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Releases: emmt/InterProcessCommunication.jl


12 Nov 13:41
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InterProcessCommunication v0.1.5

Diff since v0.1.4

  • Fix definition of constants SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 (see PR 12).

Merged pull requests:


26 Aug 21:47
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InterProcessCommunication v0.1.4

Diff since v0.1.3

  • convert(RawFD, f) and RawFD(f) yield the raw file descriptor of FileDescriptor instance f.


16 Jul 18:35
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InterProcessCommunication v0.1.3

Diff since v0.1.2

  • Argument readonly is now a keyword in ShmId constructor and shmid method. Old behavior where it was the optional last argument has been deprecated.

  • Argument shmctl checks that the buffer is large enough. Call IPC.unsafe_shmct to avoid this check or to directly pass a pointer.

Merged pull requests:

Closed issues:

  • semaphore permissions: Trying to set 0o666 results in 0o664 instead (#8)


29 May 20:12
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InterProcessCommunication v0.1.2

Diff since v0.1.1

  • Export umask to set the calling process's file mode creation mask.

  • When creating a semaphore, Semaphore(...) ignores the calling process's file mode creation mask for the access permissions while open(Semaphore, ...) masks the access permissions against the process umask like sem_open.

  • Standard C types are no longer prefixed by _typeof_. For example, Julia equivalent of C mode_t is given by constant IPC.mode_t.


18 Feb 13:45
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InterProcessCommunication v0.1.1

Diff since v0.1.0

  • Update doc.
  • Fix setindex! to return its first argument. This is a minor fix.

Merged pull requests:


17 Dec 10:18
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This is the first release of a Julia package for inter-process communications.