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new bar chart normalized to O3
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oflatt committed Feb 24, 2025
1 parent 4202769 commit 80f0311
Showing 1 changed file with 36 additions and 26 deletions.
62 changes: 36 additions & 26 deletions infra/
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Expand Up @@ -10,18 +10,22 @@
import profile

RUN_MODES = ["llvm-O0-O0", "llvm-eggcc-O0-O0", "llvm-O3-O0"]
BAR_CHART_RUN_MODES = ["llvm-O3-O3", "llvm-O3-O0", "llvm-eggcc-O0-O0"]

if profile.TO_ABLATE != "":
RUN_MODES.extend(["llvm-eggcc-ablation-O0-O0", "llvm-eggcc-ablation-O3-O0", "llvm-eggcc-ablation-O3-O3"])
BAR_CHART_RUN_MODES.extend(["llvm-eggcc-ablation-O0-O0", "llvm-eggcc-ablation-O3-O0", "llvm-eggcc-ablation-O3-O3"])

# copied from chart.js
"llvm-O0-O0" : "purple",
"llvm-eggcc-O0-O0" : "pink",
"llvm-O3-O0" : "gray",
"rvsdg-round-trip-to-executable": "red",
"llvm-O0-O0": "purple",
"llvm-O1-O0": "green",
"llvm-O2-O0": "orange",
"llvm-O3-O0": "gray",
"llvm-O3-O3": "gold",
"llvm-eggcc-O0-O0": "pink",
"llvm-eggcc-sequential-O0-O0": "blue",
"llvm-eggcc-O3-O0": "brown",
"llvm-eggcc-O3-O3": "lightblue",
"llvm-eggcc-ablation-O0-O0": "blue",
"llvm-eggcc-ablation-O3-O0": "green",
"llvm-eggcc-ablation-O3-O3": "orange",
Expand All @@ -34,16 +38,18 @@


# rows has the same type as the profile.json file: a list of dictionaries
# however it should only contain rows for a single benchmark, with all the different runMethods
def group_baseline_cycles(rows):
def group_cycles(rows, treatment):
# assert only one row has a runMethod of llvm-O0-O0
count = [row.get('runMethod', '') == 'llvm-O0-O0' for row in rows].count(True)
count = [row.get('runMethod', '') == treatment for row in rows].count(True)
assert(count == 1)

for row in rows:
if row.get('runMethod', '') == 'llvm-O0-O0':
if row.get('runMethod', '') == treatment:
return row.get('cycles', [])
# throw exception if we don't have a baseline
raise KeyError("Missing baseline in profile.json")
Expand All @@ -52,7 +58,7 @@ def group_baseline_cycles(rows):
# given a profile.json, find the baseline cycles for the benchmark
def get_baseline_cycles(data, benchmark_name):
group = [row for row in data if row.get('benchmark', '') == benchmark_name]
return group_baseline_cycles(group)
return group_cycles(group, BASELINE_TREATMENT)

def get_row(data, benchmark_name, run_method):
for row in data:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -95,7 +101,7 @@ def make_jitter(profile, upper_x_bound, output):
group.sort(key=lambda b: RUN_MODES.index(b.get('runMethod', '')))

# the order of the groups is the average cycles of the baseline
grouped_by_benchmark.sort(key=lambda group: sum(group_baseline_cycles(group)) / len(group))
grouped_by_benchmark.sort(key=lambda group: sum(group_cycles(group, BASELINE_TREATMENT)) / len(group))

filtered = [benchmark for group in grouped_by_benchmark for benchmark in group]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,28 +185,26 @@ def normalized(profile, benchmark, treatment):
return mean(treatment_cycles) / mean(baseline)

# make a bar chart given a profile.json
def make_bar_chart(profile, output_file):
def make_bar_chart(profile, output_file, treatments):
# for each benchmark
grouped_by_benchmark = group_by_benchmark(profile)
sorted_by_llvm_O3_O0 = sorted(grouped_by_benchmark, key=lambda x: normalized(profile, x[0].get('benchmark'), 'llvm-O3-O0'))
benchmarks = [group[0].get('benchmark') for group in sorted_by_llvm_O3_O0]
sorted_by_eggcc = sorted(grouped_by_benchmark, key=lambda x: normalized(profile, x[0].get('benchmark'), treatments[0]))
benchmarks = [group[0].get('benchmark') for group in sorted_by_eggcc]

# add a bar for each runmode, benchmark pair
label_x = np.arange(len(benchmarks))
bar_w = 0.25
bar_w = 0.3
space_per_benchmark = bar_w * (len(treatments) + 1)
current_pos = 0

y_vals = []
x_vals = []
x_colors = []

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.set_size_inches(15, 6)
fig.set_size_inches(14, 6)

for benchmark in benchmarks:
baseline_cycles = get_baseline_cycles(profile, benchmark)
for runmode in BAR_CHART_RUN_MODES:
for runmode in treatments:
y_vals.append(normalized(profile, benchmark, runmode))
Expand All @@ -209,26 +213,31 @@ def make_bar_chart(profile, output_file):

ax.set_ylabel('Normalized Cycles')
ax.set_title('Normalized Cycles by Benchmark and Run Mode')
# add a bar for each runmode, benchmark pair
label_x = np.arange(len(benchmarks)) * bar_w * (len(treatments) + 1)
ax.set_xticks(label_x + bar_w, benchmarks, rotation=45, ha='right')

# add the bars
for idx, val in enumerate(y_vals):[idx], val, bar_w, color=x_colors[idx])

# add the legend
handles = [plt.Rectangle((0,0),1,1, color=COLOR_MAP[rm]) for rm in BAR_CHART_RUN_MODES]
ax.legend(handles, BAR_CHART_RUN_MODES, title='Run Mode', loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.25, 1.05))
handles = [plt.Rectangle((0,0),1,1, color=COLOR_MAP[rm]) for rm in treatments]
ax.legend(handles, treatments, title='Run Mode', loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(0.2, 1.05))

y_max = 2
# make a max of 1.5 slowdown
ax.set_ylim(0, 1.5)
ax.set_ylim(0, y_max)

ax.set_xlim(-bar_w, current_pos)

# add a dotted line at 1.0
ax.axhline(y=1.0, color='gray', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5)

# for outliers, add x marks to the top
for idx, val in enumerate(y_vals):
if val > 1.5:
ax.text(x_vals[idx], 1.5, 'x', color='red', ha='center', va='center')
if val > y_max:
ax.text(x_vals[idx], y_max, 'x', color='red', ha='center', va='center')

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -379,16 +388,17 @@ def make_code_size_vs_compile_and_extraction_time(profile, compile_time_output,
suite = os.path.basename(suite_path)
suite_benchmarks = benchmarks_in_folder(suite_path)
profile_for_suite = [b for b in profile if b.get('benchmark') in suite_benchmarks]
make_bar_chart(profile_for_suite, f'{graphs_folder}/{suite}_bar_chart.png')
make_bar_chart(profile_for_suite, f'{graphs_folder}/{suite}_bar_chart.png', ["llvm-eggcc-O0-O0", "llvm-O0-O0"])

make_macros(profile, benchmark_suites, f'{output_folder}/nightlymacros.tex')


# make json list of graph names and put in in output
graph_names = []
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