Releases: elgentos/magento2-prismicio
What's Changed
- Content type is not required by @roelofelgentos in #128
Full Changelog: 3.2.0...3.2.1
What's Changed
- Implemented a filter to control which Prismic document types are exposed externally.
- Added configuration options:
- Enable whitelist
- Whitelist content types selection
- Feature is disabled by default.
New Contributors
- @roelofelgentos made his first contribution in #126
Full Changelog: 3.1.0...3.2.0
What's Changed
- Add Boolean class to use with Prismic boolean type by @rjnicolai in #118
New Contributors
- @rjnicolai made their first contribution in #118
Full Changelog: 3.0.3...3.1.0
What's Changed
- fix missing > in configuration model by @elgentos-len in #117
Thank you @elgentos-len <3
Full Changelog: 3.0.2...3.0.3
Created a config value to store the check if exceptions should be thrown.
- config value
added - If
is enabled, exceptions are thrown when debug mode is enabled.
What's Changed
- Implement config value to allow disabling of exceptions by @wahidnory in #116
New Contributors
- @wahidnory made their first contribution in #116
Full Changelog: 3.0.1...3.0.2
Allow store codes in the console commands
Allow to use store codes in the store commands on the command line
bin/magento elgentos:prismicio::slice-machine:init -s default -s nl -s de
# and
bin/magento elgentos:prismicio::slice-machine:start -s default
Exceptions in developermode and debugging enabled
We had a cool demo Thursday and the next question popped up #115 "Implement better errors"
So we did exactly that, because we needed to remove some in the past introduced try/catch
blocks I did a major version bump because it can break some blocks locally (production still silently ignore error prone blocks to not break the frontend, but now it's a fully thought of choice if you jump into this version.
Thanks @wahidnory for sharing this idea!
As an example:
- you are working with slice machine
- implement a new slice type
- add new content in Prismic for this new slice
- publish
- you get an exception if the slice type isn't defined in xml
on production it will only create a debug log record and will not break the site
StaticBlock can now be set via template=
You can add xml for a static block as follows
<block class="Elgentos\PrismicIO\Block\StaticBlock" template="content_type.uid">
What's Changed
It has landed, you can now setup multiple Prismic repo's link them in your backend, choose Multirepo enable and a unique field to bind documents over multiple repositories.
We introduced 2 new commands:
elgentos:prismic:slice-machine:init [...-s|--store-id=]
whereby you can initialize a prismicio slicemachine.elgentos:prismic:slice-machine:start -s|--store-id=
whereby you can get the command to start PrismicIO slicemachine.
We keep track if you have enabled multirepo for the main store id and then symlink slices/types for all other repositories whereby it becomes easy to keep repo and types in sync.
Also started working on documentation which can be found on
It's backwards compatible thought we moved the source to the src/
directory to have a clean structure at the root and make room for docs/
and tests/
- Added support to check if a link has a target. by @Ndottens in #112
- Multiple repos to rule them all by @JeroenBoersma in #114
Full Changelog: 1.17.0...2.0.0
What's Changed
- Added property to class. Dynamic properties arent allowed in newer PHP by @michelheitbrink in #110
- Prevent the sitemap from containing urls of other stores by @michelheitbrink in #111
New Contributors
- @michelheitbrink made their first contribution in #110
Full Changelog: 1.16.6...1.17.0