Support for input folders of BAM files for --bam_tumor
and --bam_normal
(instead of only allowing single BAM files).
ClinVar version in SnpEff container updated to version 20240307
Update to Clair3 v1.0.7.
Update to modkit v0.2.6.
Improved modkit runtime by increasing the default interval size.
Increased minimum CPU requirement for the workflow to 16.
bedMethyl output files now follow the pattern {{ alias }}.wf-somatic-mods.{{ type }}.bedmethyl.gz
Structural variant (SV) calling is now performed with Severus (v0.1.2).
ARM-compatible base workflow and modified base calling.
alignments will be in BAM format when --sv
is set.
Force minimap2 to clean up memory more aggressively. Empirically this reduces peak-memory use over the course of execution.
Workflow occasionally repeating QC analyses when resuming, even if successful.
Alignment report script using too much memory.
HAC models not recognised as valid.
Spurious bamstats
crashes with implausible alignment information.
CRAM as supported input format.
Reference genome and its indexes from the output directory.
Insert classification and support for mismatching panel of control.
Options --qv
, --classify_insert
, --min_ref_support
, --genotype_sv
and --control_panel
, as these are no longer used by the workflow.
You can’t perform that action at this time.