action": "deposit", "data": { "token": "WBTC", "amount": 1 } }
{ "id": "16444124076415", "message": "Deposit successful" }
"action": "withdraw",
"data": { "token": "WBTC", "amount": 5 }
"id": "16444128634396",
"message": { "action": "withdraw", "data": { "token": "WBTC", "amount": 5 } }
{ "id": "16444128634396", "message": "Withdrawal successful" }
Send message to create limit order
"action": "createLimitOrder",
"data": { "token": "WBTC", "direction": "Sell", "amount": 1, "limitPrice": 35051}
Server confirms message and responds with id
"id": "164441945620210",
"message": {
"action": "createLimitOrder",
"data": {
"token": "WBTC",
"direction": "Sell",
"amount": 1,
"limitPrice": 35051
Server responds when order creation process starts
{ "id": "164441945620210", "message": "Creating order" }
When order is successfully created and is in block server sends
{ "id": "164441945620210", "message": { "orderId": "34" } }
Client sends message to cancel limit order by id
"action": "cancelLimitOrder",
"data": { "token": "WBTC", "orderId": 34, "price": 35051 }
Server confirms that message is recieved
"id": "164441979841211",
"message": {
"action": "cancelLimitOrder",
"data": { "token": "WBTC", "orderId": 34, "price": 35051 }
When cancelling order is initiated server sends
{ "id": "164441979841211", "message": "Cancelling order" }
After successfull order cancellation server sends
{ "id": "164441979841211", "message": "Order successfully cancelled" }
"action": "createMarketOrder",
"data": { "token": "WBTC", "direction": "Buy", "amount": 1}
Server responds when order creation process starts
"id": "16444129899627",
"message": {
"action": "createMarketOrder",
"data": { "token": "WBTC", "direction": "Buy", "amount": 1 }
{ "id": "164441945620210", "message": { "orderId": "34" } }