NRK Intervjuoppgave Data Scientist: Emiliano Guevara
This directory contains the code and results for the interview task as an Ipython Notebook.
Ipython notebook is a rather popular framework that allows to sketch research notes and code at the same time. The notebook can be visualized with the embedded results and graphics as a common webpage, or it can be downloaded and executed interactively in a local machine.
In order to run correctly, the following packages must be installed (written and tested on Linux Fedora 23, the package names may change on a different operating system):
Python 2.7 dnf install gcc gcc-c++
Python libraries used:
dnf install numpy scipy python-matplotlib python-ipython python3-ipython python-pandas python-virtualenv python3-virtualenv
Running this notebook
Once the needed packages are correctly installed, this Ipython Notebook can be used interactively by checking out the source file and running:
ipython notebook
A browser window will open at http://localhost:8888/ and the notebook will be available as "Unge_lovende.ipynb".
More information on how to run notebooks is available at