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Attivati nel file proxy_conf.yaml i seguenti micro services

  • spid_account_liniking: per la conversione del fiscal number nel codice fiscale (legacy)
  • static_attributes: per l'aggiunta di attributi statici es. countryname
  • ldap_attribute_store: per ricerca all'interno del ldap, in attribute_name indichiamo l'attributo legacy ottenuto dalla conversione del fiscal number e in ldap_identifier_attribute il nome dell'attributo nel nostro ldap
  • aggiunti gli attributi necessari nel file satosa_spid_basic_hybrid e saosa_spdi_uri_hybrid


This is a SAML2 configuration for SATOSA that aims to setup a SAML-to-SAML Proxy compatible with the SPID - the Italian Digital Identity System.

Table of Contents

  1. Goal
  2. Demo components
  3. Docker image
  4. Setup
  5. Start the Proxy
  6. Additional technical informations
  7. Author
  8. Credits


Satosa-Saml2 Spid is an intermediary between many SAML2 Service Providers and many SAML2 Identity Providers. Specifically it allows traditional Saml2 Service Providers to communicate with Spid Identity Providers adapting Metadata and AuthnRequest operations to the Spid technical requirements.

big picture

Figure1 : Common scenario, a traditional SAML2 Service Provider (SP) that's proxied through the SATOSA SPID Backend gets compliances on AuthnRequest and Metadata operations.

More generally this solution allows us to adopt multiple proxy frontends and backends to adapt and allows to communicate systems that, due to protocol or specific limitations, traditionally could not interact each other.

Short glossary

  • Frontend, interface of the proxy that is configured as a SAML2 Identity Provider
  • Backend, interface of the proxy that is configured as a SAML2 Service Provider
  • TargetRouting, a SATOSA microservice for selecting the output backend to reach the endpoint (IdP) selected by the user
  • Discovery Service, interface that allows users to select the authentication endpoint

Demo components

The example project comes with the following demo pages, served with the help of an additional webserver dedicated for static contents:

Discovery Service page


Error page


You can find these demo pages in example/static and edit at your taste. To get redirection to these pages, or redirection to third-party services, consider the following configuration files:

  • example/proxy_conf.yml, example: UNKNOW_ERROR_REDIRECT_PAGE: "http://localhost:9999/error_page.html"
  • example/plugins/{backends,frontends}/$filename, example: disco_srv: ""

Docker image

You should customize the configuration before creating a Docker image, if you want to run a demo anyway, you can use the example project as well with some compromise. Start your demo SP and your demo IdP (Example IdPs: spid-saml-check or spid-test-env2) then use their metadata URLs in the build command, as follow:

docker image build --tag saml2spid . --build-arg SP_METADATA_URL="" --build-arg IDP_METADATA_URL=""
docker run -t -i -p 10000:10000 -p 9999:9999 saml2spid

Copy proxy frontend metadata to your SP:

wget https://localhost:10000/Saml2IDP/metadata -O saml2_sp/saml2_config/satosa-spid.xml --no-check-certificate

Copy proxy backend metadata to your IdPs:


Enter in the container for inspection ... it could be useful

docker exec -it $(docker container ls | grep saml2spid | awk -F' ' {'print $1'}) /bin/sh


Prepare environment
mkdir satosa_proxy && cd satosa_proxy
virtualenv -ppython3 satosa.env
source satosa.env/bin/activate
sudo apt install -y libffi-dev libssl-dev xmlsec1 python3-pip xmlsec1 procps

git clone repository
pip install -r repository/requirements.txt

Configure the Proxy

Create certificates for SAML2 operations, thanks to psmiraglia.

export WD="pki/"

mkdir $WD && cd $WD
cp ../repository/oids.conf .
cp ../repository/ .

# create your values inline 
cat > my.env <<EOF
export COMMON_NAME="SPID example proxy"
export LOCALITY_NAME="Roma"
export ORGANIZATION_NAME="SPID example proxy"
export SERIAL_NUMBER="1234567890"
export SPID_SECTOR="public"
export URI=""
export DAYS="7300"

. my.env

cd ..

Copy repository/example/* contents (cp -R repository/example/* .) and edit the following files with your preferred configuration. These are the configuration files:

  • example/proxy_conf.yaml
  • example/plugins/backends/spidsaml2_backend.yaml
  • example/plugins/backends/saml2_backend.yaml
  • example/plugins/frontend/saml2_frontend.yaml

Handling Metadata

If you want to handle metadata file manually, as this example purpose as demostration, create metadata/idp and metadata/sp folders, then copy metadata:

wget http://localhost:8080/metadata.xml -O metadata/idp/spid-saml-check.xml
wget -O metadata/idp/spid-entities-idps.xml

Copy your SP metadata to your Proxy

wget -O metadata/sp/my-sp.xml

Otherwise the best method would be enabling a MDQ server in each frontend and backend configuration file. See example/plugins/{backends,frontends}/$filename as example.

Start the Proxy

Warning: these examples must be intended only for test purpose, for a demo run. Please remember that the following examples wouldn't be intended for a real production environment! If you need some example for a production environment please take a look at example/uwsgi_setup/ folder.

export SATOSA_APP=$VIRTUAL_ENV/lib/$(python -c 'import sys; print(f"python{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}")')/site-packages/satosa

# only https with satosa, because its Cookie only if "secure" would be sent
uwsgi --wsgi-file $SATOSA_APP/  --https,./pki/cert.pem,./pki/privkey.pem --callable app

# additional static serve for the demo Discovery Service with Spid button
uwsgi --http --check-static-docroot --check-static ./static/ --static-index disco.html

Get Proxy Metadata for your SP

The Proxy metadata must be configured in your SP. Your SP is an entity that's external from this Proxy, eg: shibboleth sp, djangosaml2, another ...

wget https://localhost:10000/Saml2IDP/metadata -O path/to/your/sp/metadata/satosa-spid.xml --no-check-certificate

Then start an authentication from your SP.

result Figure 2: The result using spid-saml-check.

Additional technical informations

Spid Requirements

The SaToSa SPID backend contained in this project works if the following patches will be used, read this for any further explaination about how to patch by hands.

You can get all those patches and features merged in the following forks:

Pending contributions to idpy

These are mandatory only for getting Spid SAML2 working, these are not needed for any other traditional SAML2 deployment:


Here something that you should know before start.

  • You must enable more than a single IdP (multiple metadata or single metadata with multiple entities) to get Discovery Service working.
  • Proxy doesn't handle SAML2 SLO, so the spidSaml2 backend is configured with Authnforce -> True. For any further information see Single Logout in Satosa.
  • SATOSA Saml2 backend configuration have a policy section that will let us to define specialized behaviours and configuration for each SP (each by entityid). In this example I defined a single "default" behaviour with attributes name_format to urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri, due to my needs to handle many service providers for which it could be painfull do a static definition each time. An additional "hack" have been made in example/attributes-maps/, where I adopted a hybrid mapping that works for both URI and BASIC formats. Feel free to customized or decouple these format in different files and per SP.


SATOSA Official Documentation is available at the following links, make sure you've taken a look to these to understand the potential of this platform:

Account Linking

Additional resources:


Giuseppe De Marco


  • Paolo Smiraglia (SPID certs)
  • idpy Community (pySAML2 and SATOSA)


SATOSA SAML-to-SAML proxy with Spid compliances







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