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[lsp] [petanque] Remove handling hook in favor of more typed requests.
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ejgallego committed Jun 11, 2024
1 parent f4d1d73 commit 5c5aa8b
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Showing 11 changed files with 153 additions and 90 deletions.
54 changes: 19 additions & 35 deletions controller/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -427,49 +427,34 @@ let do_changeConfiguration ~io params =
Rq_init.do_settings settings;

(* Petanque bridge *)
let petanque_init () =
let fn ~token:_ uri =
match Fleche.Theory.find_doc ~uri with
| Some doc -> Ok doc
| None ->
let msg = Format.asprintf "lsp_core: document not found" in
Error (Petanque.Agent.Error.System msg)
Petanque.Agent.fn := fn

let petanque_handle_doc (module S : Petanque_json.Protocol.Request.S) ~params =
(* XXX fixme: doc is now retrieved by petanque callback, but we could use
this *)
let handler ~token ~doc:_ =
Petanque_json.Interp.do_request ~token (module S) ~params
(* XXX: The below wouldn't work due to params having uri in an incorrect
format, do_document_request expects the uri to be in the textDocument
field *)
let textDocument = string_field "uri" params in
let params =
("textDocument", `Assoc [ ("uri", `String textDocument) ]) :: params
do_document_request ~postpone:true ~params ~handler

let petanque_handle_now ~token (module S : Petanque_json.Protocol.Request.S)
~params = (Petanque_json.Interp.do_request ~token (module S) ~params)
(* EJGA: Note that our current configuration allow petanque calls to be
interrupted, this can become an issue with LSP. For now, clients must choose
a trade-off (we could disable interruption on petanque call, but that brings
other downsides)
The only real solution is to wait for OCaml 5.x support, so we can server
read-only queries without interrupting the main Coq thread. *)
let petanque_handle ~token (module R : Petanque_json.Protocol.Request.S) ~params
let open Petanque_json in
match Interp.do_request (module R) ~params with
| Interp.Action.Now handler -> (handler ~token)
| Interp.Action.Doc { uri; handler } ->
let postpone = false in
Rq.Action.(Data (DocRequest { uri; postpone; handler }))

(* XXX: Deduplicate with Petanque_json.Protocol. *)
let do_petanque ~token method_ params =
(* For now we do a manual brigde *)
let open Petanque_json.Protocol in
match method_ with
| s when String.equal Start.method_ s ->
petanque_handle_doc (module Start) ~params
petanque_handle ~token (module Start) ~params
| s when String.equal RunTac.method_ s ->
petanque_handle_now ~token (module RunTac) ~params
petanque_handle ~token (module RunTac) ~params
| s when String.equal Goals.method_ s ->
petanque_handle_now ~token (module Goals) ~params
petanque_handle ~token (module Goals) ~params
| s when String.equal Premises.method_ s ->
petanque_handle_now ~token (module Premises) ~params
petanque_handle ~token (module Premises) ~params
| _ ->
(* EJGA: should we allow this system to compose better with other LSP
extensions? *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -532,7 +517,6 @@ let lsp_init_process ~ofn ~io ~cmdline ~debug msg : Init_effect.t =
List.iter (log_workspace ~io) workspaces;
petanque_init ();
Success workspaces
| LSP.Message.Request { id; _ } ->
(* per spec *)
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17 changes: 6 additions & 11 deletions petanque/
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Expand Up @@ -101,17 +101,12 @@ let protect_to_result (r : _ Coq.Protect.E.t) : (_, _) Result.t =
Error (Error.Anomaly (Pp.string_of_ppcmds msg))
| { r = Completed (Ok r); feedback = _ } -> Ok r

let fn = ref (fun ~token:_ _uri -> Error (Error.System "No handler for fn"))

let start ~token ~uri ?pre_commands ~thm () =
match !fn ~token uri with
| Ok doc ->
let open Coq.Compat.Result.O in
let* node = find_thm ~doc ~thm in
(* Usually single shot, so we don't memoize *)
let memo = false in
execute_precommands ~token ~memo ~pre_commands ~node |> protect_to_result
| Error err -> Error err
let start ~token ~doc ?pre_commands ~thm () =
let open Coq.Compat.Result.O in
let* node = find_thm ~doc ~thm in
(* Usually single shot, so we don't memoize *)
let memo = false in
execute_precommands ~token ~memo ~pre_commands ~node |> protect_to_result

let proof_finished { Coq.Goals.goals; stack; shelf; given_up; _ } =
List.for_all CList.is_empty [ goals; shelf; given_up ] && CList.is_empty stack
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32 changes: 25 additions & 7 deletions petanque/agent.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,16 +40,34 @@ module Run_result : sig
| Current_state of 'a

val fn : (token:Coq.Limits.Token.t -> Lang.LUri.File.t -> Fleche.Doc.t R.t) ref
(** Protocol notes:
(** [start ~token ~fn ~uri ~pre_commands ~thm] start a new proof for theorem
[thm] in file [uri] under [fn]. [token] can be used to interrupt the
computation. Returns the proof state or error otherwise. [pre_commands] is a
string of dot-separated Coq commands that will be executed before the proof
starts. *)
The idea is that the types of the functions here have a direct translation
to the JSON-RPC (or any other) protocol.
Thus, types here correspond to types in the wire, except for cases where the
protocol layer performs an implicit mapping on types.
So far, the mappings are:
- [uri] <-> [Doc.t]
- [int] <-> [State.t]
The [State.t] mapping is easy to do at the protocol level with a simple
mapping, however [uri -> Doc.t] may need to yield to the document manager to
build the corresponding [doc]. This is very convenient for users, but
introduces a little bit more machinery.
We could imagine a future where [State.t] need to be managed asynchronously,
then the same approach that we use for [Doc.t] could happen. *)

(** [start ~token ~doc ~pre_commands ~thm] start a new proof for theorem [thm]
in file [uri] under [fn]. [token] can be used to interrupt the computation.
Returns the proof state or error otherwise. [pre_commands] is a string of
dot-separated Coq commands that will be executed before the proof starts. *)
val start :
-> uri:Lang.LUri.File.t
-> doc:Fleche.Doc.t
-> ?pre_commands:string
-> thm:string
-> unit
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78 changes: 57 additions & 21 deletions petanque/json_shell/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,47 +2,83 @@ open Protocol
open Protocol_shell
module A = Petanque.Agent

let do_request ~token (module R : Protocol.Request.S) ~params =
match R.Handler.Params.of_yojson (`Assoc params) with
| Ok params -> (
match R.Handler.handler ~token params with
| Ok result -> Ok (R.Handler.Response.to_yojson result)
| Error err ->
(* These types ares basically duplicated with controller/; move to a
common lib (lsp?) *)
type r = (Yojson.Safe.t, int * string) Result.t

module Action = struct
type 'a t =
| Now of (token:Coq.Limits.Token.t -> r)
| Doc of
{ uri : Lang.LUri.File.t
; handler : token:Coq.Limits.Token.t -> doc:Fleche.Doc.t -> r
(* End of controller/ *)

let of_pet_err res =
(fun err ->
let message = Petanque.Agent.Error.to_string err in
let code = Petanque.Agent.Error.to_code err in
Error (code, message))
(code, message))

(* Basically a functor from R.Handler.t to Action.t, but closing over params *)
let do_request (module R : Protocol.Request.S) ~params =
let of_pet res = R.Handler.Response.to_yojson res |> of_pet_err in
let handler params =
match R.Handler.handler with
| Immediate handler ->
Action.Now (fun ~token -> handler ~token params |> of_pet)
| FullDoc { uri_fn; handler } ->
let uri = uri_fn params in
let handler ~token ~doc = handler ~token ~doc params |> of_pet in
Action.Doc { uri; handler }
match R.Handler.Params.of_yojson (`Assoc params) with
| Ok params -> handler params
| Error message ->
(* JSON-RPC Parse error *)
let code = -32700 in
Error (code, message)
Action.Now (fun ~token:_ -> Error (code, message))

let do_handle ~fn ~token (module R : Protocol.Request.S) ~params =
match do_request (module R) ~params with
| Action.Now handler -> handler ~token
| Action.Doc { uri; handler } ->
let open Coq.Compat.Result.O in
let* doc = fn ~token ~uri |> of_pet_err in
handler ~token ~doc

let handle_request ~token ~method_ ~params =
match method_ with
| s when String.equal SetWorkspace.method_ s ->
do_request ~token (module SetWorkspace) ~params
do_handle ~token (module SetWorkspace) ~params
| s when String.equal Start.method_ s ->
do_request ~token (module Start) ~params
do_handle ~token (module Start) ~params
| s when String.equal RunTac.method_ s ->
do_request ~token (module RunTac) ~params
do_handle ~token (module RunTac) ~params
| s when String.equal Goals.method_ s ->
do_request ~token (module Goals) ~params
do_handle ~token (module Goals) ~params
| s when String.equal Premises.method_ s ->
do_request ~token (module Premises) ~params
do_handle ~token (module Premises) ~params
| _ ->
(* JSON-RPC method not found *)
let code = -32601 in
let message = "method not found" in
Error (code, message)
fun ~fn:_ ->
(* JSON-RPC method not found *)
let code = -32601 in
let message = "method not found" in
Error (code, message)

let request ~token ~id ~method_ ~params =
match handle_request ~token ~method_ ~params with
let request ~fn ~token ~id ~method_ ~params =
match handle_request ~fn ~token ~method_ ~params with
| Ok result -> Lsp.Base.Response.mk_ok ~id ~result
| Error (code, message) -> Lsp.Base.Response.mk_error ~id ~code ~message

let interp ~token (r : Lsp.Base.Message.t) : Lsp.Base.Message.t option =
let interp ~fn ~token (r : Lsp.Base.Message.t) : Lsp.Base.Message.t option =
match r with
| Request { id; method_; params } ->
let response = request ~token ~id ~method_ ~params in
let response = request ~fn ~token ~id ~method_ ~params in
Some (Lsp.Base.Message.response response)
| Notification { method_; params = _ } ->
let message = "unhandled notification: " ^ method_ in
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion petanque/json_shell/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,8 +28,10 @@ let send_message msg =
(* Format.fprintf Format.std_formatter "@[%a@]@\n%!" Yojson.Safe.pretty_print
msg *)

let fn = Petanque.Shell.build_doc

let interp ~token request =
match Interp.interp ~token request with
match Interp.interp ~fn ~token request with
| None -> ()
| Some message -> send_message message

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33 changes: 26 additions & 7 deletions petanque/json_shell/
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@@ -1,10 +1,20 @@
open Lang
open Petanque

(* Serialization for agent types *)
open JAgent

(* RPC-side server mappings, internal; we could split this in a different module
eventually as to make this clearer. *)
module HType = struct
type ('p, 'r) t =
| Immediate of (token:Coq.Limits.Token.t -> 'p -> 'r R.t)
| FullDoc of
{ uri_fn : 'p -> LUri.File.t
; handler : token:Coq.Limits.Token.t -> doc:Fleche.Doc.t -> 'p -> 'r R.t

module type Handler = sig
(* Server-side RPC specification *)
module Params : sig
Expand All @@ -16,7 +26,7 @@ module type Handler = sig
type t [@@deriving to_yojson]

val handler : token:Coq.Limits.Token.t -> Params.t -> Response.t R.t
val handler : (Params.t, Response.t) HType.t

(* Note that here we follow JSON-RPC / LSP capitalization conventions *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,8 +79,13 @@ module Start = struct
type t = State.t [@@deriving yojson]

let handler ~token { Params.uri; pre_commands; thm } =
Agent.start ~token ~uri ?pre_commands ~thm ()
let handler =
{ uri_fn = (fun { Params.uri; _ } -> uri)
; handler =
(fun ~token ~doc { Params.uri = _; pre_commands; thm } ->
Agent.start ~token ~doc ?pre_commands ~thm ())

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,8 +122,10 @@ module RunTac = struct
type t = State.t Run_result.t [@@deriving yojson]

let handler ~token { Params.memo; st; tac } = ~token ?memo ~st ~tac ()
let handler =
(fun ~token { Params.memo; st; tac } -> ~token ?memo ~st ~tac ())

Expand All @@ -131,7 +148,8 @@ module Goals = struct

module Response = Response

let handler ~token { } = Agent.goals ~token ~st
let handler =
HType.Immediate (fun ~token { } -> Agent.goals ~token ~st)

Expand All @@ -154,6 +172,7 @@ module Premises = struct

module Response = Response

let handler ~token { } = Agent.premises ~token ~st
let handler =
HType.Immediate (fun ~token { } -> Agent.premises ~token ~st)
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions petanque/json_shell/
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Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,9 @@ module SetWorkspace = struct
type t = unit [@@deriving yojson]

let handler ~token { Params.debug; root } =
Petanque.Shell.set_workspace ~token ~debug ~root
let handler =
(fun ~token { Params.debug; root } ->
Petanque.Shell.set_workspace ~token ~debug ~root)
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion petanque/json_shell/
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Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ let rq_info (r : Lsp.Base.Message.t) =
| Response (Ok { id; _ } | Error { id; _ }) ->
Format.asprintf "response for: %d" id

let fn = Petanque.Shell.build_doc

let rec handle_connection ~token ic oc () =
let* request = Lwt_io.read_line ic in
Expand All @@ -23,7 +25,7 @@ let rec handle_connection ~token ic oc () =
let* () = (fun m -> m "Received: %s" (rq_info request)) in
(* request could be a notification, so maybe we don't have to do a
reply! *)
match Interp.interp ~token request with
match Interp.interp ~fn ~token request with
| None -> handle_connection ~token ic oc ()
| Some reply ->
let* () = (fun m -> m "Sent reply") in
Expand Down
5 changes: 1 addition & 4 deletions petanque/
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Expand Up @@ -79,9 +79,7 @@ let setup_doc ~token env uri =
Ok (Fleche.Doc.check ~io ~token ~target ~doc ())
| Error err -> Error err

let fn ~token uri =
let env = Option.get !env in
setup_doc ~token env uri
let build_doc ~token ~uri = setup_doc ~token (Option.get !env) uri

(* Flèche LSP backend handles the conversion at the protocol level *)
let to_uri uri = Lang.LUri.of_string uri |> Lang.LUri.File.of_uri
Expand All @@ -97,5 +95,4 @@ let set_roots ~token ~debug ~roots =
let init_agent ~token ~debug ~roots =
init_st := Some (init_coq ~debug);
Fleche.Io.CallBack.set io;
Agent.fn := fn;
set_roots ~token ~debug ~roots
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions petanque/shell.mli
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Expand Up @@ -18,3 +18,8 @@ val set_workspace :
-> debug:bool
-> root:Lang.LUri.File.t
-> unit Agent.R.t

val build_doc :
-> uri:Lang.LUri.File.t
-> (Fleche.Doc.t, Agent.Error.t) Result.t

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