A mini RESTful API framework built on cowboy and swagger
rebar3 new app my_server
open rebar.config
and add minirest in deps
{deps, [{minirest, {git, "https://github.com/emqx/minirest", {tag, "1.1.2"}}}]}.
After add dep, rebar.config file should be like
{erl_opts, [debug_info]}.
{deps, [{minirest, {git, "https://github.com/emqx/minirest", {tag, "1.1.2"}}}]}.
{shell, [
{apps, [my_server]}
%% API
api_spec() ->
hello_api() ->
MetaData = #{
get => #{
description => "hello world",
responses => #{
<<"200">> => #{
content => #{
'application/json' => #{
schema => #{
type => object,
properties => #{
msg => #{
type => string}}}},
'text/plain' => #{
schema => #{
type => string}}}}}}},
{"/hello", MetaData, hello}.
hello(get, #{bindings := Bindins,
body := Body,
query_string := QueryString,
headers := Headers}) ->
Content = maps:get(<<"accept">>, Headers),
Body =
case Content of
<<"text/plain">> ->
<<"hello, minirest">>;
<<"application/json">> ->
#{msg => <<"hello minirest">>}
{200, #{<<"content-type">> => Content}, Body}.
% Supports callback functions for 2/3 parameters
% The first parameter is Method
% The second argument is the parsed parameters, including (bindings, query_string, headers, body)
% The third argument is the request of cowboy
hello(Method, #{bindings := Bindins,
body := Body,
query_string := QueryString,
headers := Headers}, Request) ->
Content = maps:get(<<"accept">>, Headers),
Body =
case Content of
<<"text/plain">> ->
<<"hello, minirest">>;
<<"application/json">> ->
#{msg => <<"hello minirest">>}
{200, #{<<"content-type">> => Content}, Body}.
ServerName = example_server,
App = my_server, %% or your app name
{ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(minirest),
Options = #{
port => 8088,
apps => [App]
minirest:start(ServerName, Options).
See detail by example/my_server
Request filter
query & headers
Parameters check
Test suite