C언어의 Socket Programing을 활용하여 작은 서버를 구현하는 Tiny Web server 프로젝트입니다.
[CS] 그림으로 알아보는 네트워크 - 계층화와 OSI, TCP/IP, UDP의 특징과 차이점
[CS] 그림으로 알아보는 네트워크 - 소켓 프로그래밍과 Handshaking
Tiny Web server
Dave O'Hallaron
Carnegie Mellon University
This is the home directory for the Tiny server, a 200-line Web
server that we use in "15-213: Intro to Computer Systems" at Carnegie
Mellon University. Tiny uses the GET method to serve static content
(text, HTML, GIF, and JPG files) out of ./ and to serve dynamic
content by running CGI programs out of ./cgi-bin. The default
page is home.html (rather than index.html) so that we can view
the contents of the directory from a browser.
Tiny is neither secure nor complete, but it gives students an
idea of how a real Web server works. Use for instructional purposes only.
The code compiles and runs cleanly using gcc 2.95.3
on a Linux 2.2.20 kernel.
To install Tiny:
Type "tar xvf tiny.tar" in a clean directory.
To run Tiny:
Run "tiny <port>" on the server machine,
e.g., "tiny 8000".
Point your browser at Tiny:
static content: http://<host>:8000
dynamic content: http://<host>:8000/cgi-bin/adder?1&2
tiny.tar Archive of everything in this directory
tiny.c The Tiny server
Makefile Makefile for tiny.c
home.html Test HTML page
godzilla.gif Image embedded in home.html
README This file
cgi-bin/adder.c CGI program that adds two numbers
cgi-bin/Makefile Makefile for adder.c