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mikusp committed Jan 24, 2017
1 parent 707f504 commit f51b24e
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Showing 2 changed files with 122 additions and 88 deletions.
89 changes: 1 addition & 88 deletions core/diag/test/Luna/Pass/AccessorFunctionSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,101 +33,14 @@ import Luna.IR.Runner
import Luna.Pass.Sugar.Construction
import Luna.IR
import Luna.TestUtils
import Luna.Pass.Inference.MethodResolution
import Luna.Pass.Inference.FunctionResolution (ImportError(..), lookupSym)
import System.Log
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Type.Any (AnyType)

newtype CurrentAcc = CurrentAcc (Expr Acc)

data AccessorFunction
type instance Abstract AccessorFunction = AccessorFunction
type instance Inputs Net AccessorFunction = '[AnyExpr, AnyExprLink]
type instance Inputs Layer AccessorFunction = '[AnyExpr // Model, AnyExprLink // Model, AnyExpr // Type, AnyExpr // Succs, AnyExpr // Redirect]
type instance Inputs Attr AccessorFunction = '[CurrentAcc, Imports]
type instance Inputs Event AccessorFunction = '[]

type instance Outputs Net AccessorFunction = '[AnyExpr, AnyExprLink]
type instance Outputs Layer AccessorFunction = '[AnyExpr // Model, AnyExprLink // Model, AnyExpr // Succs, AnyExpr // Type, AnyExpr // Redirect]
type instance Outputs Attr AccessorFunction = '[]
type instance Outputs Event AccessorFunction = '[New // AnyExpr, New // AnyExprLink, Import // AnyExpr, Import // AnyExprLink, Delete // AnyExprLink]

type instance Preserves AccessorFunction = '[]

data AccessorError = MethodNotFound P.String
| AmbiguousType
deriving (Eq, Show)

importAccessor :: _ => SubPass AccessorFunction m (Maybe AccessorError)
importAccessor = do
res <- importAccessor'
case res of
Left err -> return $ Just err
Right (_self, _body) -> return Nothing

importAccessor' :: _ => SubPass AccessorFunction m (Either AccessorError (SomeExpr, SomeExpr))
importAccessor' = do
CurrentAcc acc <- readAttr
match acc $ \case
Acc n v -> do
v' <- source v
tl <- readLayer @Type v'
t <- source tl
match t $ \case
Cons cls _args -> do
classNameExpr <- source cls
methodNameExpr <- source n
method <- importMethod classNameExpr methodNameExpr
case method of
Left SymbolNotFound -> do
methodName <- view lit <$> match' methodNameExpr
return $ Left $ MethodNotFound methodName
Right (ImportedMethod self body) -> do
replaceNode self v'
reconnectLayer' @Redirect (Just (unsafeGeneralize body :: Expr Draft)) acc
unifyTypes acc body
unifyTypes self v'
return $ Right (self, body)
_ -> return $ Left AmbiguousType

unifyTypes :: _ => Expr _ -> Expr _ -> SubPass AccessorFunction m (Expr _)
unifyTypes e1 e2 = do
t1 <- readLayer @Type e1 >>= source
t2 <- readLayer @Type e2 >>= source
unify t1 t2

data ImportedMethod = ImportedMethod { self :: SomeExpr, body :: SomeExpr }

importMethod :: _ => Expr _ -> Expr _ -> SubPass AccessorFunction m (Either ImportError ImportedMethod)
importMethod classExpr methodNameExpr = do
className <- fmap fromString (view lit <$> match' classExpr)
methodName <- fmap fromString (view lit <$> match' methodNameExpr)
imports <- readAttr @Imports
let method = (lookupClass className >=> lookupMethod methodName) imports
case method of
Left err -> return $ Left err
Right (Method self body) -> do
translator <- importTranslator body
bodyExpr <- importFunction body
return $ Right $ ImportedMethod (translator self) bodyExpr

lookupClass :: Name -> Imports -> Either ImportError Class
lookupClass n imps = case matchedModules of
[] -> Left SymbolNotFound
[(_, Just f)] -> Right f
matches -> Left . SymbolAmbiguous $ fst <$> matches
where modulesWithMatchInfo = (over _2 $ flip Module.lookupClass n) <$> Map.assocs (unwrap imps)
matchedModules = filter (isJust . snd) modulesWithMatchInfo

lookupMethod :: Name -> Class -> Either ImportError Method
lookupMethod n cls = case Map.lookup n (cls ^. methods) of
Just m -> Right m
_ -> Left SymbolNotFound

testSuccess :: _ => SubPass TestPass _ _
testSuccess = do
one <- integer (1::Int)
Expand Down
121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions core/src/Luna/Pass/Inference/MethodResolution.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}

module Luna.Pass.Inference.MethodResolution where

import Luna.Pass hiding (compile)
import qualified Luna.Pass as Pass
import Control.Monad.Raise (MonadException(..), tryAll)
import qualified Luna.IR.Repr.Vis as Vis

import qualified Data.Set as Set (null)
import Luna.Prelude hiding (String, s, new)
import qualified Luna.Prelude as P
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.TypeDesc
import qualified Luna.IR.Repr.Vis as Vis
import Luna.IR.Expr.Combinators
import Luna.IR.Imports
import qualified Luna.IR.Module.Definition as Module
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Luna.IR.Function hiding (args)
import Luna.IR.Function.Definition
import Luna.IR.Expr.Layout
import Luna.IR.Layer.Redirect
import Luna.IR.Expr.Layout.ENT hiding (Cons)
import Luna.IR.Name (Name)
import Luna.IR.Class.Method (Method(..))
import Luna.IR.Class.Definition
import Luna.Pass.Sugar.Construction
import Luna.IR
import Luna.Pass.Inference.FunctionResolution (ImportError(..), lookupSym)
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Type.Any (AnyType)

newtype CurrentAcc = CurrentAcc (Expr Acc)

data AccessorFunction
type instance Abstract AccessorFunction = AccessorFunction
type instance Inputs Net AccessorFunction = '[AnyExpr, AnyExprLink]
type instance Inputs Layer AccessorFunction = '[AnyExpr // Model, AnyExprLink // Model, AnyExpr // Type, AnyExpr // Succs, AnyExpr // Redirect]
type instance Inputs Attr AccessorFunction = '[CurrentAcc, Imports]
type instance Inputs Event AccessorFunction = '[]

type instance Outputs Net AccessorFunction = '[AnyExpr, AnyExprLink]
type instance Outputs Layer AccessorFunction = '[AnyExpr // Model, AnyExprLink // Model, AnyExpr // Succs, AnyExpr // Type, AnyExpr // Redirect]
type instance Outputs Attr AccessorFunction = '[]
type instance Outputs Event AccessorFunction = '[New // AnyExpr, New // AnyExprLink, Import // AnyExpr, Import // AnyExprLink, Delete // AnyExprLink]

type instance Preserves AccessorFunction = '[]

data AccessorError = MethodNotFound P.String
| AmbiguousType
deriving (Eq, Show)

importAccessor :: MonadPassManager m => SubPass AccessorFunction m (Maybe AccessorError)
importAccessor = do
res <- importAccessor'
case res of
Left err -> return $ Just err
Right (_self, _body) -> return Nothing

importAccessor' :: MonadPassManager m => SubPass AccessorFunction m (Either AccessorError (SomeExpr, SomeExpr))
importAccessor' = do
CurrentAcc acc <- readAttr
match acc $ \case
Acc n v -> do
v' <- source v
tl <- readLayer @Type v'
t <- source tl
match t $ \case
Cons cls _args -> do
classNameExpr <- source cls
methodNameExpr <- source n
method <- importMethod classNameExpr methodNameExpr
case method of
Left SymbolNotFound -> do
methodName <- view lit <$> match' methodNameExpr
return $ Left $ MethodNotFound methodName
Right (ImportedMethod self body) -> do
replaceNode self v'
reconnectLayer' @Redirect (Just (unsafeGeneralize body :: Expr Draft)) acc
unifyTypes acc body
unifyTypes self v'
return $ Right (self, body)
_ -> return $ Left AmbiguousType

unifyTypes :: MonadPassManager m => Expr t -> Expr v -> SubPass AccessorFunction m ()
unifyTypes e1 e2 = do
t1 <- readLayer @Type e1 >>= source
t2 <- readLayer @Type e2 >>= source
void $ unify t1 t2

data ImportedMethod = ImportedMethod { self :: SomeExpr, body :: SomeExpr }

importMethod :: (MonadPassManager m, _) => Expr l -> Expr l' -> SubPass AccessorFunction m (Either ImportError ImportedMethod)
importMethod classExpr methodNameExpr = do
className <- fmap fromString (view lit <$> match' classExpr)
methodName <- fmap fromString (view lit <$> match' methodNameExpr)
imports <- readAttr @Imports
let method = (lookupClass className >=> lookupMethod methodName) imports
case method of
Left err -> return $ Left err
Right (Method self body) -> do
translator <- importTranslator body
bodyExpr <- importFunction body
return $ Right $ ImportedMethod (translator self) bodyExpr

lookupClass :: Name -> Imports -> Either ImportError Class
lookupClass n imps = case matchedModules of
[] -> Left SymbolNotFound
[(_, Just f)] -> Right f
matches -> Left . SymbolAmbiguous $ fst <$> matches
where modulesWithMatchInfo = (over _2 $ flip Module.lookupClass n) <$> Map.assocs (unwrap imps)
matchedModules = filter (isJust . snd) modulesWithMatchInfo

lookupMethod :: Name -> Class -> Either ImportError Method
lookupMethod n cls = case Map.lookup n (cls ^. methods) of
Just m -> Right m
_ -> Left SymbolNotFound

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