A guide to available tools, components, patterns, and platforms for developing on Ethereum.
Creation of this list was spurred by product managers at Consensys who saw a need for better sharing of tools, development patterns, and components amongst both new and experienced blockchain developers.
Feel free to submit a pull request, with anything from small fixes to tools you'd like to add. If adding a new tool, please add a brief description that you think new developers would understand.
Truffle - Most popular smart contract development, testing, and deployment framework
Embark- Framework for DApp development
Infura - API gateway so you don’t have to host your own ETH node
Mythril - Static smart contract security analysis
Oyente- Static smart contract security analysis
Solidity code coverage - solidity code coverage tool
Remix- Web IDE with built in static analysis, test blockchain VM.
Atom Solidity Linter- Atom package for Solidity linting
Solc - Solidity compiler
ethereum-graph-debugger - Solidity graph debugger
Solidity - Ethereum smart contracting language. Read the docs, play CryptoZombies and Chainshot building blocks, or checkout Consensys Academy
Javascript - Client side language for interacting with smart contracts
Typescript- javascript with type safety, backwards compatible
- 0x to Typescript Generator - converts contract ABI code to Typescript
- Web3.py - python implementation of web3.js
- Web3j - Java implementation of web3
- web3 - Haskell implementation of web3
Truffle boxes - Packaged components for the Ethereum ecosystem
Solutions PoC Starter app - Simple MERN stack with built in token use case, uPort signing, and more.
Paris Solutions stack - Very private chain focused but production ready solution.
Viant - Just consider using Viant as your backend if the use case is business process oriented.
Kaleido - Use Kaleido for spinning up a consortium network. Great for PoCs and testing.
Metamask - Easiest way to get started using a dapp. Chrome extension Ether wallet.
Ether Address Lookup - Chrome extension for phishing protection and Eth address highlighting
EthGasStation - website for estimating tx prices vs times
Portis - web-based wallet for easy user onboarding to your DApp, no download required
uPort - Total identity solution.
Cypher - Mobile dapp explorer
MyCrypto - Ethereum blockchain interface. Access your wallet locally. Contract interaction and deployment. Swaps. Transaction status lookup. Testnet and 3rd-party ETH-based chain support.
Trustology - Under development. Institutional custody.
Gnosis multisig wallet
Mustekala - blockchain services framework
IPFS-Store - IPFS Storage service with added search capability
Eventeum - A bridge between Ethereum smart contract events and backend microservices, written in Java by Kauri.
Web3.js - Javascript
- Eth.js - Lightweight alternative
Web3j - Java
Nethereum - .Net
Pyethereum - Python
Ethers.js- Web3 Alternative
Drizzle - Redux library to connect a frontend to a blockchain
Block explorers
Etherscan - most popular centralized way to view Eth transactions and contract code
Ganache- App for test Ethereum blockchain with visual UI and logs
Etherchain lite- Lightweight blockchain explorer for your private Ethereum chain
Alethio EthStats 2.0 coming soon
Supermax- A live data feed of the activities and event logs of your smart contracts on Ethereum
Decentralized Exchanges
Airswap - decentralized token exchange
0x protocol based decentralized exchanges
Opensea.io- decentralized exchange of cryptocollectibles
KYC/AML Onboarding
SmartAML protospoke
Third party centralized versions
Registry Framework for Digital Assets
- Oracalize- oracle service for your smart contracts.
Safety wiki- Ethereum Foundation wiki on safety
Smart contract best practices - " “ published by Consensys
- ERC-721 - A peek into debate and consensus-reaching on a token standard for non-fungible assets
- Comprehensive Medium article on various solutions to scale Ethereum