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Arne Westphal edited this page Jan 11, 2019 · 15 revisions

elearn.js Wiki

Here we will present explanations and additional information on this script and its features. The Wiki is meant to be always up to date with the current state of the master branch. Also check out the repository's README.

Most of this Wiki will be based on HTML, JavaScript and CSS. Markdown is not supported by default. If you want to write your file in Markdown check out atom-elearnjs and vsc-elearnjs.

Table of contents

What is elearn.js?

The elearn.js script is meant to simplify the creation of an information based Website presented as a digital paper. It can be used for higher education and Open Educational Ressources.

Why use elearn.js?

This project focuses on a simple presentation of information. It is Open Source (license) and easy to write in HTML or Markdown (with our Atom-Package atom-elearnjs or VSCode-Package vsc-elearnjs). There are also extensions for simple inclusion of specific elements, like quiz or video elements:

atom-elearnjs and vsc-elearnjs

For the editor Atom there is the package atom-elearnjs and for Visual Studio Code there is vsc-elearnjs. These packages convert Markdown files to HTML and PDF and are specifically designed to use elearn.js for styling and interactive elements. Using them makes the creation of scripts more simple and fast.


If you are a developer, check out markdown-elearnjs. This node.js package is the core of atom-elearnjs and vsc-elearnjs. It is used for the actual markdown conversion. It offers simple functions to convert and extract everything necessary from the markdown code. This way you are able to build your own conversion tool and GUI without having to worry about the actual code conversion and elearn.js specifics.

Usage and Explanations

Contributing - Technical Information