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AND Gate

Meredith Espinosa edited this page Dec 26, 2018 · 1 revision

The AND gate works like a standard logical AND, with a few modifications. The left, back, and right all act as inputs for the front output. Either two or three inputs can be active at a time, and when all active inputs are on, the front will output the bitwise AND of the active input values. To deactivate an input, right-click its light. When the light is half-size, the input is disabled. To reactivate the input, right-click it again or right-click another input.

The front torch can be right-clicked to change the AND gate from bitwise mode to boolean mode. In boolean mode, the gate will output 0b00_0001 (1) if all active outputs have a signal greater than 0, and 0b00_0000 (0) otherwise.

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