Persistent Non-Blocking Binary Search Tree (PNB-BST)
This is an implementation of PNB-BST algorithm described in the paper "Persistent Non-Blocking Binary Search Trees Supporting Wait-Free Range Queries" of Panagiota Fatourou, Elias Papavasileiou and Eric Ruppert.
Batched Persistent Non-Blocking Binary Search Tree (BPNB-BST)
This is an optimized version of PNB-BST algorithm that supports key batching in the leafs.
To launch an experiment:
After the experiment:
- Open the generated .csv file in "experiments" folder, and copy the generated table in "toplot.txt"
- Tweak the appropriate plot_script file (e.g.
) - Launch gnuplot and give the appropriate command (e.g.
load ""
Many different versions of the same file are included in some cases. Usually, the last modified is the one currently used. Using git diff -w --no-index file1 file2
, one can see the changes between versions.
- src
Java source code files.
- adapters
Adapters for concurrent data structures.
- algorithms/published
Contains all java source code files of our algorithms used in the experiments of the paper "Persistent Non-Blocking Binary Search Trees Supporting Wait-Free Range Queries".
- main
Main function and Globals file.
- compile
Compiles every .java source file.
- merge
Merges .csv files.
- plot_script_*.gp
Gnuplot scripts used to generate the graphs of the experiments.
Gnuplot script that plots the cache misses per operation.
Gnuplot script that plots the memory usage over time.
- README.txt
Useful README file provided by Trevor Brown.
- run-experiments*
Scripts used to run the experiments. Memory usage and cache misses are measured with these scripts as well.
Constructs a new .csv file containing the throughput results of the experiment in a table format.
Makes a backup of all .csv and .txt files contained in build/ folder.
Constructs a new .csv file containing the cache-misses results of the experiment in a table format.
Constructs a new .csv file containing the memory usage results of the experiment in a table format.
Merges .csv files. Wrapper of ./merge.
- toplot.txt
A .txt file used as input to gnuplot, to generate a plot.
Trevor Brown provided the implementation of Non-Blocking Binary Search Tree (NB-BST) on which the implementation of PNB-BST was based on. The benchmark suite is also based on his benchmark code.