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Scenario comparison for deterministic models, WIP #221
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pratikunterwegs committed Apr 29, 2024
1 parent a6e001e commit 58f429b
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248 changes: 248 additions & 0 deletions R/scenario_comparison.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
#' Calculate outcomes averted by interventions
#' @param baseline A nested `<data.table>` of a single model outcome with
#' parameter uncertainty. This is expected to be the output of a single call to
#' deterministic model functions such as [model_default()].
#' @param scenarios A nested `<data.table>` of any number of model outcomes with
#' infection parameter sets identical to those in `baseline` for comparability,
#' i.e., the `scenarios` must differ from the `baseline` only in any
#' interventions applied.
#' @param by_group A single logical value that controls whether outcomes averted
#' are calculated separately for each demographic group in the model outputs.
#' This is passed to the `by_group` argument in [epidemic_size()]. Defaults to
#' `TRUE`.
#' @param summarise A single logical value that controls whether outcomes
#' averted are summarised (returning the median and 95% uncertainty intervals),
#' aggregating over parameter sets for each scenario, or whether the raw
#' differences between the baseline and comparator scenarios are returned while
#' matching by parameter set.
#' @return A `<data.table>`.
#' When `summarise = TRUE`, a `<data.table>` of the same number of
#' rows as `scenarios`, with the columns `"scenario"`, `"averted_median"`,
#' `"averted_lower"`, and `"averted_upper"`.
#' When `summarise = FALSE`, a `<data.table>` with one row per `"scenario"`,
#' parameter set (`"param_set"`), and demography group (`"demography_group`),
#' with the additional column `"outcomes_averted"` giving the difference between
#' the baseline and the comparator scenario for each parameter set for each
#' demography group.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' polymod <- socialmixr::polymod
#' contact_data <- socialmixr::contact_matrix(
#' polymod,
#' countries = "United Kingdom",
#' age.limits = c(0, 20, 40),
#' symmetric = TRUE
#' )
#' # prepare contact matrix
#' contact_matrix <- t(contact_data$matrix)
#' # prepare the demography vector
#' demography_vector <- contact_data$demography$population
#' names(demography_vector) <- rownames(contact_matrix)
#' # initial conditions
#' initial_i <- 1e-6
#' initial_conditions <- c(
#' S = 1 - initial_i, E = 0, I = initial_i, R = 0, V = 0
#' )
#' # build for all age groups
#' initial_conditions <- rbind(
#' initial_conditions,
#' initial_conditions,
#' initial_conditions
#' )
#' # create population object
#' uk_population <- population(
#' name = "UK",
#' contact_matrix = contact_matrix,
#' demography_vector = demography_vector,
#' initial_conditions = initial_conditions
#' )
#' # create vector of parameters
#' beta <- withr::with_seed(
#' 1,
#' rnorm(100, mean = 1.3 / 7, sd = 0.005)
#' )
#' baseline <- model_default(
#' population = uk_population,
#' transmission_rate = beta
#' )
#' max_time <- 100
#' # prepare durations as starting at 25% of the way through an epidemic
#' # and ending halfway through
#' time_begin <- max_time / 4
#' time_end <- max_time / 2
#' # create three distinct contact interventions
#' # prepare an intervention that models school closures for 180 days
#' close_schools <- intervention(
#' name = "School closure",
#' type = "contacts",
#' time_begin = time_begin,
#' time_end = time_end,
#' reduction = matrix(c(0.3, 0.01, 0.01))
#' )
#' # prepare an intervention which mostly affects adults 20 -- 65
#' close_workplaces <- intervention(
#' name = "Workplace closure",
#' type = "contacts",
#' time_begin = time_begin,
#' time_end = time_end,
#' reduction = matrix(c(0.01, 0.3, 0.01))
#' )
#' intervention_sets <- list(
#' list(
#' contacts = close_schools
#' ),
#' list(
#' contacts = close_workplaces
#' )
#' )
#' scenarios <- model_default(
#' population = uk_population,
#' transmission_rate = beta,
#' intervention = intervention_sets
#' )
#' # Defaults to summarise = TRUE
#' outcomes_averted(
#' baseline = baseline,
#' scenarios = scenarios
#' )
#' # Set summarise = FALSE to apply custom summary functions
#' outcomes_averted(
#' baseline = baseline,
#' scenarios = scenarios
#' )
outcomes_averted <- function(baseline,
by_group = TRUE,
summarise = TRUE) {
# Assign `outcome` as NULL to avoid global variable messages
outcome <- NULL
# TODO: reconsider whether min.cols should be checked
min.rows = 1, min.cols = 12L # known number of columns in output
# expect column names correspond to nested output with common infection params
# NOTE: `recovery_rate` not expected as it is replaced by `removal_rate` for
# ebola model
"`baseline` must be a nested <data.table> with expected column names" =
must.include = c(
"transmission_rate", "infectiousness_rate", "time_end",
"param_set", "population", "intervention", "vaccination",
"time_dependence", "increment", "scenario", "data"
checkmate::assert_data_table(scenarios, min.rows = 1, min.cols = 12L)
colnames(scenarios), = colnames(baseline)
checkmate::assert_logical(summarise, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1)
checkmate::assert_logical(by_group, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1)

# Check that scenarios have comparable parameters
# First collect scenario parameter names that are not checked for equality
names_scenario_params <- c(
"population", "intervention", "vaccination",
"time_dependence", "increment", "scenario", "data"
# Expect that parameter sets are shared across baseline and scenarios
"`baseline` and `scenarios` must have common infection parameter sets" =
baseline[, !colnames(baseline) %in% names_scenario_params,
with = FALSE
scenarios[, !colnames(scenarios) %in% names_scenario_params,
with = FALSE

# get epidemic size for baseline and response scenarios
# NOTE: make copy of data.table as assignment by reference will modify
# original data.table
baseline_outcomes <- data.table::copy(baseline)
baseline_outcomes[, "outcome" := lapply(
baseline_outcomes$data, epidemic_size,
simplify = FALSE, by_group = by_group
baseline_outcomes <- baseline_outcomes[, unlist(outcome, recursive = FALSE),
by = c("scenario", "param_set"),
data.table::setnames(baseline_outcomes, "value", "baseline_value")

# get epidemic sizes for response scenarios; some code repetition here
# NOTE: work with a copy
scenario_outcomes <- data.table::copy(scenarios)
scenario_outcomes[, "outcome" := lapply(
scenario_outcomes$data, epidemic_size,
simplify = FALSE, by_group = by_group

scenario_outcomes <- scenario_outcomes[, unlist(outcome, recursive = FALSE),
by = c("scenario", "param_set")

# variables to merge on; # cannot use ifelse()
merge_variables <- c(
"param_set", if (by_group) "demography_group" else NULL

# merge and get difference in outcomes
scenario_outcomes <-
baseline_outcomes[, c(merge_variables, "baseline_value"), with = FALSE],
by = merge_variables
# assume baseline has more cases
scenario_outcomes$outcomes_averted <- scenario_outcomes$baseline_value -

# select relevant columns
scenario_outcomes <- scenario_outcomes[, c(
"scenario", merge_variables, "outcomes_averted"
), with = FALSE]

# return summarised values (median, 95% uncertainty) or raw differences
if (summarise) {
grouping_vars <- c("scenario", if (by_group) "demography_group" else NULL)
averted_summary <- scenario_outcomes[, list(
averted_median = stats::median(outcomes_averted),
averted_lower = stats::quantile(outcomes_averted, probs = 0.025),
averted_upper = stats::quantile(outcomes_averted, probs = 0.975)
), by = grouping_vars]

# return difference summary
data.table::setorderv(averted_summary, grouping_vars)
} else {
cols = c("scenario", merge_variables)
scenario_outcomes[, colnames(scenario_outcomes) != "time", with = FALSE]

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