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Refactor diphtheria model to vectorised form, WIP #166, WIP #167
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pratikunterwegs committed Feb 19, 2024
1 parent 02a36cd commit 1284307
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Showing 2 changed files with 115 additions and 89 deletions.
194 changes: 110 additions & 84 deletions R/model_diphtheria.R
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Expand Up @@ -15,15 +15,15 @@
#' group to model influxes or evacuations from camps.
#' @inheritParams model_default
#' @param reporting_rate A single number for the proportion of infectious cases
#' @param reporting_rate A numeric for the proportion of infectious cases
#' that is reported; this is a precursor to hospitalisation as only reported
#' cases are hospitalised.
#' @param prop_hosp A single number for the proportion of reported cases that is
#' @param prop_hosp A numeric for the proportion of reported cases that is
#' hospitalised.
#' @param hosp_entry_rate A single number for the rate at which reported cases
#' @param hosp_entry_rate A numeric for the rate at which reported cases
#' of infectious individuals are hospitalised.
#' This is calculated as 1 / time to hospitalisation, denoted \eqn{\tau_1}.
#' @param hosp_exit_rate A single number for the rate at which individuals are
#' @param hosp_exit_rate A numeric for the rate at which individuals are
#' discharged from hospital to enter the 'recovered' compartment.
#' This is calculated as 1 / time to discharge, denoted \eqn{\tau_2}.
#' @param prop_vaccinated A numeric vector of the same length as the number of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,16 +151,22 @@ model_diphtheria_cpp <- function(population,
prop_hosp = 0.01,
hosp_entry_rate = 0.2,
hosp_exit_rate = 0.2,
prop_vaccinated = 0.0 * get_parameter(
population, "demography_vector"
prop_vaccinated = 0.0 *
intervention = NULL,
time_dependence = NULL,
population_change = NULL,
time_end = 100,
increment = 1) {
# check class on required inputs
# TODO: ensure population is properly vectorised
checkmate::assert_class(population, "population")
# get compartment names
compartments <- c(
"susceptible", "exposed", "infectious", "hospitalised", "recovered"
assert_population(population, compartments)

# NOTE: model rates very likely bounded 0 - 1 but no upper limit set for now
checkmate::assert_numeric(transmissibility, lower = 0, finite = TRUE)
checkmate::assert_numeric(infectiousness_rate, lower = 0, finite = TRUE)
checkmate::assert_numeric(recovery_rate, lower = 0, finite = TRUE)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,107 +194,127 @@ model_diphtheria_cpp <- function(population,
hosp_exit_rate = hosp_exit_rate,
time_end = time_end
"All parameters must be of the same length, or must have length 1" =
# take parameter names here as names(DT) updates by reference!
param_names <- names(params)

# check that prop_vaccinated is the same length as demography_vector
# TODO: treat this as a composable element for vectorisation
lower = 0, upper = 1,
len = length(get_parameter(population, "demography_vector"))
len = length(population[["demography_vector"]])
# convert to list for data.table
prop_vaccinated <- list(prop_vaccinated)

# allow only rate interventions in the intervention list
# Check if parameters can be recycled;
# Check if `population` is a single population or a list of such
# and convert to list for a data.table list column;
# also check if `intervention` is a list of interventions or a list-of-lists
# and convert to a list for a data.table list column. NULL is allowed;
is_lofints <- checkmate::test_list(
intervention, "intervention",
all.missing = FALSE, null.ok = TRUE
# allow some NULLs (a valid no intervention scenario) but not all NULLs
is_lofls <- checkmate::test_list(
min.len = 1, names = "unique", any.missing = FALSE,
types = "rate_intervention", null.ok = TRUE
types = c("list", "null"), all.missing = FALSE
) && all(
unlist(intervention, recursive = FALSE),
FUN = function(x) {
is_intervention(x) || is.null(x)

"All parameters must be of the same length, or must have length 1" =
"`intervention` must be a list of <intervention>s or a list of such lists" =
is_lofints || is_lofls

# make lists if not lists
population <- list(population)
if (is_lofints) {
intervention <- list(intervention)

# check that time-dependence functions are passed as a list with at least the
# arguments `time` and `x`
# time must be before x, and they must be first two args
# arguments `time` and `x`, in order as the first two args
# NOTE: this functionality is not vectorised;
# convert to list for data.table list column
time_dependence, "function",
null.ok = TRUE,
names = "unique", any.missing = FALSE
any.missing = FALSE, names = "unique"
# lapply on null returns an empty list
lapply(time_dependence, checkmate::check_function,
args = c("time", "x"),
ordered = TRUE, null.ok = TRUE
lapply(time_dependence, checkmate::assert_function,
args = c("time", "x"), ordered = TRUE

# check population change and create
null.ok = TRUE, len = 2L, types = c("numeric", "list")
if (!is.null(population_change)) {
names(population_change), = c("time", "values")

# collect population, infection
# combine parameters and composable elements into a list of lists of mod args
params <- .recycle_vectors(params)
params <- .transpose_base(params)
model_arguments <- lapply(
params, function(x) {
time_dependence <- list(
population = population,
prop_vaccinated = prop_vaccinated,
intervention = intervention,
time_dependence = time_dependence,
pop_change_times = population_change[["time"]],
pop_change_values = population_change[["values"]],
increment = increment
"transmissibility", "infectiousness_rate", "prop_hosp",
"reporting_rate", "hosp_entry_rate", "hosp_exit_rate", "recovery_rate"

# cross-check model arguments
# TODO: simplify to only check composable elements
model_arguments <- lapply(
model_arguments, function(l) {
# TODO: allow vectorised input for population_change
# convert to list for data.table
population_change <- list(population_change)

# get compartment names
compartments <- c(
"susceptible", "exposed", "infectious", "hospitalised", "recovered"
# collect parameters and add a parameter set identifier
params <-
params[, "param_set" := .I]

# run model over arguments, prepare output, and return list
# assign run number as list index - this is the specific combination of
# parameters
output <- Map(
model_arguments, seq_along(model_arguments),
f = function(l, i) {
output_ <- .output_to_df(, l),
population = population,
compartments = compartments
output_$run <- i
# this nested data.table will be returned
model_output <- data.table::CJ(
population = population,
prop_vaccinated = prop_vaccinated,
intervention = intervention,
time_dependence = time_dependence,
population_change = population_change,
increment = increment,
sorted = FALSE
output <- data.table::rbindlist(output)

# convert to data.frame and return
# TODO: parameters need to be pulled along
# process the population, interventions, and vaccinations, after
# cross-checking them agains the relevant population
model_output[, args := apply(model_output, 1, function(x) {
model_output[, "scenario" := .I]

# combine infection parameters and scenarios
# NOTE: join X[Y] must have params as X as list cols not supported for X
model_output <- params[, as.list(model_output), by = names(params)]

# collect model arguments in column data, then overwrite
model_output[, args := apply(model_output, 1, function(x) {
c(x[["args"]], x[param_names]) # avoid including col "param_set"
model_output[, data := Map(population, args, f = function(p, l) {
.output_to_df(, l),
population = p, # taken from local scope/env
compartments = compartments

# check for single row output, i.e., scalar arguments, and return data.frame
# do not return the parameters in this case
if (nrow(model_output) == 1L) {
model_output <- model_output[["data"]][[1L]] # hardcoded for special case

# return data.table
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions man/model_diphtheria.Rd

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