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Regions of difference

PeterSlickers edited this page Jun 18, 2011 · 29 revisions

Regions of difference

The term "Regions of difference" (ROD) referres to loci within a bacterial genome which are found only in some members of a species. These loci are typically prophages, transposons, plasmids integrated into the chromosome, genomic island, and remnants of all these mobil elements. Chromosomal encoded virulence factors and antibiotic resistence determinats are most often haboured in ROD. In an excellent publication ChaudhuriRR-SebaihiaM-2010 have used the concept of ROD to analyze the full genome of the prototypical enteroaggregative Escherichia coli strain 042.

This page is intended to be the start point for an analysis and annotation of ROD in the 2011 O104:H4 outbreak strain. Please contribute to this page and its subpages.

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