This the companion code for a series of blog posts starting with part 2 on my ruby blog about proper gem/object contruction using good practices.
The idea here is not mutation, rather a functional deck of cards. You get back an arry and you can do what you like with that array, shuffle, ect.
Currently the cards have "basic" values. The are A:0-K:12. I will be soon showing a way to create a game specific deck of cards using this one as a base using inheritance.... Stay tuned!
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'playing_cards'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install playing_cards
require 'playing_cards'
# normal 52 card deck
deck =
# many decks for games that require multiple packs of cards
deck =
deck.count #=> 624
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