This repository holds the work of defining and understanding docmaps as used in eLife's Enhanced preprints platform.
Primarily the value is as a nodejs library you can import. This exports types, functions to generate different aspects of a docmap, and a parser intended to understand the current state of a document described in a docmap.
There are also additional tools in this repository, including:
- yarn scripts to parse a docmap and viewing the parsing output
- yarn script to generate some example docmaps, and the resulting output is stored in
The library is not published to NPM as of time of writing, but you can import the library direct from git:
yarn add "@elifesciences/docmap-ts@"
The most useful part, the parser, can be invoked by passing a docmap as a string to parseDocmap()
import { parser } from '@elifesciences/docmap-ts';
const parsedOutput = parser.parsePreprintDocMap();
- nodejs
- yarn
To run the test suite, just run yarn test
run yarn parse ./path/to/docmap.json
run yarn generate
run yarn fetch-and-test-data-hub-docmap