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keep your entire project tidy with one command.

lintball is a wrapper script around linters (static code analysis tools) and code formatters (such as prettier, black, etc).

Why use lintball?

Most software projects consist of more than one programming language. There's source code, documentation, configuration files, build scripts, and so on. Each language may have tools to find and fix issues - but configuring CI, git hooks, etc for each of these tools can be tedious - especially if you work on a lot of projects. The goal of lintball is to streamline the installation and running of these tools so that you have more time for the more fun and important things.

Supported languages

Language Detection Tools used
bash *.bash, #!/usr/bin/env bash shellcheck, shfmt
bats *.bats, #!/usr/bin/env bats shellcheck, shfmt
CSS *.css prettier
Cython *.pyx, *.pxd, *.pxi autoflake, autopep8, docformatter
GraphQL *.graphql prettier
HTML *.html prettier
JavaScript *.js, *.cjs, #!/usr/bin/env node eslint,prettier
JSON *.json prettier
JSX *.jsx eslint,prettier
ksh *.ksh, #!/usr/bin/env ksh shellcheck, shfmt
Markdown *.md prettier
MDX *.mdx prettier
mksh *.mksh, #!/usr/bin/env mksh shellcheck, shfmt
package.json package.json prettier-package-json
pug *.pug prettier/plugin-pug
Python *.py, *.pyi, #!/usr/bin/env python autoflake, autopep8, black, docformatter, isort, pylint
SASS *.scss prettier
sh *.sh, #!/bin/sh shellcheck, shfmt
TSX *.tsx eslint,prettier
TypeScript *.ts eslint,prettier
XML *.xml prettier/plugin-xml
YAML *.yml, *.yaml prettier, yamllint

Installation: upgrading from v1

lintball v1 was installed locally as an npm package and required a lengthy GitHub Actions Workflow. lintball v2 introduces dockerization and a GitHub Action.

To upgrade a lintball v1 project to use lintball v2:

  1. Remove existing lint GitHub Actions workflow in .github/workflows.
  2. rm -rf .githooks

Then follow the below instructions to install lintball v2.

Installation: git pre-commit hook

lintball runs in a docker container as a git pre-commit hook. To install the hook:

docker run --volume ".:/workspace" elijahru/lintball lintball install-githooks

This will run the linters and formatters automatically when you make a git commit.

If any issues are found which cannot be automatically fixed, the commit will be blocked and an error message will be shown indicating any necessary changes.

Installation: GitHub Actions

An example GitHub Actions workflow for linting your project on push:

# yamllint disable rule:line-length

name: Lint

# yamllint disable rule:truthy
    branches: ["*"]
    tags: ["*"]
# yamllint enable rule:truthy

    name: lint
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
          fetch-depth: 0 # This is necessary for linting only recent changes
      - name: Run lintball
        uses: elijahr/run-lintball@v2

Additional Usage

If you need functionality besides the pre-commit hook, you may run via:

docker run --volume ".:/workspace" elijahru/lintball <lintball command>

Where <lintball command> is one of:

  lintball [-h | -v]
  lintball [-c <path>] check [--since <commit>] [--jobs <n>] [paths …]
  lintball [-c <path>] fix [--since <commit>] [--jobs <n>] [paths …]
  lintball [-c <path>] install-githooks [-y | -n] [-p <path>]
  lintball [-c <path>] install-lintballrc [-y | -n] [-p <path>]
  lintball [-c <path>] install-tools [-y | -n] [-a] [-p <path>] [ext …]
  lintball [-c <path>] pre-commit

  -h, --help                Show this help message & exit.
  -v, --version             Print version & exit.
  -c, --config <path>       Use the config file at <path>.

  check [paths …]           Recursively check for issues.
                              Exit 1 if any issues.
    -s, --since <commit>    Check only files changed since <commit>. This
                            includes both committed and uncommitted changes.
                            <commit> may be a commit hash or a committish, such
                            as HEAD~1 or master.
    -j, --jobs <n>          The number of parallel jobs to run.
                              Default: the number of available CPUs.
  fix [paths …]             Recursively fix issues.
                              Exit 1 if unfixable issues.
    -s, --since <commit>    Fix only files changed since <commit>. This
                            includes both committed and uncommitted changes.
                            <commit> may be a commit hash or a committish, such
                            as HEAD~1 or master.
    -j, --jobs <n>          The number of parallel jobs to run.
                              Default: the number of available CPUs.
  install-githooks          Install lintball githooks in a git repository.
    -p, --path <path>       Path to git project to install pre-commit hook to.
                              Default: working directory.
    -y, --yes               Skip prompt & replace repo's githooks.
    -n, --no                Skip prompt & exit 1 if repo already has githooks.
  install-lintballrc        Create a default .lintballrc.json config file.
    -p, --path <path>       Where to install the config file.
                              Default: working directory
    -y, --yes               Skip prompt & replace existing .lintballrc.json.
    -n, --no                Skip prompt & exit 1 if .lintballrc.json exists.
  install-tools [ext …]     Install tools for fixing files having extensions
                            [ext]. If no [ext] are provided, lintball will
                            autodetect which tools to install based on files in
    -p, --path <path>       The path to search for file types.
                              Default: working directory
    -y, --yes               Skip prompt & install missing dependencies.
    -a, --all               Install *all* tools.
  pre-commit                Recursively fix issues on files that are fully
                            staged for commit. Recursively check for issues on
                            files that are partially staged for commit.
                              Exit 1 if unfixable issues on fully staged files.
                              Exit 1 if any issues on partially staged files.

  $ lintball check                       # Check working directory for issues.
  $ lintball check --since HEAD~1        # Check working directory for issues
                                         # in all files changes since the commit
                                         # before last.
  $ lintball check foo                   # Check the foo directory for issues.
  $ lintball check                # Check the file for issues.
  $ lintball fix                         # Fix issues in the working directory.
  $ lintball -c foo/.lintballrc.json fix # Fix issues in the working directory
                                         # using the specified config.
  $ lintball fix foo                     # Fix issues in the foo directory.
  $ lintball fix                  # Fix issues in the file.
  $ lintball install-githooks -p foo     # Install githooks in directory foo.
  $ lintball install-githooks --yes      # Install a githooks config, replacing
                                         # any existing githooks config.
  $ lintball install-lintballrc          # Install a default .lintballrc.json
                                         # in the working directory.
  $ lintball install-lintballrc -p foo   # Install default .lintballrc.json in
                                         # directory foo.
  $ lintball install-tools               # Autodetect tools for working
                                         # directory and install them.
  $ lintball install-tools -p foo        # Autodetect tools for directory foo
                                         # and install them.
  $ lintball install-tools --all         # Install all tools.
  $ lintball install-tools py js yaml    # Install tools for checking Python,
                                         # JavaScript, & YAML.


Ignore patterns

By default, lintball will not process files matching the following globs:


To add or remove items from this list, run lintball install-lintballrc and edit the ignores section in the created .lintballrc.json file. Ignore patterns are Full Name Patterns passed to the find command's -path argument. See also: fnmatch.

Disabling specific tools

If you need to disable a tool, create a .lintballrc.json file in your project and add a use section with only the tools enabled that you wish to use. Note that to disable a tool, explicitly set its value to false, otherwise the default value of true will take precedence. The default use section is defined in configs/lintballrc-defaults.json.

Tool configuration

Many of the tools used by lintball can be configured to suit your needs. See:

If you need to pass custom arguments to a tool (such as specifying a config file), create a .lintballrc.json file in your project with custom write_args and check_args. The default write_args and check_args are defined in configs/lintballrc-defaults.json.


lintball is a wrapper around existing tools. Many thanks to the authors of the tools used by lintball!


Pull requests are welcome! lintball has a suite of unit tests, located in the test directory. The tests can be run with /scripts/ Please ensure that your features or fixes come with unit tests.