A repo for some hacktoberfest fun! Here's the link for Hacktoberfest information: https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/ and you can check your Hacktoberfest status from here .
If you would like to contribute, please add a "Hello world" file in the language of your choice to this repo by creating a branch with your language choice and username. Here's an example: git checkout -b ruby-obsidianspork
. Finally, add your name to the list below with your @ GitHub username!
NOTE: if there is already a file with your language of choice, appead your filename with -username
and this will prevent any merge conflicts.
- Tom Davis (@Kat35601)
- I. Gracia (@igcigc)
- Geza Fischer (@gezafisch)
- Justin Eldracher (@justineldracher)
- David Coy (@obsidianspork)
- Jacob Meline (@jmeline)
- Bibek Khadka (@roringbbk)
- Chashmeet Singh (@chashmeetsingh)
- Nayan Gupta (@nayangupta824)
- Michael Hoogkamer (@mhoogkamer)
- Carlyn Marshall (@carmarshall)
- Roger Creasy (@rogercreasy)
- Manuel Medina (@manuelmdn)
- Sam Smith (@yoyosamo)
- Daniel D (@delneet)
- Perdana Adhitama (@kovloq)
- David Perez (@kungfuguapo)
- Evan Burkey (@evanburkey)
- Muriz Serifovic (@Murgio)
- Anubha Kushwaha (@anubhakushwaha)
- Abhijit Ranalkar(@asr21)
- Rohit Gupta(@guptarohit)
- Xing Wang (@xingwang)
- Chaos Shen (@chaosdefinition)
- Steven Suwatanapongched(@sunpech)
- Peter (@magicp)
- Dipen Ved (@vedipen)
- Athitya Kumar (@athityakumar)
- Huy Nguyen (@huyrua291996)
- Pratyush Mohapatra (@ativerc)
- Sameer Killamsetty (@sameer2800)
- Gabriel Ecker (@gabrielecker)
- Vitalii Leshchenko (@vitaliaventel)
- Mahendra (@m6102)
- Coment (@comentarinformal)
- Borja Giraldez (@giraldez122)
- Alejandro Charte (@acharluk)
- Daniel Perez (@djdany01)
- Yogesh Singh (@singhyogesh252)
- Nacho López (@ne3l)
- cl1ent (@cl1ent)
- Wilder Pereira (@WilderPereira)
- eosti (@eosti)
- Vinicius Luiz (@viniciuslcpereira97)
- Dwiky Chandra (@dwikychandra21)
- Michael King (@mtking2)
- Shankhalika Sarkar (@Shankhalika)
- xenocidewiki (@xenocidewiki)
- Logan Green (@lagtag)
- Emerald-Jayde Henao (@emerald-jayde)
- Mark Carlson (@electrek)