This is an example REST service for managing users accounts.
It allows to register, create/read/update/delete accounts and operations under specific account of logged in user.
- Java (17)
- Spring Framework
- Spring Boot (version 2.6.6)
- Spring Data
- Spring Security
- Spring HATEOAS
- PostgreSQL (version 42.3.3)
- Lombok (version 1.18.22)
For successful running you need postgres running at localhost:5432 and mail server running at localhost:1025.
For postgres I use official docker image.
As mail server I use maildev docker image
First, you need to register (POST method /register), confirm your email and log in to system.
Then you can start from GET method /me, this will return your username, email and fullname.
From /me you can go to
- /accounts
- /operations
- /accounts/{id}
- /accounts/{id}/operations/
- /accounts/{id}/operations/{id}
- /accounts/{id}/stats
and perform CRUD operations with this account and operation entities.