It’s a clone of a well known social media platform. 😆
First, clone this repository Then:
> bundle install
> bin/rails db:create
> bin/rails db:migrate
> bundle exec rspec # Run the tests to ensure it works
> bin/rails server # Start the server at localhost:3000
Sign up to Heroku, once you have an Heroku account you can run below commands:
brew install heroku
heroku create
git push heroku master
heroku rake db:migrate
heroku open
REQUIRED: Add CI/CD [L] (Part 1: Travis CI)
REQUIRED: AceBook should run on Heroku or AWS [MEDIUM]
REQUIRED: Add CI/CD [L] (Part 2: CD with Heroku)
REQUIRED: Add Test Coverage, Code Quality, and Code Style checks [s]
User is redirected to their own wall when they log in [M]
Develop basic styling for Acebook.
Posts can have line breaks in them[M] -- tests pass
Setup blog [S] and make first post.
Blog post about Travis CI [s]
Users are recognised by a username [S]
Restyle posts [M]
Fix bug: All posts say they're made by the current signed in user [S]
Posts appear with newest post first [M] - waiting for tests
Users can update their own posts [L]
Restyle the sign up page [M]
Restyle nav bar [M]
Users cant edit other people's posts on the newsfeed (test) [S]
Posts show the date they were posted - waiting for tests
User can create new post [L] - waiting for tests
User can View new post [L](tests)
Users can sign up [L] -- awaiting tests
Users can sign in [M] -- awaiting tests
Users can see their own posts [L]
Daily stand-ups were held at 10:00hrs at the whiteboard (Scrummaster role was rotated daily & pairs on a per task/sprint basis.)
Old school workbreakdown was done using post-stick notes.
T-shirt sizing was used to our task estimation and reviewed post-sprint for effectiveness.
Reviews were led by the day's Scrum-master post-sprint at the whiteboard.
Demos were scheduled and performed to the identified Product owners (coaches).
- Our card wall is here:
- Read blogposts of our adventures as a team at: