Isn't that title going to be outdated in, like, a month? -- Professor Greggory Durret, Ph.D.
Hello internet. How are you?
I am ambiguously employed right now, so I am making a Twitter bot to tweet about products by Nestle (to avoid, shun, boycott, &tc).
Nestle is evil and this Twitter bot will be the viral internet tour de force that takes it down, probably.
TBD lmao
This bot is deployed on Heroku and is currently configured to compose + send a tweet every hour. Tweets might contain stupid images that manage to evade the purpose of the bot - that's show biz, baby!
If you, the curious onlooker, wanted to deploy this yourself, you would need to run these commands before locking the pipfile. Maybe this is obvious?
pipenv install tweepy
pipenv install numpy
pipenv install imutils
pipenv install opencv-contrib-python