An iOS piano keyboard view for iPhone or iPad, written in Swift 5. Has an IBDesignable preview in interface builder with IBInspectable properties for:
- Number of keys
- Hide/show note names on keys
- Black key height and width
- Hightlight keys, with individual colour (optional play note)
- Custom key labels
- Latch, toggle key on/off
All images are drawn using Core Graphics.
To use via CocoaPods, add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'PianoKeyboard'
With Xcode 11+ you can add PianoKeyboard to your project using the Swift Package Manager. From the File menu select Swift Packages and then select Add Package Dependency. A dialogue then will request the package repository URL, enter:
The Example app demonstrates how to integrate and use PianoKeyboard in your project. It includes a simple AVAudioEngine/AVAudioUnitSampler based sound source.
func pianoKeyDown(_ keyNumber: Int) {
// Called when the key corresponding to midi number keyNumber is pressed
func pianoKeyUp(_ keyNumber: Int) {
// Called when the key corresponding to midi number keyNumber is released
A key's label must be assigned a value for it to show:
keyboard.setLabel(for: 60, text: "Do")
keyboard.setLabel(for: 62, text: "Re")
keyboard.setLabel(for: 64, text: "Mi")
for noteNumber in 65...72 {
keyboard.setLabel(for: noteNumber, text: noteNumber))
- Swift 5
- SwiftLint (for Example app)
brew install swiftlint
Gary Newby
Licensed under the MIT License.