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[lsp] Jump to definition for non-local definitions #762

merged 1 commit into from
Jun 6, 2024
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,11 @@
#755, cc: #722, #725)
- [hover] Show input howto for unicode characters on hover
(@ejgallego, Léo Stefanesco, #756)
- [lsp] [definition] Support for jump to definition across workspace
files. The location information is obtained from `.glob` files, so
it is often not perfect. (@ejgallego, #762, fixes #317)
- [lsp] [hover] Show full name and provenance of identifiers
(@ejgallego, #762)

# coq-lsp 0.1.10: Hasta el 40 de Mayo _en effect_...
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57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions controller/
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Expand Up @@ -96,3 +96,60 @@ let get_uchar_at_point ~prev ~contents ~point =
else None
get_char_at_point_gen ~prev ~get ~contents ~point

module CoqModule = struct
type t =
{ dp : Names.DirPath.t
; source : string
; vo : string
; uri : Lang.LUri.File.t

let uri { uri; _ } = uri
let source { source; _ } = source

let make dp =
match Loadpath.locate_absolute_library dp with
| Ok vo ->
Fleche.Io.Log.trace "rq_definition" "File Found";
let source = Filename.remove_extension vo ^ ".v" in
let source = Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "_build/default/") "" source in
let uri = Lang.LUri.of_string ("file://" ^ source) in
let uri = Lang.LUri.File.of_uri uri |> Result.get_ok in
Ok { dp; source; vo; uri }
| Error err ->
Fleche.Io.Log.trace "rq_definition" "File Not Found :(";
(* Debug? *)
Error err

let offset_to_range source (bp, ep) =
let text =
Coq.Compat.Ocaml_414.In_channel.(with_open_text source input_all)
let rec count (lines, char) cur goal =
if cur >= goal then (lines, char)
match text.[cur] with
| '\n' -> count (lines + 1, 0) (cur + 1) goal
| _ -> count (lines, char + 1) (cur + 1) goal
(* XXX UTF-8 / 16 adjust *)
let bline, bchar = count (0, 0) 0 bp in
let eline, echar = count (bline, bchar) bp ep in
let start = Lang.Point.{ line = bline; character = bchar; offset = bp } in
let end_ = Lang.Point.{ line = eline; character = echar; offset = ep } in
Lang.Range.{ start; end_ }

let find { vo; source; _ } name =
let glob = Filename.remove_extension vo ^ ".glob" in
match Coq.Glob.open_file glob with
| Error err ->
Fleche.Io.Log.trace "rq_definition:open_file" ("Error: " ^ err);
Error err
| Ok g -> (
match Coq.Glob.get_info g name with
| Some { offset; _ } -> Ok (Some (offset_to_range source offset))
| None ->
Fleche.Io.Log.trace "rq_definition:get_info" "Not found";
Ok None)
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions controller/rq_common.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,3 +20,13 @@ val get_uchar_at_point :
-> contents:Fleche.Contents.t
-> point:int * int
-> (Uchar.t * string) option

module CoqModule : sig
type t

(* Lookup module as needed *)
val make : Names.DirPath.t -> (t, Loadpath.Error.t) Result.t
val uri : t -> Lang.LUri.File.t
val source : t -> string
val find : t -> string -> (Lang.Range.t option, string) Result.t
87 changes: 75 additions & 12 deletions controller/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,17 +5,80 @@
(* Written by: Emilio J. Gallego Arias *)

let request ~token:_ ~(doc : Fleche.Doc.t) ~point =
let get_from_toc ~doc id_at_point =
let { Fleche.Doc.toc; _ } = doc in
Fleche.Io.Log.trace "rq_definition" "get_from_toc";
match CString.Map.find_opt id_at_point toc with
| Some node ->
let uri = doc.uri in
let range = node.range in
Some Lsp.Core.Location.{ uri; range }
| None -> None

let lp_to_string = function
| Loadpath.Error.LibNotFound -> "library not found"
| Loadpath.Error.LibUnmappedDir -> "unmapped library"

let err_code = -32803

let locate_extended qid =
try Some (Nametab.locate_extended qid) with Not_found -> None

let find_name_in dp name =
match Rq_common.CoqModule.make dp with
| Error err -> Error (err_code, lp_to_string err)
| Ok mod_ -> (
let uri = Rq_common.CoqModule.uri mod_ in
match Rq_common.CoqModule.find mod_ name with
| Error err -> Error (err_code, err)
| Ok range ->
Ok ( (fun range -> Lsp.Core.Location.{ uri; range }) range))

let get_from_file id_at_point =
Fleche.Io.Log.trace "rq_definition" "get_from_file";
let qid = Libnames.qualid_of_string id_at_point in
match locate_extended qid with
| Some (TrueGlobal (ConstRef cr)) ->
Fleche.Io.Log.trace "rq_definition" "TrueGlobal Found";
let dp = Names.Constant.modpath cr |> Names.ModPath.dp in
let name = Names.Constant.to_string cr in
find_name_in dp name
| Some (TrueGlobal (IndRef (ind, _idx))) ->
let dp = Names.MutInd.modpath ind |> Names.ModPath.dp in
let name = Names.MutInd.to_string ind in
find_name_in dp name
| Some (Abbrev _abbrev) ->
(* Needs improved .glob parsing *)
Ok None
| _ ->
Fleche.Io.Log.trace "rq_definition" "No TrueGlobal Found";
Ok None

let get_from_file ~token ~st id_at_point =
let f = get_from_file in
Coq.State.in_state ~token ~st ~f id_at_point

let request ~token ~(doc : Fleche.Doc.t) ~point =
let { Fleche.Doc.contents; _ } = doc in
let ok s = Coq.Protect.E.ok (Result.Ok s) in
let idp = Rq_common.get_id_at_point ~contents ~point in
(fun id_at_point ->
let { Fleche.Doc.toc; _ } = doc in
match CString.Map.find_opt id_at_point toc with
| Some node ->
let uri = doc.uri in
let range = node.range in
Lsp.Core.Location.({ uri; range } |> to_yojson)
| None -> `Null)
(Rq_common.get_id_at_point ~contents ~point)
|> Result.ok
(fun idp ->
match get_from_toc ~doc idp with
| Some loc -> ok (Some loc)
| None ->
let approx = Fleche.Info.PrevIfEmpty in
Fleche.Info.LC.node ~doc ~point approx
|> Option.cata
(fun node ->
let st = Fleche.Doc.Node.state node in
get_from_file ~token ~st idp)
(ok None))
(ok None) idp
~f:( (Option.cata Lsp.Core.Location.to_yojson `Null))

let request ~token ~doc ~point =
let name = "textDocument/definition" in
let f () = request ~token ~doc ~point in
Request.R.of_execution ~name ~f ()
29 changes: 23 additions & 6 deletions controller/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ let build_ind_type mip = Inductive.type_of_inductive mip

type id_info =
| Notation of Pp.t
| Def of Pp.t
| Def of (Pp.t * Names.Constant.t option * string option)

let info_of_ind env sigma ((sp, i) : Names.Ind.t) =
let mib = Environ.lookup_mind sp env in
Expand All @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ let info_of_ind env sigma ((sp, i) : Names.Ind.t) =
(Impargs.implicits_of_global (Names.GlobRef.IndRef (sp, i)))
let impargs = Impargs.binding_kind_of_status impargs in
Def (Printer.pr_ltype_env ~impargs env_params sigma arity)
Def (Printer.pr_ltype_env ~impargs env_params sigma arity, None, None)

let type_of_constant cb = cb.Declarations.const_type

Expand All @@ -53,7 +53,12 @@ let info_of_const env sigma cr =
(Impargs.implicits_of_global (Names.GlobRef.ConstRef cr))
let impargs = Impargs.binding_kind_of_status impargs in
Def (Printer.pr_ltype_env env sigma ~impargs typ)
let typ = Printer.pr_ltype_env env sigma ~impargs typ in
let dp = Names.Constant.modpath cr |> Names.ModPath.dp in
let source =
Rq_common.CoqModule.(make dp |> Result.to_option |> source)
Def (typ, Some cr, source)

let info_of_var env vr =
let vdef = Environ.lookup_named vr env in
Expand All @@ -70,7 +75,7 @@ let info_of_constructor env cr =

let print_type env sigma x = Def (Printer.pr_ltype_env env sigma x)
let print_type env sigma x = Def (Printer.pr_ltype_env env sigma x, None, None)

let info_of_id env sigma id =
let qid = Libnames.qualid_of_string id in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,10 +119,22 @@ let info_of_id_at_point ~token ~node id =
let st = node.Fleche.Doc.Node.state in
Coq.State.in_state ~token ~st ~f:(info_of_id ~st) id

let pp_cr fmt = function
| None -> ()
| Some cr ->
Format.fprintf fmt " - **full path**: `%a`@\n" Pp.pp_with
(Names.Constant.print cr)

let pp_file fmt = function
| None -> ()
| Some file -> Format.fprintf fmt " - **in file**: `%s`" file

let pp_typ id = function
| Def typ ->
| Def (typ, cr, file) ->
let typ = Pp.string_of_ppcmds typ in
Format.(asprintf "```coq\n%s : %s\n```" id typ)
asprintf "@[```coq\n%s : %s@\n```@\n@[%a@]@[%a@]@]" id typ pp_cr cr
pp_file file)
| Notation nt ->
let nt = Pp.string_of_ppcmds nt in
Format.(asprintf "```coq\n%s\n```" nt)
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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions coq/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -120,3 +120,12 @@ let format_to_file ~file ~f x =
Out_channel.with_open_bin file (fun oc ->
let of_fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
Format.fprintf of_fmt "@[%a@]%!" f x)

module Option = struct
include Stdlib.Option

module O = struct
let ( let+ ) r f = map f r
let ( let* ) r f = bind r f
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions coq/compat.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,3 +35,12 @@ module Result : sig
-> ('r, 'e) Result.t
-> unit

module Option : sig
include module type of Stdlib.Option

module O : sig
val ( let+ ) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b t
val ( let* ) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t
5 changes: 1 addition & 4 deletions coq/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -184,7 +184,4 @@ let open_file file =
Compat.Ocaml_414.In_channel.with_open_text file (Coq.read_glob (Some vfile))
else Error (Format.asprintf "Cannot open file: %s" file)

let get_info map name =
match DefMap.find_opt name map with
| Some info -> Ok info
| None -> Error (Format.asprintf "definition %s not found in glob table" name)
let get_info map name = DefMap.find_opt name map
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion coq/glob.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
(* Glob file that was read and parsed successfully *)
type t

(* Input is a .glob file *)
val open_file : string -> (t, string) Result.t

module Info : sig
Expand All @@ -27,4 +28,4 @@ module Info : sig

val get_info : t -> string -> (Info.t, string) Result.t
val get_info : t -> string -> Info.t option
70 changes: 35 additions & 35 deletions etc/doc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,41 +19,41 @@

If a feature doesn't appear here it usually means it is not planned in the short term:

| Method | Support | Notes |
| `initialize` | Partial | We don't obey the advertised client capabilities |
| `client/registerCapability` | No | Not planned ATM |
| `$/setTrace` | Yes | |
| `$/logTrace` | Yes | |
| `window/logMessage` | Yes | |
| `textDocument/didOpen` | Yes | We can't reuse Memo tables yet |
| `textDocument/didChange` | Yes | We only support `TextDocumentSyncKind.Full` for now |
| `textDocument/didClose` | Partial | We'd likely want to save a `.vo` file on close if possible |
| `textDocument/didSave` | Partial | Undergoing behavior refinement |
| `notebookDocument/didOpen` | No | Planned |
| `textDocument/declaration` | No | Planned, blocked on upstream issues |
| `textDocument/definition` | Partial | Working only locally on files for now |
| `textDocument/references` | No | Planned, blocked on upstream issues |
| `textDocument/hover` | Yes | Shows stats and type info of identifiers at point |
| `textDocument/codeLens` | No | |
| `textDocument/foldingRange` | No | |
| `textDocument/documentSymbol` | Yes | Sections and modules missing (#322) |
| `textDocument/semanticTokens` | No | Planned |
| `textDocument/inlineValue` | No | Planned |
| `textDocument/inlayHint` | No | Planned |
| `textDocument/completion` | Partial | Needs more work locally and upstream (#50) |
| `textDocument/publishDiagnostics` | Yes | |
| `textDocument/diagnostic` | No | Planned, issue #49 |
| `textDocument/codeAction` | No | Planned |
| `textDocument/selectionRange` | Partial | Selection for a point is its span; no parents |
| `workspace/workspaceFolders` | Yes | Each folder should have a `_CoqProject` file at the root. |
| `workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders` | Yes | |
| `workspace/didChangeConfiguration` | Yes (*) | We still do a client -> server push, instead of pull |
| Method | Support | Notes |
| `initialize` | Partial | We don't obey the advertised client capabilities |
| `client/registerCapability` | No | Not planned ATM |
| `$/setTrace` | Yes | |
| `$/logTrace` | Yes | |
| `window/logMessage` | Yes | |
| `textDocument/didOpen` | Yes | We can't reuse Memo tables yet |
| `textDocument/didChange` | Yes | We only support `TextDocumentSyncKind.Full` for now |
| `textDocument/didClose` | Partial | We'd likely want to save a `.vo` file on close if possible |
| `textDocument/didSave` | Partial | Undergoing behavior refinement |
| `notebookDocument/didOpen` | No | Planned |
| `textDocument/declaration` | No | Planned, blocked on upstream issues |
| `textDocument/definition` | Yes (*) | Uses .glob information which is often incomplete |
| `textDocument/references` | No | Planned, blocked on upstream issues |
| `textDocument/hover` | Yes | Shows stats and type info of identifiers at point, extensible |
| `textDocument/codeLens` | No | |
| `textDocument/foldingRange` | No | |
| `textDocument/documentSymbol` | Yes | Sections and modules missing (#322) |
| `textDocument/semanticTokens` | No | Planned |
| `textDocument/inlineValue` | No | Planned |
| `textDocument/inlayHint` | No | Planned |
| `textDocument/completion` | Partial | Needs more work locally and upstream (#50) |
| `textDocument/publishDiagnostics` | Yes | |
| `textDocument/diagnostic` | No | Planned, issue #49 |
| `textDocument/codeAction` | No | Planned |
| `textDocument/selectionRange` | Partial | Selection for a point is its span; no parents |
| `workspace/workspaceFolders` | Yes | Each folder should have a `_CoqProject` file at the root. |
| `workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders` | Yes | |
| `workspace/didChangeConfiguration` | Yes (*) | We still do a client -> server push, instead of pull |

### URIs accepted by coq-lsp

Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions examples/Pff.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ Require Export List.
Require Export PeanoNat.
Require Import Psatz.

Set Warnings "-deprecated".

(* Compatibility workaround, remove once requiring Coq >= 8.16 *)
Module Import Compat.

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