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Snowflake Dialect - pt. 7 (#10612)
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- Closes #9486
- All tests are succeeding or marked pending
- Created follow up tickets for things that still need to be addressed, including:
- Fixing upload / table update #10609
- Fixing `Count_Distinct` on Boolean columns #10611
- Running the tests on CI is not part of this PR - to be addressed separately
  • Loading branch information
radeusgd authored Jul 23, 2024
1 parent 71bae7e commit ba56f8e
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Showing 10 changed files with 155 additions and 132 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ from Standard.Base import all
import Standard.Base.Errors.Illegal_Argument.Illegal_Argument
import Standard.Base.Errors.Illegal_State.Illegal_State
import Standard.Base.Errors.Unimplemented.Unimplemented
import Standard.Base.Runtime.Ref.Ref

import Standard.Table.Internal.Problem_Builder.Problem_Builder
import Standard.Table.Internal.Vector_Builder.Vector_Builder
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,13 +168,12 @@ type Snowflake_Dialect
mapping = self.get_type_mapping
source_type = mapping.sql_type_to_value_type column.sql_type_reference.get
target_value_type = mapping.sql_type_to_value_type target_type
# Boolean to Numeric casts need special handling:
transformed_expression = case source_type.is_boolean && target_value_type.is_numeric of
True ->
SQL_Expression.Operation "IIF" [Internals_Access.column_expression column, SQL_Expression.Literal "1", SQL_Expression.Literal "0"]
False -> Internals_Access.column_expression column
target_type_sql_text = mapping.sql_type_to_text target_type
new_expression = SQL_Expression.Operation "CAST" [transformed_expression, SQL_Expression.Literal target_type_sql_text]

new_expression = make_custom_cast column source_type target_value_type . if_nothing <|
source_expression = Internals_Access.column_expression column
target_type_sql_text = mapping.sql_type_to_text target_type
SQL_Expression.Operation "CAST" [source_expression, SQL_Expression.Literal target_type_sql_text]

new_sql_type_reference = infer_result_type_from_database_callback new_expression
Internal_Column.Value new_sql_type_reference new_expression

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -699,5 +699,29 @@ make_distinct_extension distinct_expressions =
SQL_Builder.code " QUALIFY ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY " ++ joined ++ " ORDER BY 1) = 1 "
Context_Extension.Value position=550 expressions=distinct_expressions run_generator=run_generator

Returns a custom cast expression if it is needed for a specific pair of types,
or Nothing if the default cast is sufficient.
make_custom_cast (column : Internal_Column) (source_value_type : Value_Type) (target_value_type : Value_Type) -> SQL_Expression | Nothing =
result = Nothing

# Custom expression for boolean to float cast, as regular cast does not support it.
if source_value_type.is_boolean && target_value_type.is_floating_point then
result.put <|
SQL_Expression.Operation "IIF" [Internals_Access.column_expression column, SQL_Expression.Literal "1", SQL_Expression.Literal "0"]

# If the text length is bounded, we need to add a `LEFT` call to truncate to desired length avoiding errors.
if target_value_type.is_text && target_value_type.size.is_nothing.not then
# But we only do so if the source type was also text.
# For any other source type, we keep the original behaviour - failing to convert if the text representation would not fit.
if source_value_type.is_text then result.put <|
max_size = (target_value_type.size : Integer)
truncated = SQL_Expression.Operation "LEFT" [Internals_Access.column_expression column, SQL_Expression.Literal max_size.to_text]
# We still need a cast to ensure the Value_Type gets the max size in it - LEFT returns no size limit unfortunately.
target_type_name = "VARCHAR(" + max_size.to_text + ")"
SQL_Expression.Operation "CAST" [truncated, SQL_Expression.Literal target_type_name]


snowflake_dialect_name = "Snowflake"
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lib/scala/pkg/src/main/resources/default/src/Main.enso
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ from Standard.Table import all
from Standard.Database import all
from Standard.AWS import all
from Standard.Google_Api import all
from Standard.Snowflake import all
import Standard.Visualization

main =
Expand Down
92 changes: 32 additions & 60 deletions test/Snowflake_Tests/src/Snowflake_Spec.enso
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ snowflake_specific_spec suite_builder default_connection db_name setup =
# The integer column is treated as NUMBER(38, 0) in Snowflake so the value type reflects that: "Value Type" . to_vector . should_equal [Value_Type.Char, Value_Type.Decimal 38 0, Value_Type.Boolean, Value_Type.Float]

group_builder.specify "should return Table information, also for aggregated results" <|
group_builder.specify "should return Table information, also for aggregated results" pending="TODO: fix" <|
i = data.t.aggregate columns=[Aggregate_Column.Concatenate "strs", Aggregate_Column.Sum "ints", Aggregate_Column.Count_Distinct "bools"] . column_info "Column" . to_vector . should_equal ["Concatenate strs", "Sum ints", "Count Distinct bools"] "Items Count" . to_vector . should_equal [1, 1, 1]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ snowflake_specific_spec suite_builder default_connection db_name setup =
# We expect warnings about coercing Decimal types
w1 = Problems.expect_warning Inexact_Type_Coercion t1
w1.requested_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal 24 -3)
w1.actual_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal 38 0)
w1.actual_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal Nothing Nothing)

t1.update_rows ( [["d1", [1.2345678910]], ["d2", [12.3456]], ["d3", [1234567.8910]], ["f", [1.5]]]) update_action=Update_Action.Insert . should_succeed

Expand All @@ -257,18 +257,6 @@ snowflake_specific_spec suite_builder default_connection db_name setup = "d3" . to_vector . should_equal [1234568] "f" . to_vector . should_equal [1.5] "[Snowflake] Dialect-specific codegen" group_builder->
data = Snowflake_Info_Data.setup default_connection

group_builder.teardown <|

group_builder.specify "should generate queries for the Distinct operation" <|
t = data.connection.query (SQL_Query.Table_Name data.tinfo)
code_template = 'SELECT "{Tinfo}"."strs" AS "strs", "{Tinfo}"."ints" AS "ints", "{Tinfo}"."bools" AS "bools", "{Tinfo}"."doubles" AS "doubles" FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ON ("{Tinfo}_inner"."strs") "{Tinfo}_inner"."strs" AS "strs", "{Tinfo}_inner"."ints" AS "ints", "{Tinfo}_inner"."bools" AS "bools", "{Tinfo}_inner"."doubles" AS "doubles" FROM (SELECT "{Tinfo}"."strs" AS "strs", "{Tinfo}"."ints" AS "ints", "{Tinfo}"."bools" AS "bools", "{Tinfo}"."doubles" AS "doubles" FROM "{Tinfo}" AS "{Tinfo}") AS "{Tinfo}_inner") AS "{Tinfo}"'
expected_code = code_template.replace "{Tinfo}" data.tinfo
t.distinct ["strs"] . to_sql . prepare . should_equal [expected_code, []] "[Snowflake] Table.aggregate should correctly infer result types" group_builder->
data = Snowflake_Aggregate_Data.setup default_connection

Expand All @@ -284,8 +272,13 @@ snowflake_specific_spec suite_builder default_connection db_name setup =
group_builder.specify "Counts" <|
r = data.t.aggregate columns=[Aggregate_Column.Count, Aggregate_Column.Count_Empty "txt", Aggregate_Column.Count_Not_Empty "txt", Aggregate_Column.Count_Distinct "i1", Aggregate_Column.Count_Not_Nothing "i2", Aggregate_Column.Count_Nothing "i3"]
r.column_count . should_equal 6
r.columns.each column->
column.value_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal 18 0) "Count" . value_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal 18 0) "Count Empty txt" . value_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal 13 0) "Count Not Empty txt" . value_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal 13 0) "Count Distinct i1" . value_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal 18 0) "Count Not Nothing i2" . value_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal 18 0) "Count Nothing i3" . value_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal 13 0)

group_builder.specify "Sum" <|
r = data.t.aggregate columns=[Aggregate_Column.Sum "i1", Aggregate_Column.Sum "i2", Aggregate_Column.Sum "i3", Aggregate_Column.Sum "i4", Aggregate_Column.Sum "r1", Aggregate_Column.Sum "r2"]
Expand All @@ -308,24 +301,14 @@ snowflake_specific_spec suite_builder default_connection db_name setup = "[Snowflake] Warning/Error handling" group_builder->
group_builder.specify "query warnings should be propagated" <|
long_name = (Name_Generator.random_name "T") + ("a" * 100)
r = default_connection.get.execute_update 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE "'+long_name+'" ("A" VARCHAR)'
w1 = Problems.expect_only_warning SQL_Warning r
# The display text may itself be truncated, so we just check the first words.
w1.to_display_text . should_contain "identifier"
# And check the full message for words that could be truncated in short message.
w1.message . should_contain "truncated to"

table = default_connection.get.query (SQL_Query.Raw_SQL 'SELECT 1 AS "'+long_name+'"')
w2 = Problems.expect_only_warning SQL_Warning table
w2.message . should_contain "truncated"
effective_name = table.column_names . at 0
effective_name . should_not_equal long_name
long_name.should_contain effective_name

group_builder.specify "is capable of handling weird tables" <|
default_connection.get.execute_update 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE "empty-column-name" ("" VARCHAR)' . should_fail_with SQL_Error
default_connection.get.execute_update 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE "empty-column-name" ("" VARCHAR)' . should_succeed
t = default_connection.get.query "empty-column-name"
t.columns.length . should_equal 1
# The column is renamed to something valid upon read:
t.column_names . should_equal ["Column 1"]
# Should be readable: . at 0 . to_vector . should_equal []

Problems.assume_no_problems <|
default_connection.get.execute_update 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE "clashing-unicode-names" ("ś" VARCHAR, "s\u0301" INTEGER)'
Expand All @@ -343,7 +326,9 @@ snowflake_specific_spec suite_builder default_connection db_name setup =
r3.catch.cause . should_be_a Duplicate_Output_Column_Names

r4 = default_connection.get.query 'SELECT 1 AS ""'
r4.should_fail_with SQL_Error
r4.should_fail_with Illegal_Argument
r4.catch.to_display_text . should_contain "The provided custom SQL query is invalid and may suffer data corruption"
r4.catch.to_display_text . should_contain "The name '' is invalid" "[Snowflake] Edge Cases" group_builder->
group_builder.specify "materialize should respect the overridden type" pending="TODO" <|
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -525,31 +510,31 @@ snowflake_specific_spec suite_builder default_connection db_name setup = "[Snowflake] math functions" group_builder->
group_builder.specify "round, trunc, ceil, floor" <|
col = table_builder [["x", [0.1, 0.9, 3.1, 3.9, -0.1, -0.9, -3.1, -3.9]]] . at "x"
col . cast Value_Type.Integer . ceil . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Float
col . cast Value_Type.Integer . ceil . value_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal 38 0)

col . cast Value_Type.Float . round . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Float
col . cast Value_Type.Integer . round . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Float
col . cast Value_Type.Decimal . round . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Decimal
col . cast Value_Type.Integer . round . value_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal 38 0)
col . cast Value_Type.Decimal . round . value_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal 38 0)

col . cast Value_Type.Float . round 1 . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Float
col . cast Value_Type.Integer . round 1 . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Decimal
col . cast Value_Type.Decimal . round 1 . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Decimal
col . cast Value_Type.Integer . round 1 . value_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal 38 0)
col . cast Value_Type.Decimal . round 1 . value_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal 38 0)

col . cast Value_Type.Float . round use_bankers=True . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Float
col . cast Value_Type.Integer . round use_bankers=True . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Float
col . cast Value_Type.Decimal . round use_bankers=True . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Decimal
col . cast Value_Type.Decimal . round use_bankers=True . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Float

col . cast Value_Type.Float . ceil . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Float
col . cast Value_Type.Integer . ceil . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Float
col . cast Value_Type.Decimal . ceil . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Decimal
col . cast Value_Type.Integer . ceil . value_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal 38 0)
col . cast Value_Type.Decimal . ceil . value_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal 38 0)

col . cast Value_Type.Float . floor . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Float
col . cast Value_Type.Integer . floor . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Float
col . cast Value_Type.Decimal . floor . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Decimal
col . cast Value_Type.Integer . floor . value_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal 38 0)
col . cast Value_Type.Decimal . floor . value_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal 38 0)

col . cast Value_Type.Float . truncate . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Float
col . cast Value_Type.Integer . truncate . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Float
col . cast Value_Type.Decimal . truncate . value_type . should_equal Value_Type.Decimal
col . cast Value_Type.Integer . truncate . value_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal 38 0)
col . cast Value_Type.Decimal . truncate . value_type . should_equal (Value_Type.Decimal 38 0)

do_op n op =
table = light_table_builder [["x", [n]]]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -578,18 +563,6 @@ snowflake_specific_spec suite_builder default_connection db_name setup =
do_op Number.positive_infinity op . should_equal Number.positive_infinity
do_op Number.negative_infinity op . should_equal Number.negative_infinity

group_builder.specify "round returns the correct type" <|
do_round 231.2 1 . should_be_a Float
do_round 231.2 0 . should_be_a Float
do_round 231.2 . should_be_a Float
do_round 231.2 -1 . should_be_a Float

group_builder.specify "round returns the correct type" <|
do_round 231 1 . should_be_a Float
do_round 231 0 . should_be_a Float
do_round 231 . should_be_a Float
do_round 231 -1 . should_be_a Float

type Lazy_Ref
Value ~get

Expand All @@ -604,7 +577,6 @@ add_snowflake_specs suite_builder create_connection_fn db_name =
ix = name_counter.get
name_counter . put ix+1
name = Name_Generator.random_name "table_"+ix.to_text

in_mem_table = columns
in_mem_table.select_into_database_table (connection.if_nothing default_connection.get) name primary_key=Nothing temporary=True
light_table_builder columns =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -662,7 +634,7 @@ add_table_specs suite_builder =
cloud_setup.with_prepared_environment <|
with_secret "my_snowflake_username" base_details.credentials.username username_secret-> with_secret "my_snowflake_password" base_details.credentials.password password_secret->
secret_credentials = Credentials.Username_And_Password username_secret password_secret
details = Snowflake_Details.Snowflake base_details.account_name secret_credentials base_details.database base_details.schema base_details.warehouse
details = Snowflake_Details.Snowflake base_details.account secret_credentials base_details.database base_details.schema base_details.warehouse
connection = Database.connect details
Panic.with_finalizer connection.close <|
Expand Down
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions test/Table_Tests/src/Common_Table_Operations/Aggregate_Spec.enso
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1061,6 +1061,26 @@ add_specs suite_builder setup = . should_equal "Count Distinct A B"
m1.columns.first.to_vector . should_equal [3]

group_builder.specify "should work correctly with Boolean columns" pending=(if prefix.contains "Snowflake" then "TODO: fix") <|
table = table_builder [["A", [True, True, True]], ["B", [False, False, False]], ["C", [True, False, True]], ["D", [Nothing, False, True]]]

t_with_nulls = table.aggregate columns=[..Count_Distinct "A", ..Count_Distinct "B", ..Count_Distinct "C", ..Count_Distinct "D"]
m1 = materialize t_with_nulls
m1.column_count . should_equal 4 "Count Distinct A" . to_vector . should_equal [1] "Count Distinct B" . to_vector . should_equal [1] "Count Distinct C" . to_vector . should_equal [2] "Count Distinct D" . to_vector . should_equal [3]

t_without_nulls = table.aggregate columns=[..Count_Distinct "A" ignore_nothing=True, ..Count_Distinct "B" ignore_nothing=True, ..Count_Distinct "C" ignore_nothing=True, ..Count_Distinct "D" ignore_nothing=True]
m2 = materialize t_without_nulls
m2.column_count . should_equal 4 "Count Distinct A" . to_vector . should_equal [1] "Count Distinct B" . to_vector . should_equal [1] "Count Distinct C" . to_vector . should_equal [2]
# The NULL is ignored, and not counted towards the total "Count Distinct D" . to_vector . should_equal [2] prefix+"Table.aggregate Standard_Deviation" pending=(resolve_pending test_selection.std_dev) group_builder->
group_builder.specify "should correctly handle single elements" <|
r1 = table_builder [["X", [1]]] . aggregate columns=[Standard_Deviation "X" (population=False), Standard_Deviation "X" (population=True)]
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ add_specs suite_builder setup =
table_builder = setup.light_table_builder
pending_datetime = if setup.test_selection.date_time.not then "Date/Time operations are not supported by this backend." prefix+"(Derived_Columns_Spec) Table.set with Simple_Expression" group_builder->
group_builder.specify "arithmetics" <|
group_builder.specify "arithmetics" pending=(if prefix.contains "Snowflake" then "TODO: re-enable these once is merged") <|
t = table_builder [["A", [1, 2]], ["B", [10, 40]]]
t.set (Simple_Expression.Simple_Expr (Column_Ref.Name "A") Simple_Calculation.Copy) "C" . at "C" . to_vector . should_equal [1, 2]
t.set (..Simple_Expr (..Name "A") ..Copy) "C" . at "C" . to_vector . should_equal [1, 2]
Expand Down

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