This sketch is
- ModbusIP Server
- ModbusIP Client. Pull/push registers from server by schedule.
- 1-Wire DS18B20 mapping to Modbus registers. Query schedule.
- GPIO mapping to Modbus registers (not implemented completry yet)
- Apple HomeKit (mapping Modbus registers to)
- Configuration is storing in JSON and aplaied at boot
- Modbus interactive read/write local and remote registers
- GPIO interactive read/write/mode change
- 1-Wire bus scan
- I2C bus scan
- File operations (list, remove, view content)
- System operarions (memory information, reboot, uptime, show date/time)
- Ping
- Arduino
- ESP8266 core for Arduino
- Run 2018.2
- Ultralightweight JSON parser in ANSI C
- Arduino plug and go library for the Maxim (previously Dallas) DS18B20 (and similar) temperature ICs
- ESP8266Ping with Async extension
- Shell
- NeoPixelBus
- Native Apple HomeKit accessory implementation for the ESP8266/ESP32 Arduino core
- format
- ls
- rm
- cat
- hexdump
- line
- coil
- hreg
- ists
- ireg
- slave
- slavecoil
- slavehreg
- slaveists
- slaveireg
- pullcoil
- pullhreg
- pullists
- pullireg
- pushists
- pilllist
- dslist
- dsscan
- dsname
- dsmap
- dssave
- i2cscan
- gpio
- gpiomode
- gpiomapcoil
- gpiomapists
- gpiolist
- gpiosave
- hkreset
- hklist
- khtemp
- hklamp
- ledcolor
- ledon
- ledoff
- ledshift
- ledrotate
- ledshow
- lcdtext
- lcdnum
- lcdclear
- exec
- @delay
- @goto
- &
- @add
- @ifeq
- @ifgt
- @ifle
- :
- reboot
- serial
- mem
- ps
- kill
- uptime
- ping (ESP8266 only)
- ?