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Erica Maranowski edited this page Sep 18, 2023 · 1 revision

BanKan Feature List

BanKan is a task management and organization website that allows users to track projects and record notes.

1. Boards

Logged in users can create a board, giving it a title and background image. Logged in users can view a board, including all its columns and cards. Logged in users can update a board's title and background. Logged in users can delete a board.

2. Columns

Logged in users can create a column for a board, giving it a title and color. Logged in users can view a column, including all its cards. Logged in users can update a column's title and color. Logged in users can delete a column.

3. Cards

Logged in users can create a card for a column, giving it a title and description. Logged in users can view a card. Logged in users can update a card's title and description. Logged in users can delete a card. Logged in users can drag and drop a card to a new location within its original column, or a different column.

4. Notebooks

Logged in users can create a notebook for a board, giving it a title and background image. Logged in users can view a notebook, including all its notes. Logged in users can update a notebook title and background image. Logged in users can delete a notebook.

5. Notes

Logged in users can create a note for a notebook, giving it a title and text. Logged in users can view a note. Logged in users can update a note's title and text. Logged in users can delete a note.

Bonus Features

Drag & Drop

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